CominternCommunismCommunist PartyItalySovietWorking Class

Carta del petición de admisión del PC del Ecuador a la IC 1928 07 01 MOSCOW.
Dear Comrades The COMMUNIST party OF ECUADOR with solidarity sends its greetings to all members of the Assembly General of the COMMUNIST NTERNATIONAL and pledges its solidarity and devotion to the revolutionary cause. We the oppressed workers of ECUADOR look upon the Assembly General of the Third International to assist us in freeing ourselves from our oppressors and we are now come with all th e strength and vigour of the young and matured manhood, to you to ask you friends COMRADES, this PARTY admission to the THIRD INTERNATIONAL and to assist us to lead the oppressed of this COLONY under the banner of the COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL to final victory that every one may exercise the right of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
We wish to point out particularly that the workers are drawing hardly a liveable wage and their standard of life are below the line of decent humanity. Our salvation is to be found in an immediate and continued fight and not in postponing the fight, indefinitely. It is better to die in the glorious fight for the cause than to perish from hunger and overwork.
All should like to say at the present moment about the count ry itself that this country for territory is bigger than ITALY, while ITALY area 117, 982 square miles this country 118, 627.
We feel the time has come to make a clean sweep of the whole social order where all good things are for the non workers starvat ion for the workers.
If we can get a definite plan for the future and the methods in which this plans will be executed can assure you COMRADES that this PARTY is heart and soul in this. The workers are absolutely united in this cause, not only united but willing and glad to throw all of their resources into the struggle.
Therefore, at an early date if the COMRADES will assist financially and will enable us to do it to send our delegate to the UNION OF SOVIET OCIALIST REPUBLICS to place the whole position before the ASSEMBLY GENERAL OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL and to take counsel with them as to achieve an early and complete triumph. We pledge to redouble our efforts in developing our COMMUNIST LEAGUE and under the banner of the COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL keep up the fight until the revolutionary working class has attained its aim. will say no more, what we want, we believe you are ready and eager to give and the workers would know respond with alacrity to any summons