
Informe del representante del PCM Vivó al Secretariado del PC de EEUU 1930 03 15 INFORME DEL REPRESENTANTE DEL PCM VIVÓ 1470AL SECRETARIADO DEL PCEU March 15, 1930. have several request to make of the American Party in the name of the Mexican CP. On the question of Sandino. Requesting aid in buildin up the Red Trade Unions recently terribly injured during the raids. Mexican Party request American Party approve proposal of MCP to transfer all offices from the Caribbean area to New York as the Central Caribbean headquarters. personally was directing the work of the Caribbean area of the Red Aid in Mexico. Berlin authorized me to come here to direct this work. will be under the full direction of the International, and the Party and should cooperate in directing the work of the Caribbean area of the Red Aid.
Berlin did not officially authorize the moving, but the comrades assumed this responsibility temporarily until they get the official mandate from Berlin, on the grounds that it is impossible to continue the work of the Red Aid in Mexico. One of our comrades is now on his way to Moscow to present this request, and believe we should function here until an answer is received from Moscow. will explain for the benefit of those not acquainted with the question that South America and Central America has been divided into two sectors 1470Véase la nota 434.
Véase la nota 175.