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Carta de Sen Katayama a la CEIC 1921 04 00 As to Roy, he is the man on the subject. The man you already knew yourself. But shall say here a few words about him. The following got from interviewing two Indian revolutionists whom happened to know for sometime. One is Mr. Das, and the other Mr. Roy.
Mr. Das said that he knew Roy as an Indian revolutionist, and that his party in Mexico was very uncertain. It was simply started to seek his own end, and when he left Mexico, the Party broke up entirely, because there was no one to help financially. But Mr. Das said do not know the exact reality.
What say is related by Miss Smedley. the secretary of the Indian Revolutionary organization whose central figure is Mr. Das. know Miss Smedley she is a revolutionist and a good Communist, a talented comrade and a worker for the Indian cause. She related to Mr. Das she got the information from Mr. Haberman of the Federated Press who worked with Roy in Mexico.
Mr. Roy told me that when Roy came to America two years ago he was an ultra nationalist. He was nothing but an extreme nationalist, which meant he was not a socialist or a communist. Besides he is a bold, good talker and would do any thing. He carried nine warra nts under nine different charges and names, each if caught would have meant death to him. He is now an internationalist, extreme and almost fanatical. But his aim is approved by Mr. Roy, because any one who is staking his own life is noble.
The party that Roy represents is still in existence just as Gale reports.
And Dr. Ramirez letter will make it still more clear.
As to the work here, you will find that in another report of ours.
Yours sincerely for the cause.
Sen Katayama Original escrito a áquina, en inglés 495 11 2, 3 1296Agnes Smedley (1892 1950. fue una periodista, escritora y feminista norteamericana. Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial agitó la independencia de la India.
1297Robert Haberman (1883 1962. Socialista estadounidense. Huyó a México para evitar la conscripción el ejército estadounidense y mantuvo contactos con el Partido Socialista de Yucatán y con su dirigente, Carrillo Puerto. Fue uno de los organizadores de las Ligas de Resistencia del Partido Socialista de Yucatán. Participó en las actividades del Partido Comunista Mexicano en 1920. Desde mayo de 1920 estuvo vinculado estrechamente con la CROM y su dirigente Morones. Informó a los comunistas sobre los contactos de José Allen con la inteligencia militar de los EE. UU. Sin embargo, el PCM lo consideró como una provocación dado la cercanía de Haberman a la CROM.