
Informe del Buró Panamericano al Buró Pequeño de la Komintern 1922 01 02 cluding Germany and England.
2) In spite of repeated requests from Comrade Katayama and myself for articles on American developments for publication in Mexico and South America, not one has been sent. refused 3) requested various communist parties to send greetings to the organizing congress of the Mexican party: answers were received from the French German and Italian parties, but not from the American party, although wrote twice and my letters know were received.
It is necessary that the Executive inform the American party that they must establish intimate relations with the Mexican party.
Note: must state that three articles en Mexican affairs sent to the Voice of Labour were all published: only the has refused to publish my articles. In fact the has not published one of the eight articles sent them.
At the risk of appearing too personal, must state one thing more: learned that irresponsible comrades in the American party were circulating most vicious rumors about me: 1) that had refused to come to Moscow from Berlin then you ordered me, 2) that had squandered immense sums of money you had entrusted to me, and 3) that you intended to re open the Nuorteva spy charge against me 1326. My friends considered these rumors important enough to demand an answer from me. wrote a letter to the e. demanding action, but received no answer and no action as taken. ask that you act in the matter.
In accordance with instructions left by Katayama am proceeding to South America. am first going to Argentina, to act with the party there in relation to the rest of South America.
Fraternally yours January 2, 1922 Louis Fraina Original escrito a máquina, en inglés 495 108 22, 4.
1326El comunista estadounidense de origen fi nlandés Santeri Nuorteva acusó a Fraina de ser un provocador policiaco. El asunto fue investigado por la Komintern y finalmente Fraina fue absuelto.
Este viaje no fue realizado.