Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismLeninismWorking Class

ONNOX поККУМЕНТы советской эпохи Sokocu Caile to see understanding of class relations in the country, which exoludes completely the landlords as one of the dominant groups in the country and of the role of the pe asantry as the most revolutionary ally of the proletariat in the revolution These manifestations expressed by the CP of Colombia are only indicative of the wderestimation of the hegemony of the proletariat in the bourgeoisWhen Akys that democratic revolution in Colombia, and that the proke teriet and its Communist Party will only fight in the proletarian revolution. similar manifestation was also been expressed, but more glaringly, in th Bi Martillo, the organ of the PC of Venezuela(manifestation that we have criticised in the El Comunista of September. In this organ it is stated that the agrarian and mti imperialist revolution will be able to be led by tha patty bouggeoisie and that the role of the proletariat is as leader of the proletarian revolution in Venezuela.
All of these expressions and others for example, the position of the CP of Mexico, on the Agrarian Reforms in that country, that it was the result of the bourgeois democratic revolution. impede greatly the understanding of the character of the next stage of the revolution in our comtries and above all, militate against the organizational, ideological and political independence of the Party of the proletariat, the CP, whose basic condition 1s the struggle against the bourgeois and petty bourgeois influence in our ranks similar error has also been expressed in our circular on the preparation of the XV Aniversary, which deserves being corrected. It is said in itiy To utilize the experiences of the Bolshevik Party, the success of its Leninist tactics, in the struggle for the masses, in effecting the isolation of thex parts of the bourgeoise and the Pendlords as a prerequisite for the success of the bourgeois democratic phaze of the revolution and in effecting the isolation of the petty bourgeois parties as the prerequisite for the succes in these color Документы Советской эпохи revolution or the succes in the nealogamizarchives Pu