
Informe del Buró Panamericano al Buró Pequeño de la Komintern 1922 01 02 The Congress clearly recognized, that the party has a dual task, that of constructive action and theoretical education. The fulfillment of this double task is not easy, since the Mexican workers are familiar neither with contructive action nor theoretical education. The congress itself acted upon this basis, and it studied very throughly all theoretical and practical problems.
But the real difficulty is to do that in every day activity. It is a collosal problem for the new party, and it will only gradually accomplish the work. The Mexican workers have had very little labor union experience and virtually no Socialist education. This compels the new Party to concern itself almost exclusively with the most elementary phases of our moveme nt. word as to the character of the delegates and the new party. With one exception, all the delegates were workers or peasants. The Mexican intellectuals are just like the Mexican bourgeoisie without a radical or social consciousness, and it will be a long time before the intellectuals are influenced by Communism. However, the school teachers are an exception, since they are miserably oppressed and should supply good material to our movement.
Plans for intensive work among them have been in process or preparation.
It is interesting to note that two of the peasant delegates are mayors of two small villages, elected as independent revolutionary candidates by the peasants.
Although the party claims 1000 members, should place the actual solid permanent membership at about 700. And of these only a small minority are really familiar with the theory and practice of Communism. Recognizing this, the party will place much emphasis on schools, that is study classes.
The three best and most reliable comrades are amirez, Valades and Stirner (the latter was Mexican delegate to the Youth International Congress in 1921. Ramirez is the most solid; Valades is still young and excitable, but is learning fast, while Stirner has the best under standing of theory, but lacks qualities of leadership. Ramirez is the best qualified for leader, sober, and having the confidence of the workers, a good speaker and organizer. There is another comrade, Salvador Rodriguez 1325, the secretary of one of the two national railway workers orga nization (radical. but up until now, while a member of the party, it has been impossible to get Rodriquez to take an active part in our work. The prospects are that he now will, in view of the labor union unification campaign. Rodriquez would be of immeas urable value.
The party, accordingly, is weak in membership and leaders, has a tremendous task before it, and not too much should be expected from it at the start.
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