
Resolución del CC del PCM sobre el caso de Sandino [1930-06-04]

winning him at a quick pace. Marti made proposals that he sho uld be named representative of the CC to the Army and to his Chief in order to be in condition of controlling and maintaining in a correct position, or at least close to it. The nomination was made on March 22nd and on March 29, Sandino wrote again to the CC informing in that he was willing to accept Marti representation if that he was to be a representative to the General Staff of the Army Defending the National Sovereignty of Nicaragua and not to the Army itself. As for Marti report, Constantino Gonzalez already a member of the General Staff of Sandino noted that his representation of Marti to the Army was dangerous because in case of disagreement between the chief of the Army and the representative of the Party he would be able to make good his credentials to the Army, opposing in the name of the Party, the decisions of the General in Chief. This clearly demonstrated to us the progress of the influence of Gonzalez, Zepeda and other petty bourgeoisie intellectuals. In this letter of the 29th of March Sandino said that: Without departure for Las Segovias the plan formulated with you change, but this will be only until we receive the resolution from Berlin and we will let you know the form in which we consider convenient the developments of the Contin ental and international anti Imperialist activities on the basis of the co operation provided. And he further said: We are preparing the declarations you will receive in due time.
10. The letter of March 29th was the last from Sandino to the CC. On April 16, Esteban Pavletich, wrote to us a card telling us that General Sandino wishes to inform the CC of the reasons which motived the destitution and discharge from the Army of Comrade Agustin Marti, decided by him recently and adding that Marti while drunk expressed his opinions of Sandino of the Army and of Nicaragua, affirming that he was remaining on the side of Sandino as a spy of the CC to unmask Sandino betrayal of which we were already certain, etc. At the same time we received a letter from Marti, dated in Veracruz informing us that he had arrived from Merida and that on the way he had a serious right with Sandino due to a public attack that Sandino had made against the Party y Ladla. As for Marti information Sandino expressed that the so called anti imperialist organizations were composed of charlatans and shameless individuals, that in spite of everything the behaviors of Machado had not been cleared up (bringing back the question of the 1000) and that he, Sandino, had decided to act on hi own account without recognizing any authority from the Anti Imperialist organizations. Marti came to Mexico and ratified verbally this report. In relation to Sandino the CC learned thru Esteban Pavletich that he had come to