
August 1931, Y6 43 31. AUG. 1931 5133 4616. SEP. 1931 EINGEGANGEN CO Dear Comra des: ho 804 24. AUG. 1931 The Buro has discussed your letter of June 17th and decided to answer as follows: 24. AUG. 1931 o The Buro takes note of the fact that you recognize as orrect the line of the paper (El Communista) which was indicated in the article The Role and tas los of the official Organ of the Buro and also recognizing the political line to be correct on the whole in the other articles. Your recognition of the correctness of our 1: will serve as guidance as well as encouragement for our future work. Regarding the article on Cuba, you make the following observations: a)It should not have been prefaced with the note that it was a commentary to the instructions of the Buro. With this we can easily agree but we find it difficult to understand your argument for this observetion. You say: It is not necessary for anyone except the CP to know th the contents of the instructions which it receives. Our opinion is that that depends upon the character of instructions. Those that are of a confidential nature should be kept within the confir even the CC alone. But such instructions as are dealing with the OPEN MASS WORK OF THE PARTY should be made kn only to the CC and to the party membership but also to the workers tat are following our leadership. This is especially important in Cubs, and in most of the Caribbean court ries, because the parties and groups there have no press of their own in which to discuss and explain suah policies. In the particular case of the Cuban article, the Buro foundit necessary to bring the essence of its instructions to the cc to the attention of the rank and file in order to arouse its selfactivity and consciousness thus assisting the CC in the mobilization ofthe workers for their immediate tasks. And this purpose it was essential that the article should carry the authority of the Buro is instruction b) The article does not distinguish between the nationalist party on the one hand and the nationalist movement which is really revlutionary, on the other hand, and also between the leaders of the Nationalist Party (Menocal, etc. and the rank and file members If that were orrect, the article would leave contained a serious error. But, fortunately, the article does make such a distinction.
An fact, the whole policy outlined in the article is based upon the vital necessity of winning over the nationalist MASSES for the revoiom ry anti imperialist struggle under the leadership of the ingclass, exposing and combatting the treachepus nation list LEADERS This can be seen even from a few quotations.
The LEADERS of the nationalists, Mendieta and others, are participating in the negotiations for this bourgeois imperialist peace. The nationi list LEADERS stand ready. furtherO XLI to surrender Duba.
On the other hand, the article shows the need and possibility of TIT winning over the nationalist rank and file. It says: loping the campaign around such a Program of Action, the party will also be able to make successful appeal to the RBW LUN ONARY NATIONALISTS to join the common struggle which is to be aded by the workingclass.
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