
Informe del representante del PCM Vivó al Secretariado del PC de EEUU 1930 03 15 were tools of imperialism and that he would make such a statement to the world as soon as he is given assurance that he will be able to leave the country so that the Mexican government cannot deport him without money or the possibility of his continuing his work.
The Mexican Central Committee discussed this point with Sandino, and he declared himself to be an anti imperialist and close to the Party. But he has never made any statement about the present persecutions in Mexico and has avoided making such Statement. The Party believes it must immediately have Sandino make a statement against the national government for propaganda in Mexico, but that we must first assure him passage to Berlin. Sandino has returned to Yucatan. That was the decision of the Par ty in Mexico on Sandino. They sent that decision to him in Yucatan, but, as was forced to leave before the answer came, do not know whether Sandino will accept this. But the Mexican Party thinks he will and they will deal with him on that basis. Sandino brought with him to Yucatan 30 of his best fighters his general staff. These men are now in Yucatan and are armed. They have secures arms from the agrarians in Yucatan, and they all want to return to Nicaragua to continue the fight there. want to explain that the Party did not take entirely seriously the declaration of Sandino that he is a Communist. But the Party thinks that the Party needs the use of him in anti imperialist work, and believes he is a sincere in wanting to do this work.
On this question of Sandino, the Mexican Party wants to ask: After considering this story of Sandino s, that they send a letter to Berlin urging them to speed up action on Sandino as soon as possible. Sandino has with him four comrades. One is his immediate confidential secretary, a member of the Party of Ecuador; and the other two are very close. These comrades, in the event of Sandino making a statement against the Mexican government, will be persecuted and probably deported.
The Mexican Party asks the America Party aid in saving these comrades in the event that they are arrested or persecuted.
The second point is the situation in the Red Unions. The police closed the offices and robbed them of everything; money, documents, etc. and all of the leaders were put in prison. There are none at liberty to direct the work therefore the locals are not working well.
The Mexican Party asks that the American Party consider this a very serious point, and send them as much aid as possible. Most of the leaders now are new ones, inexperienced, and the movement is in very serious shape. want to report that the condition of the Parties and the trade unions, and