CommunismCommunist PartyStrike

Carta de Martínez Villena al BP del CC del PC de EEUU 1929 00 00 permanente (general permanent strike) was produced by mistake in translation (our only true political leaders does not know Spanish very well and he has to translate his own manuscripts helped by some Cuban comrade. As tests of the right political line of the Cuban Party m annexing all statements published and given to the masses by the Party, and any estimation or slogan justly censured in the report can be found in those.
The Comite Conjunto de Colectividade that was functioning until May first, is not an organism invented by the Party but a slogan given by a workers and approved by a mass meeting in the Workers Center. Likewise it is necessary to say that Committee there was only one trade union not belonging to the Confederacion (trade union of cigars makers of Havana) and the Party. since march 31 decided in favour of a proposition of mine, to begin the illegal work of the now underground the Confederacion. The joint Committee, following an old tradition, was broadened later to meet the approaching May first: and in the Committee we always had control. This Committee has been dissolved already, and the Confederacion will begin its work on the basis of Shop Committee, a slogan used since October 1929 and which now has been worked out.
All this about the deviations of the Communist Party of Cuba accused by some comrades to the utmost degree of lagging behind the masses at the same time when through its trade union machinery it was leading 200.
000 to a general political strike in spite of the terrorist reign of the butcher Machado.
ABOUT THE SITUATION OF THE OF CUBA However don say that the Cuban Party is really a Party. can say that. The Party influence was principally a trade union influence. Why? Because the best way, and almost the only way, to come in conflict with the broad masses was the Party trade union organ: Confederacion Nacional Obrera de Cuba. The Party illegality contributed to this abnormal condition.
Why could the arty not lead directly the workers struggles, making its own authentic demonstrations, calling mass meetings in its name, political strikes, etc? The answer to this question is at the same time the explanation of the principal faults of the Communist Part y of Cuba, faults that arise from the external and internal characteristics of this unfortunate Section of emphasize the following: First. The Communist Party of Cuba is perhaps the most proletarian party in all capitalist countries. More than 98 of its membership are genuine workers. This is a beautiful record, yes, but surely a serious defect for the