CommunismSovietStrikeUnited FrontWorkers Movement

Parte del informe sobre la situación del PCC y del movimiento obrero de Cuba hecho por el representante del PC de EEUU George 1930 08 16 was going on in Havana, a comrade was going to the interior to organize a local in the copper mines. Our comrades in the unions were getting tremendous ovations when they set the climax of their speeches for the red flag of the Soviet against the fascist flag of Cuba. et The Youth League was already organizing Fighting Groups in the factories, and it was agreed that the training of the masses for mass fighting was an immediate task in which the Party must at once take the lead. The Youth had done some agitational work in the Army, with favorable response but no organizational results. It was agreed this must be pressed. only technical resources are lacking. Likewise, the Party must be established among the peasantry and this was being worked on at once through connections in the east where the Block Agricola of some 1, 200 in Oriente Province was just seized by fascist elements after forcing our Comrade Hugo to flee. Hugo has great influence in this region and is as well developed a Communist as any in the Party. He had saved in that province, the fragment of the old Peasants Brotherhood, which had been destroyed throughout the country. The peasants in that region are militant and armed but without CP leadership are misled.
In trade union work a whole series of suggestions were made, not only on reorganizing the Confederation on a shop basis in industrial unions, but as to functioning despite illegality and fighting for legality, the need of rank and file strike committees and the whole matter of the United Front, with suggestions for a changed policy in the RR Brotherhood, whose Left Wing was grievously following a Right Line in every respect, to take in the future a line of independent leadership and prepare to form a revolut ionary union.
Also, stressed the under estimation of reformism visible everywhere in the trade union work and advised a persistent review of all work in a struggle against Right tendencies on all fields of Party work. left with the CC a general estimate of the situation and Party per spectives and tasks, and it was agreed that within a fortnight or so the CC would draft a Resolution giving its own estimation and program of immed iate tasks. The comrades of the CC were very glad that the CP of USA had sent its representative, and heartily welcomed all advice and criticism, remarking that This is the first time anyone has come to us to argue with us with our resolutions marked up and disputed point by point. Always hitherto, those who came were nothing but tourists who gave us no help. was urged to stay some weeks longer, but could not. Pending their official Resolution, the CC of the CPC urges the CP of the USA to assist them as follows: