CommunismImperialismSyndicalismWorkers Movement

Parte del informe sobre la situación del PCC y del movimiento obrero de Cuba hecho por el representante del PC de EEUU George 1930 08 16 With the discussion on this whole point, believe that the CPC has now the correct policy and it is only a matter of carrying it out. The meeting of the Nationalists, the first anti Machado meeting permitted in five years, and a political sensation, took place on April 19, with the ambassador watching from a hotel balcony. The Communists tried to take over the meeting but the crowd around the tribune was too dense to allow it, but heckling the speakers with cries against Yankee imperialism very much annoyed the Nationalist speakers, while Communists distributed illegal CP manifestoes to the crowd, attacking the Nationalists, as agents of Yankee imperialism. This move on the part of the Nationalists to hold the April 19 meetings, was an attempt to capture leadership of the ma sses whose discontent was shown on March 20, and our Cuban Party is fighting to keep the leadership of the masses from falling into hands of the Nationalists. There is now no more notion that the Nationalists are unimportant. and hence a fight is not required.
As to syndicalist tendencies, it was conceded after discussion that this fault exists, though the conscious effort to bring the Party to the front is crippled by the lack of a Party organ, while our comrades in the unions are limited by the illegal status of the Party from speaking in its name. It was admitted that so far as the slogans that reached the masses were con cerned thru the unions, they did not go beyond the Nationalist logans. Also, that there had been a tendency to restrict the struggle to economic aims, citing Com. Villena as often referring publicly to the stomach struggle.
The Party is to come forward as the leader, though in the unions the fraction will have to speak as the Left rather than in name of the Party.
As to sectarianism and pessimism, leading to a Khovstist position, this our comrades denied. The Party had remained small from technical difficulties and a desire to guard against spies, etc. After the fight of Dec. 14 they had fully grasped the radicalization of the mass es, and if they had called only a ten minute stoppage on Jan. 10, it was because they were testing the degree of radicalization in order to advance with it. Perhaps, it was admitted there had been over сaution in this, advancing with the masses instea of leading. There was no explanation why, if the Party had a hopeful and not a pessimist outlook, the Party manifestoes breathed terror from beginning. to end, except that insufficient attention had been given them. Anyhow, it was agreed that the perspective was now excellent, that the Party must engage in a recruiting campaign and continually press against the barrier of illegality taking advantage of every weakness of the government to come into the open. This was already being put into effect before left. Splendid recruiting