CommunismCommunist PartyFascism

Carta de André Marty 1937 11 19 Italian Ambassador is in fact the ruler of the country. In these countries Italian Ambassador is in fact the ruler of the country. In these countries Italian fascism bases itself on a very considerable and active grou Italian immigrants. The Spanish fascist base themselves on the numerous sections of the Spanish population, and are the best weapon of propaganda in the hands of the German and Italian fascist. They are strengthening their activities in all countries, particularly in Mexico, Cuba and the Argentine. They are achieving serious results (including, by the way, the seizure of ships belonging to the Spanish government. The sectarianism and tremendous ideological weakness of our Party have enabled Trotskyism to achieve certain successes; despite the exceptionally favorable circumstances, the people front the activity of Trotskyists as yet unexposed by the Communist Party, the people front met with defeat at the elections and actually is paralyzed by Tr otskyite influence. The growing oppositional activity of the group of supporters of Caballero POUM CNT has had as its first result the sharpening of the struggle of tendencies in the workers organizations, especially under the influence of the open and hidden Trotskyists, a greater division of the workers forces and consequently an increase in the difficulties in establishing the people front.
Therefore propose as the first measure that the general concrete proposals attached herewith of the repre sentatives of the CP of Argentine, Brazil, Cuba and Uruguay should be adopted, and that the necessary decisions be taken to ensure that the various departments of the CI begin to put them into operation.
Andre Marty Original escrito a máquina, en inglés 495 17 7, 60 61.