
Informe del representante del Buró del Caribe en el PC de Cuba Johnhy sobre la situación en la dirección del PCC 1933 09 14 results almost come to naught. For example, our work among the railroad workers carried on since the general strike has been so anarchic that at the general elections of the Habana railroad workers union this week, we lost out seate only by a vote of six.
The Party leadership is no under fire by the renegate group of Junco 122 Villareal 122. The main contention of these despicable individuals is that the Party called off the general strike and a member of our Commission that went to present the demands of the general strike committee to Machado, shook hands with the assassin Herrera. Unfortunately this is true. But worse of it all is the fact that Reub. and the majority of the CC still maintain that the policy of calling upon the workers to go back that the workers did not listen and obstinately continued with he general strike until the fall of Machado and continued their struggles for their economic demands under Cespedes and great sections still are on strike.
Also, there is serious underestimation of the Junco forces. Our Party leaders maintain that the Federation Obrera de la Habana exists on paper but in actual fact, it is leading some strikes, among which the very important strike of the imperialist concern the Woolworth 10c Stores and such strikes.
Junco, his FOH and his student body came out in support of the Grau government which is the anti interventionist government. Our failure to differentiate ourselves from the government and the Directorio Estudiantil, has also weakened the struggle against Junco and Co.
At the next CC meeting, we will definitely settle the still pending question of the Party line during the general strik1230n my opinion, the majority will cling to the opportunist line of Reub. The resolution is now being elaborated by the special commission will come up for discussion. The final settlement of the question, will undoubtedly rest before the Latin American Secretariat. Eduardo, Juan and myself are working toward the winning over of the vascilating elements, having constantly in our mind the burning question of carrying through the CI message.
Comradely Johny Original escrito a máquina, en inglés.
495 105 68, 10.
1228Véase la nota 109.
1229Véase la nota 424 1230Rubén Martínez Villena.
1231Witold Antonovich Lovsky. Véase la nota 385.