AnarchismCommunismConfederación Nacional del TrabajoSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorkers Party

Parte del informe sobre la situación del PCC y del movimiento obrero de Cuba hecho por el representante del PC de EEUU George 1930 08 16 ness. Feeling the cruel force of the terror and feeling a well isolated from the world movement, the CPC has tended to be sectarian and tinged with a fatalist outlook. Without resources to establish an official Party paper and limited to mimeographed manifestoes, its effort to appear as the leader of the class struggle was restricted not only by its syndicalist outlook in putting the unions forward as the leading force, but by this and all consequent technical limitations. Without a Party Program and living from hand to mouth politically, the CPC, in spite of its earnest work and heroic spirit, could not help from falling into all manner of errors. There are no paid party workers whatever, and as the terror has taken leader after leader, new comrades have been simply coopted into the Central Committee (of seven. of which all are workers except one student and one employee (a teacher, a woman. There is no socialist party and the revolutionary remnants of anarchism of the pre war movement are inherited by the Communists and the red trade unions. At the time of the formation of the fascist trade union Cuban Federation however, last December, Fabregat 1178and Arevalo 1179also announced the formation of a Labor Party, but not of class struggle. So far, however, this has remained invisible and unheard from. This fascis Cuban Federation of Labor has a paper Acció Socialista.
In this circumstance, the Unemployment Day set by the 1180 for March 20, was taken up by the National Confederation and the Havana Federation and they issued call for strike demons tration on that day. But a short time before March 20, the Machado government, acting through the provincial governor and the courts, suspended actually dissolved, the National Confederation of Labor and the Havana Federation, alleging that their affiliation to the Montevideo was illegal, since the was agency of Moscow and affiliation to it compromises the independence of the State. and five trade union leaders were imprisoned. The March 20 movement assumed a political character of protest at this action, the National Confederation (not the Party) appearing as the leader of the movement in all stages, issuing manifestoes calling for the struggle for both the fight against rationalization, unemployment, wage cuts and so on as well as in protest at legal dissolution, the Party remaining invisible to the workers although the capitalist press gave it credit for the movement. The strike brought out, according to capitalist press estimates, 200, 000 workers, para1178Luis Fabregat 1179Juan Arévalo Confederación Sindical Latinoamericana