
ДОКУМЕНТЫ советской эпохи appeared in El Communista. copy of this program was sent to you at the same time. In addition, the Buro hag undertaken organizational measures to be in direct contact with both these countries of which we have also written to you at that time. At the present time we are in close touch with Honduras giving systemetic directives to our comrad es there.
b) Mon criticize the term toiling masses. which appears in the May issue of El Communista, as being cousing, non farxian and nonLeninist. We agree with your criticism and will undertake to discuss this question in the forthcoming issue of El Communista.
c) You criticize us for saying that thete is PRACTICALLY no trado union organization in Nicaragua because it may be used by the reformists in their struggle against the campaign of the Latin American cion for winning over the Nicaraguan TU First, as to the question of fact. We would be only too glad to be shown that were wrong, but unfortunately your letter does not show it. The Caribbean Sub Committee of the CSLA has no contacts whatsoever with any trade union organizanization in Nicaragua, nor does it know of being in existence. According to the information of the CSIA Sub Committee the group that had written to the RILU last year is no loner in existence having been dissolved by the government and its leaders deported. If you have any trade union connections please send them to us. It would help us in our work there immensely. Second, as to the use that the reformists may make of this statement, we fail to see why this should mean that we must not discuss in the press the concrete tasks txth and situation of the communists in the trae unions. Your letter demands that we should discuss the immediate tasks of the communists in Honduras, indluding the organizatiof unions. The same should apply to Nicaragua and elsewhere.
If there are practically no trade unions in Nicaragua, as our informations shows, then the task of the communists and bft wingers is to organize new unions. And if there is a trade union movement in Nicaragua, as your letter suggests, then Qur concrete tasks would be different. In either case, we are forced to discuss the question in our press, regardless of which use the reformistamshake of it, especially since there is no party and not even a communist group in Nicaragua We must utilize the Comunista in full to discuss licies and tactics especially for those countries where there is no party and no other organized contacts. In this way we make our xxx organ become an organizer of our movement. The whole question, in our opinion, reduces itselr to a question of fact. We request you to transmit to us whatever information you have on this point.
ской эпохи lvos.
with Conununist greetings, CB of Coxyment COBETOKO Onoxy http: sovdoc. rusarchives. ru