BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismStrikeWorking Class

ой эпохи ОУМЕНТЫ СОВЕТСКОЙ ЭПОХИ in the present moments, Where is the Communist Party of Honduras in struggle for the parcial demandzs of the proletariat and the peasantry.
The Party has not yet found it necessary to explain to the masses the Its leading role in these struggles for partial demanda linking these up with its final aim, the the most anti feudal and anti imperialist revolution. lsovoGuusarchivos The Communist Party of Panama, which since its inception, suffers from Laboriat and Purnerist influence in its ranka, hides its face in the present moments when the tenants strike in the city of Panama takes on greater and greater proportions and becomes more militant. The Communists who so heroically fight for the demands of the tenants in the Penants League, have done all in their power to hide the leading role of the Party in this great strike, even to the ezetnt that it is to be found in the leaflets of the tenants League categorie statements that the Communist Party of Panama has nothing to do with the Fenants League, that 1t sets independently of the Communist Party etc. Even more, the CP of Panama saw itself forced to suspend the First of August Demonstrations in order not to hurt the strike which was in its inception in thoge days. This dangerous atitude of the Party comes about as a result of the failure to light mercilessly against petty bourgeois influence which for many years finds comfortable room in its midst, the Purnerist and laborist ideology. When the toiling masses of Colombia finds themselves on the eve of a war which is being te verishly prepared by the bourgeois landlord govem ments of Columbia and Peru, the Communist Party of Colombia opposes the war with the slogan of the proletarian revolution, the overthrow of capitalism. This demonstextes in the clearest manner the lack of understand ing in the leadership of the Party as to the next task of the revolution in Colombia, the anti feudal and anti imperialist revolution, a lack of ОЙЛОХ Документы советской эпохи http: sovdoc. fusarchives. ru