AnarchismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyStrikeSyndicalismWorkers Party

Informe de Henry Allen 1921 10 15 councilmen in the city of Buenos Aires, one of whom was removed by the Party for not using his position vigorously enough. The remaining councilman, Comrade Penelon 35, is a member of the CEC and an able selfsacrificing comrade who knows and utilizes to the full the poss ibilities of his position. The coming elections will ind the CP stronger than ever, with a daily paper in the field and they expect to be even more succes sful.
From the very beginning the Party had a strong foothold in the trade unions and by a well defined policy succeeded in strengthening themselves and winning favor in the eyes of the workers. believe the very fact that there was a strong anarchist and syndicalist movement in Argentine served to keep the Communist party from making the usual mistakes of young parties.
As already have mentioned, the CP of Argentine assumes the leadership in South America and it is locked up to everywhere. They were instrumental in organizing the CP of Uruguay. The CP of Uruguay has a daily paper Justicia. and a Communist Senator in their ranks. This comrade was a Socia list Senator who went ever to the Communist Party. An Argentine organizer is new a member of the Chilean Chamber of Deputies. He is a Communist and carries splendid propaganda. cannot understand the Chil ean movement, not having been there, but was tol that the revolutionary movement there follows the line of the Labor Party of Great Britain, that is, all the workers political parties are affiliated with trade unions. There is, believe, no separate Communist Party as yet. In Brazil, the Argentine co mrades have sent agent to organize the trade unions and build up a Communist Party. Likewise in the other South American countries. Only a lack of funds prevents them from prosecuting this work more energetically.
During my stay in Buenos Aires witnessed an industrial struggle which culminated in a general strike which failed very quickly. series of provocative incidents generated by the Liga Patriotica (the Fascisti of rgentine)
led the anarchist leaders into calling strike after strike which finall y culminated in a general strike. The Communists advised the general strike, as at that the economic and political conditions and the industrial crisis and unemployment were such as were bound to make it fail. Besides, there was too 34Juan Ferlini (1892 1940. uno de los fundadores del Partido Socia lista Internacional entonces concejal comunista por la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Se aleja del Partido en desacuerdo con las 21 condiciones de la Internacional Comunista.
35Véase la nota 17.
36Frugoni, ver nota 21. Frugoni casi inmediatamente abandonó el PCU para reconstituir el PSU.