Informe sobre la preparación de la Conferencia de los Partidos latinoamericanos en New York 1939 08 05 strongly fixed on, that the Party Plenum would endorse C, accepted the principle that they would continue the position of the Convention, but adding the proposal of a strong declaration by the Party Plenum against any attempts to divide the mass organizations on the issue by challenging the decisions of their leading bodies in the endorsement of and calling upon the members of the mass organizations as a matter of dis cipline to carry forward the campaign of the candidates chosen by the leading bodies of the various mass organizations.
The choices have been made for a long time. The CTM Council endorsed in February, immediately after the Mexican party Convention. The Confederation of Peasants endorsed in the Congress about the same time.
We did not argue about the details of how they conduct the campaign form now until the PMR congress in November in relation to the mass organizations. This last minute proposal of HL had partially met the main principal issues which we had raised. am not at all certain we will not have complications with the weakening of the strategic position of our Party on the question of carrying out this struggle for the unity of the mass organ izations on these issues, but it was clear that we had achieved all that was possible in influencing the course on this question in our three and a half days of discussion and it was much too late to continue these discussions any more. We, therefore, clos ed the question with that understanding that the CPM will not carry through a formal endorsement of C, which is a tremendous political gain, in my opinion, and that they themselves will work out the precise way in which they will carry through this next step of the campaign without any further direct suggestion from us.
It was very important in this discussion that the main brunt of the polemic with the Mexican comrades, during most of the discussion was carried through by comrades 480 and BR 481and 482 and they made magnificent contributions to this debate, citing examples from country after country, especially in Latin America which fully supported our position and this unanimity among all the other undoubtedly was largely instrumental in weakening the assurance of the Mexican comrades that they had the correct proposal on the question.
480Fernando de Lacerda, véase la nota 233.
481Otavio Brandão, véase la nota 226.
No identificado.