CommunismLeninProfinternWorkers Movement

Parte del informe sobre la situación del PCC y del movimiento obrero de Cuba hecho por el representante del PC de EEUU George 1930 08 16 To place before the ECCI the request of the CP of Cuba for a Party Congress at once, with a representative to be present from the CI, and the necessary technical assistance. To order the return to Cuba of these Cuban members of the CPUSA capable of aiding the CPC. The CPUSA to try to raise 100 per month to aid the CP of Cuba, so that it may have at least one party worker giving full time to the work. Technical aid to the Cuban delegation to the Profintern Congress, so they may not only get to Moscow but will not be barred from Cuba on returning; to pre ss for speedy receipt in Cuba of necessary information, etc. for the delegation, since the Comrade (M. sent by the Profintern gave them no more tha1184e routine instructions during his fortnight in Cuba. The Delegation to the RILU Congress to solidarize with the Cuban and other Latin American delegations in building genuine connections, also in demanding that the International give more attention and direct guidance to the Cuban and other Caribbean countries. The CPUSA to send the press held by a certain Cuban comrade in New York, for use in Cuba. The CPUSA to place before the CI certain Org. matters pertaining to the CP of Cuba. That the CP of the USA undertake the organization of a Communist School in the USA for Latin American comrades of the Caribbean and Central American area, where they may go for three months or so to obtain a brief training on fundamental theory and practice, avoiding the need of robbing the Latin parties for years of comrades necessary for current work by se nding them to the Lenin School while giving them the minimum theoretical equipmently this short training. delegate of the CP of Cuba to attend the Party Congress of the CPUSA and to spend some time on returning trip at Tampa, Florida, organizing the Cuban tobacco workers in Tampa. 10. The Young Communist League of the USA to become aware of the existence of the YCL of Cuba and render such assistance as may be possible. 11. The CPUSA to aid in getting needed literature past the Cuban censors; that the CPUSA give solidarity aid in the form of demonstrations, etc. when occasion demands. That consideration be given to having each district of the CPUSA officially sponsor aid to the CP of some Latin American country, interesting groups of workers in specia study of the particular Latin country and its movement and giving fraternal aid through the CC of the CPUSA. 12. That the CPUSA state its opinion on the Draft Thesis on Latin Ame1185. especially on the matter of Cuba. 15. That the comrade in the ILD and WJR be advised to end the custom of send1185Trade Union Unity League.
International Labour Defense, nombre estadounidense del Socorro Rojo Internacional.