Anti-imperialist LeagueBourgeoisieImperialismSandino

Informe del representante del PCM Vivó al Secretariado del PC de EEUU 1930 03 15 by the International, and consist of the various sections of the Cominter Anti Imperialist League, Red Unions, Red Aid, etc. make this explanation because it is a question of jurisdiction. We are a body superior to the ILD or TUUL here in the USA. will now explain the position of the Mexican Party on the question of Sandino. Sandino left Nicaragua and went to Vera Cruz. He will not talk about his stay in Yucatan, but arrived in Mexico after that long stay, in the last day of January and when he got there he immediately communicated with the Mexican Party and asked for a meeting.
The first complaint that Sandino made was because he was asked why he did not communicated with the Party before. He said he had no conta ct with the Party because the only contact he had was thru etc. and those comrades said nothing about their affiliation with the Party nor the Party attitude toward Sandino and the anti imperialist movement.
Sandino explained the history of his life and mentioned the fact that he is a worker that he is neither an intellectual nor a politician, and therefore has nothing to gain than his anti imperialist work. He now realizes that to Mexican Party is the only Party that has given Nicaragua any ai and the only Party that will give aid, and he wants to align himself directly with the Party to fight American imperialism.
On the scandal about money, he said he had not taken a cent and this rumor was spread because he would not identify himself with hese schemes.
Sandino further said that in order to prove that this is only scandal, he wants to return to Nicaragua and continue his fight against American Imperialism.
He said that the money to come to Mexico was given by one anti imperialist petty bourgeois. He now feels that to Mexican Party, if they want him to go back to Nicaragua to continue his fight, should help him get the finances to get back there. think that at that meeting with Sandino, the Party Central Committee was quite convinced of Sand ino sincerity. Then came the question, discussed in the Party if we utilize Sandino, would it not be better to give him to the world anti imperialist movement, and Berlin to use him, because Nicaragua at this moment does not seem important. Sandino ask ed, in case he is sent to Berlin, that he be allowed to go to Russia first, so that he could explain the situation there.
He was asked what position he held toward the present Mexican government, and he said that he was against their policy, and he know th ey Se refiere a Gustavo Machado o a Agustín Farabundo Martí.