LeninWorkers Movement

Parte del informe sobre la situación del PCC y del movimiento obrero de Cuba hecho por el representante del PC de EEUU George 1930 08 16 ing letters to Cuba with envelopes bearing the organizations official return. thus attracting police action to Cuban comrades. 14. That the CPUSA support the demand of the Cuban CP to estab lish a CI sub committee for the Caribbean and Central America, in view of the impossibility of the Buenos Aires Secretariat giving adequate direction.
Fraternally submitted Harrison George New York City, May 3, 1930. was informed that, unknown to the Cuban CP, for a time, the Cuban police had printed a letterhead as the of Cuba and had. entered into correspondence with the Buenos Aires Secretariat. The real CP has never had a printed letterhead, but has used a seal. The police received replies from the BA office which ignored the real CP and answered the false one sending this police party funds to send two students to the Moscow Lenin1186 School. Also when a genuine Cuban delegate got to Montevideo. he found he was the second Cuban delegate. a man alr eady there being seated as from the Sugar Workers Union 1187: which the real delegate never had heard of, nor did he know this delegate. The protest at this sugar workers delegate was rejected, however, and the police spy allowed to sit through the Montevideo congress.
On returning, the real delegate was arrested and ordered deported, this order later being withdrawn. a phenomenal thing in Cuba. apparently to avoid suspicion being placed on this Sugar Workers delegate who has never been heard from since. The Cuban CP is still unaware of what happened to two students sent by this police trickery to the Lenin School against whom protest was made when Com. Howa first learned at Moscow in 1929, that they were coming.
Original escrito a máquina, e español 495 105 34, 31 39.
1187José Rego López. Véase la nota 1166.
Tal Carbonell