
Resolución del CC del PCM sobre el caso de Sandino [1930-06-04]

relates to Mexico as well as Nicaragua and the rest of the Continent, and it will be on the basis of this resolution that we will restrict the declaration that the CC, as well as ourselves, immediately disposing of the as stated in the resolution.
On March 12th, Sandino sent us a new letter which contained the following paragraphs: In the last meeting had with you told you that in the event of any hostilities against us, will undertake measures to protect myself until the arrival of the Berlin decision. We maintain the same position but in case that they begin hostilities against us within a given time, we will be forced to leave for Las Segovias. Our leaving will epend on a long delay in the solution as well as on the conditions which the imperialist agents in this republic will present us. wish to make clear to you the certainty that we will stand firmly against all hostilities during the time that we will consider sufficient for the decision of the Central Council of the League against Imperialism. We are preparing the declarations that we must make in the present situation of the international policies of Mexico. As you understand, we have the support of the documents that will lend an irrefutable value to said declarations. It always has been our tactic to keep a complete sequences which will allow ourselves at any moment to state things clearly and the moment has come when, even the some consider our procedure candidly, we will prove that we were proceeding as such only to be able to unmask with irrefutable proofs the attitude of those sold out to Yankee imperialism. On March 15, Sandino addressed again the CC insisting on the need to obtain as soon as poss ible the Berlin decision. In this letter a paragraph reads: You must take into consideration that we are aware of the hostilities of Article 33 (expulsion of pernicious foreigners note of the CC)
and we will know now to fulfill our duty. We explained o Sandino that the departure from Mexico of Comrade Contreras commissioned by ourselves to deal withe the question of the tour in Berlin) had suffered delay on account of the situation in which Contreras found himself police persecution, and the difficulties arising in the acquisition of a passport; and that therefore he should wait.
In all this time we did not receive any news from the American Party.
At the time, the CC began to receive letters from Marti informing us of new vacillations on the part o Sandino, of his falling back to his liberal nationalist confusionism and about his relations everyday more pronounced with the spiritualists who had given him all their literature and who were Vittorio Vidali. Véase la nota 1391.