GermanyStrikeUnited FrontWorkers Movement

Parte del informe sobre la situación del PCC y del movimiento obrero de Cuba hecho por el representante del PC de EEUU George 1930 08 16 been little1182sideration given the pe rspective of such action, as while Comrade Hova declared that it was meant to be only a strike of more than 24 hours and Com. Villena in the USA (interviewed on my return) stated that it was meant as a defiance of Machado boast that he would not toler ate strikes of more than 48 hours, yet other comrades on the CC were foreseeing a strike until the government withdrew its decree of dissolution of the unions. The comrades accepted the point of view, after discussion, that the strike could not be permanent. and said that already they had learned the error of making the united front from the top, though there was some confusion on this, the idea being advanced that the united front here and in Germany can be made on different lines, since here we have the unions. They had already encountered trouble in forming the joint Committee. which was to include all unions whether in the Confederation or not. The streetcar Union leaders refused to elect a delegate to this Joint Committee, composed of delegates from the executives of various unions, and the Party fraction of members when instructed to rally the members to force the leaders to participate, had refused and the Party was trying by Joint Committee manifestoes calling the Streetcarmen to over ride their leaders and elect delegates from the different streetcar barns, to bring them out on April 18, the general strike to begin the next day in solidarity with them, since the Streetcarmen were being attacked with a wage cut of 10 and the 18th was their first payday at the reduced scale. However, when the Joint Committee discussed this attack on the leaders of the Streetcar Union, the leaders of the Tobacco Workers, inside the Joint Committee already, objected and finally withdrew issuing a manifesto attacking the Joint Committee as ruled by a clique with ready workers when unity was so desirable.
It was clear that without the streetcar and tobacco workers participa tion the strike would be a failure, since without these, other workers would not strike. Hence, the strike had been broken before it was begun, not altogether a misfortune under the conditions, and it was decided that the Joint Committee should summon the workers to witness the treachery of the reformist leaders and propose certain organizational steps. Since had pointed out to them that the practical dissolution of the National Confederation and the Havana Federation as entities, not only by the government but by our comrades action in superceeding them by the Joint Committee was vi rtual acceptance of the government decree, it was agreed that the Joint Committee exposing the reformists, should also dissolve, calling upon the workers to Hova o Khova fue seudónimo de Fabio Grobar Véase la nota 1152.