
Informe del representante del PCM Vivó al Secretariado del PC de EEUU 1930 03 15 all other auxiliary organizations in the Latin America countries are working very badly.
This is primarily due o the fact there is not a single leader in Latin America able to put into effect the line of the Comintern. Most of the resolutions passed by the Comintern on the Latin American question are based upon misinformation given by the right wing leaders. The La tin Bureau of the Comintern is investigating these questions. Until then the work in Latin America will be handicapped. The comrades in Mexico think that the American Party should criticize more the work of the Mexican and Latin American Parties.
The only organizations functioning well in these countries is the ILD because MOPR in giving direct supervision for that work. The Profintern has also not done much in the Latin American countries. They have sent one or two representatives, but have given no concrete aid in building up the unions there.
The Mexican Party is proposing this to the American Party. This is not a decision but merely an opinion. The Mexican Party wants the American Party to consider well the possibility of transferring all of the Caribbean offices to New York. The Party believes that since in Mexico at present there is such terrible pressure from the government, all this work will be neglected because it is impossible to conduct the work in Mexico for these Caribbean countries. Therefore, the American Party should think this question over and communicate with Berlin and urge the transference of these offices to New York.
Original escrito a máquina, en inglés.
495 108 130, 22 24.