ImperialismLeninismMarxismMarxism-leninismProfinternStrikeUnited Front

Informe del representante del Buró del Caribe en el PC de Cuba Johnhy sobre la situación en la dirección del PCC 1933 09 14 the Secretariat, PB and CC are awfully tiresome. Interminable long speeches, frictions which end usually with little practical results. can surmise these meetings with the following: the leadership stews its own juice. If we look at the social composition of this leadership we find the cause of these interminable discussions. Predominantly intellectuals of low calibre politically who fall into the ecstasy of long speeches. The very few proletarian elements have been diseased by it; these have been ong in the leadership with very little contact with the masses. There is a stubborn resistance to the development of cadres from below. can safely state that with very few exceptions, this leadership does not read. Some have even expressed an abhorrence to the study of Marxism leninism. As to the international documents so valuable for the application of the rich experiences of the CI and Profintern, they are safely recorded in the files. vivid example: the Buro letters of August 10th and 14th have no yet been studied by the CC. swift reading of these was forced upon, before my arrival, by Eduardo. the worse of it is that when the line of the Party during the general strike was under fire by us at the meeting of August 29th and 30th, no one attempt ed to refer himself to the above mentioned letters.
The self satisfaction is expressed quite sharply by Reuben 1224and the majority of the CC when they state that the CI message which outlined the tasks of the Party after the fall of Machado coincided with th e decisions made by them previous to receiving of said message. This, consider with the whole CC line. The correctness of the message is proven again and again in the daily work of the Party which departs from this message. shall now refer myself to one instance.
Since the coup état which deposed the de Cespedes government and gave way to the Revolutionary Junta and the metamorphosis of the latter into a constituted government to please the dictates of the Washington government, the CC quite corre ctly adopted the line of differentiating itself and the labouring masses from the new government; this was expressed in the Manifesto issued on the question. But in practice, this line has been beclouded in the united front actions. There is a tremendous ressure from the outside elements under the influence of the Grau government upon our Party and our student organizations. The anti intervention campaign initiated by the Party immediately upon the sending of warships by the White House took the form of the broadest united front called by the Anti Imperialist 1224No identificado Rubén Martínez Villena. Véase la nota 1153.