BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismLeninismWorking Class

: sovdoc. rusan 691 Starting with this point of view. Its says further, that the Parties shoala eight against the bourgeois landlord parties and only criticise the petty bourgeois leaders.
Wherein is the error of this formulation ONOX In the first place, this tends to sanction the influence of the petty bourgeoiste within the Communist Party during the period of the Bourgeois Democratic revolution. This afirmation is fundamentally in contradiction with all the implacable leninist struggle for the organizational, 1deological and political independence of the Communist Parties, as the parties of the Proletariat. Even though in all of the directives previously given by the Buro, there was always underlined and the Parties always called upon to fight for the independent leadership of the Communist Parties, the above mentioned formulation, may tend. as we have said before, to sanction the petty bourgeois influence in the Parties, and this is a great danger for our Parties, especially at present. The VI Congress of the Communist International has indicated for the Cozamunists of South America and the Carribean that they must take active part at all times and in all places in the mass revolutionary movement directed against the landlord regime and against imperialism, even there where the movement 18 under the leadership of the bourgeoisie, The Communist Party, nevertheless, must not in any case, subject itself pobitically to its temporary allies. Without leaving aside the struggle for the hegemony during thex revolutionary movement, the Communist Parties must, in the first place, fight for the organizational and political independence of them, having as their aim the conversion into the Party, leader of the of the Proletasiat The bourgeois denocratic revolution which, in the present international situation, is possible in the colonies only against the will of the national bourgeoise (the ally of imperialismokYMETDI CoBeteko onox http: soydoc. rusarchives. ru