CommunismCommunist PartyImperialismStrikeWorking Class

Carta de Martínez Villena al BP del CC del PC de EEUU 1929 00 00 new proletarian sectors (young workers and women workers until that time kept away from the trade union struggle. involving new masses and different industries, broadening more an more and transforming itself in to offensive strikes. Under the Party and Confederacion leadership the movements arrived at sharper fights, acquiring the character of a struggle with clear political content (Manzanillo, protest on January 10, general political strike march 20, May First dem onstration with streets battles, etc. And the process will not stop here, surely. The economical policy of the Cuban government has completely collapsed. Sugar restriction, protectionist tariffs, sole seller (vendedor unico) and public works plan, these four measures has arrived at a catastrophic end. The economical courses of the present situation will centime producing its effects; and new contradictions and new consequences of those will appear. The working class situation will be the worst. In the next months the sugar season (zafra) will be finished and the army of unemployed will receive a tremendous reinforcement.
The masses will be compelled to even higher forms of struggle until a final general struggle, an insurrection, against the capitalist regime, represented by imperialism lackey Machado.
This is not for distant perspective in the revolutionary situation of Cuba.
The Communist Party of Cuba must to win the masses rapidly, to control its movements, and at the right, propicious moment, conduct them to the revolution for the workers and peasants government.
This whole task implies three partial tasks Growth of the Party; contact with the broad masses, especially sugar, agricultural and industria workers. Political a organizational control over the working class movement.
To accomplish these tasks the Communist Party of Cuba needs urgently immediately, thee things which it lacks today: Economical support, MONEY. Official organ, PRESS. More true political leaders and prepared comrades for the internal works, TECHNICAL AND THEORICAL PERSONNEL.
The Communist Party of Cuba of the that considered seriously the problem of the Cuban party, must to do to support it as much as possible.
How? Sending economical support and good comrades to Cuba, this latter above all. Appealing with all the authority of the American Party, before the in order to do the following: a) to regulate and make effective