Anti-imperialist LeagueBourgeoisieImperialismSandino

Carta del PCM al PC de los EE UU 1930 00 00 CARTA DEL PCM AL PC DE LOS EE. UU. escrito a mano: Campbell The Central Committee is in possession of sufficient data proving that Sandino has, in spite of his silence, pr actically broken his agreement with us and has entered into agreements with elements of Mexican Government with whom he promised to us he would break. These elements succeeded in winning him over by promising «help. machine guns, etc. with which he is to go back to Nicaragua and resume his fight, agreement that he has previously made with us on the basis of a statement which was to have been signed by him against the Mexican Government and that he now declines to do.
Through Dr. Zepeda, Sandino has initia ted his attack against us as you will see by the clippings we herein attach. Moreover, he organized an independent «Anti imperialist League» in Vera Cruz composed of petty bourgeois elements, spiritists, etc. It is our conviction that Portes Gil, the direc tor of these maneuvers has with great ability played the game. He availed himself of the opportunity presented by our weakness in not being able to maneuver rapidly with Sandino. He took advantage of Sandino vacillating position and the lack of our neces sary material to have Sandino out of the country.
The begs you to cable Berlin and Buenos Aires; to make statements to the press and formulate a declaration that we will send you as soon as possible. We will also publish all documents in our possessio that Sandino signed with us and through them we will be able to expose him.
Signed: Laborde Mexican Original escrito a máquina, en inglés 495 108 105, 40.
Hernán Laborde Véase la nota 434.