
Carta del PCM a la Komintern 1930 00 00 CARTA DEL PCM LA COMINTERN Dear comrades; Our situation with Sandino is very delicate. He is inviting now many intellectuals (enemies of our League) to go to Merida. We believe that he is planning something out of the control of our League and maybe the creation of another movement with sand inist character. Our correspondence with him, in this last time, was up1437 strong tone and at the end he invited a delegation of two of the Ladla to go to Merida in order to clarify the situation. The going of our delegation is of vital importance for all our movement and we believe we must do the impossible in order to send it. We have not the 150 dollars which are necessary to make such a long trip. We need your economic help. If you have not the money make a loan. But send it immediately. Otherwise we will still be in the same situation that we want until now take a stand before this man. And may be we are going to loose one of the best opportunity.
As soon you receive this letter, answer us telegrafically.
Fraternally We send a letter to the Carrillo 1436Véase la nota 1138.
1437Liga Antimperialista de las Américas.
1438Véase la nota 1138.