CommunismStrikeUnited FrontWorking Class

Informe del representante del Buró del Caribe en el PC de Cuba Johnhy sobre la situación en la dirección del PCC 1933 09 14 League with the specific gravity around which the CNOC is to assume. All arrangements were made to establish the political and organizational leadership of the Party. Conference was called which as proceeded by a big demonstration already held last Sunday. The Committee in charge which included the new Party Secretary, has failed so far to direct its attack against the new government. Moreover, the united front arrangement committee included rep1226ntatives from the Directorio Estudiantil which is the group on Mella.
At today PB meeting raised very sharply the question of our independent line. This serious error was made by those comrades who maintain that the CI message coincides with the ir previous decisions. All communications sent to the press by our committees at work, only show the resistance to our independent line. No attack is made against the Grau government which is playing demagogically with Yankee intervention and is attempting to secure wide popular support, especially now in the face of a threatening armed attack against it by the deposed ABC, and the Menocal faction. Failure in our part to have a clear line on the matter and to pass on this line to the Party Districts, is resulting in government and Directorio Estudiantil interference in the strike struggles in the interior, diverting these into a movement of support to the new government. This is what is happening in Cienfuegos and Santiago de Cuba.
Furthermore, there is a se rious disregard to organizational questions which are the only transmitting belts of the Party line and the execution of the decisions regarding it. The Habana Party District is in a complete state of disorganization. In spite of my insistence, the decisio ns as to the immediate task to gather our forces, see to it that the units and the District Committee function, still remain on paper. True, the lack of Party forces is alarming.
The leading comrades are daily engaged in the struggles of wide sections of the proletariat hitherto untouched by us, such as the tobacco workers and the railroad workers. But without the mobilization of the Party forces from below, most of these activities are not capitalized by us and the organizational 1225Directorio Estudiantil Universitario fue fundado en 1927 con el objeto de comba tir la prórroga de poderes de Machado; en 1930 se convierte en una organización insurreccional. Parte del DEU luego se separa y forma un grupo más radical, el Ala Izquierda Estudiantil. El DEU no aceptó la mediación de Sumner Welles durante la revolución de 1933 y jugó un papel fundamental en el golpe militar del de septiembre de 1933 que derrocó al gobierno de Carlos Manuel de Céspedes.
1226Véase la nota 161.
1227Internacional Comunista