CominternStrikeWorking Class

Nota del diario del emisario de la Komintern 1933 08 12 NOTA DEL DIARIO DEL EMISARIO DE LA OMINTERN Havana, Cuba, August 12, PM.
The Government of Machado fell at last. For days rumours have been circulating that he was resigning. However with the whole country paralyz ed by the strike, with the working class in tremendous struggle for its demands he could not hold out and resigned last night. Her rera, chief of staff, Machado chief assassin was selected provisional president. He resigned under pressure of army officers and the tremendous rising anger of the masses against such a fraud; Cespedes was selected as president at 12 noon today.
The city is wild. Tens of thousands of workers and city poor in general have me into the streets under the banners of the ABC. They la unched themselves against the president palace and the homes of the government leaders. But the masses were alone in this, the leaders of the ABC called off a scheduled demonstration so as not to mix with the popular trash.
The palace was sacked, the treets are filled with workers and especially youth who have each taken a plant from the palace garden, or some furniture, etc. But the army impeded a complete sack. The Heraldo de Cuba, the government paper was attacked, building sacked and razed and burn NOT ONE ARTICLE was left intact. Homes of the mayor and other government people were sacked, large stores were attacked.
Workers are crowding the streets looking for the assassins of the Porra the secret service. At PM an automobile filled with a yel ling crowd of