CominternCommunismCommunist PartyProfinternSocialismSocialist Party

Informe de Henry Allen 1921 10 15 INFORME DE HENRY ALLEN The situation in South America Report of Henry Allen 25 South American Representative of the Pan American Agency of Comintern 26 Escrito a mano: New York, Oct. 15 1921. Pido prestar su atención a las recomendaciones. Scott.
st Arrived in Buenos Aires on May 1, 1921 after much trouble and delay.
Got in touch with Masevich organization but found that he had gone back to Russia a few days after he arrived. Found out through Secretary of union that a Communist Party existed and within a few days got in touch with its headquarters and get an interview with the Central Executive Committee. Presented my credentials and after a thorough grilling was otified that would receive an answer in about a week.
The CEC seemed to be suspicious about me and my credential which bore manes totally unfamiliar to them. Furthermore, Masevich has to ld nothing about the Pan American Bureau and its mandate from Provisional Council of the Red Trade Union International. Moreover, Masevich had brought no money with him, as had been led to expect, to carry on work for the RTUI propaganda. Masevi29 himse lf did not seem to be well thought of by the Argentine Party because of his activities in Argentine and the lies he Henry Allen fue el seudónimo del comunista estadounidense Maximilian Cohen enviado a Sudamérica por el Buró Panamericano en 1921.
25Buró Panamericano (Agencia Americana) de la Komintern fue fundado en otoño de 1920 y existió hasta inicios de 1922. Charles Scott fue seudónimo de Karl Janson, uno de los tres miembros del Buró Panamericano.
27Mijail Mashevich (1884 1951) fue a Moscú como representante de la Unión Obrera Socialista Rusa (luego rebautizado como el Grupo Comunista Ruso) en Argentina y asistió al II Congreso de la Komintern, aunque no fue reconocido como delegado oficial.
29Internacional Sindical Roja Profintern.
Se refiere al Partido Socialista Internacional de Argentina (en 1920 fue renombrado al Partido Comunista de Argentina.