
Informe sobre la preparación de la Conferencia de los Partidos latinoamericanos en New York 1939 08 05 This one achievement alone was sufficient to justify all the time and energy that was spent on this conference. Of course, the value of the conference goes much beyond this. Rea lly began at this conference to establish a broad, not tightly knit body of opinion on Pan American questions and the whole orientation towards the problems of the Americas and a more unified approach to the problems within each individual country which wi ll undoubtedly be of the most tremendous importance not only in the work of these countries but of the other countries of Latin America as we extend these conclusions and broaden out the Party of the other countries of Latin America, none of which have as yet gotten anything like the grasp of the inner problems of their countries than has the Parties of Cuba, Chile and Mexico.
Finally, it is planned to have a summary of the reports and policy of each country published for the Communist. Plan to have a speci al Latin American edition of the Communist in July which will have the basic articles on Cuba Mexico, Chile on the Montevideo Pan american democratic conference, together with its decisions all of which will give a complete picture of the problems that we dealt with and the conclusions that were arrived at.
One of the agreements arrived at was to take advantage of the Congress th of the CP of Chile on October 25 to which we will try to get fraternal delegates from all Parties of the Americas, to have a Pan American conference of the Parties of Americas.
Original escrito a máquina, en ingles 495 17 23, 38 43