ImperialismImperialist WarSocialismSovietURSSWorking Class

their hard toil or bringing up thbir children under conditions of rain and starvation We must make special offorts to break these dark forces by a most stromous effort to draw the passant worden into the struggle side by side with the men peasants, against the semi roudal forms of oppression prevailing in the village, against the bardop or taxatlon, struggle for land, ete. In connection with this web strarle against any forms of special social and political oppression of the Indian women.
le must raise the partial demands for the working women such asSQUAL PAY FOR QUAL WORK FOR YOUR WORKORS; full maintenance for women workers one month before and aftor childbirth, at the expense of the government and the employers; the demand not to put women workers in dangerous and unhealthy Occupations while they feed their babios, must also be raised; abolition of all sorts of diserimination against the toiling womes.
These demands are to be further elaborated in accordance with the specifio conditions in every localityl organization of free cheches and nursery schools, setting aside room for mursing mothers, food for babies, froe mblk for the children, etc. Te must also raise the demand for the immediate payment of back salaries to achool teachers. 212 those demands must not be separated from the general parcial demands of the workers, but on the contrary, they are to be part of them. In the course of our agitation for these demands we must aim to mobilizo the world ng women in the shops, factories, mills and plantations in special conttoos for their participation in the mass meetings and demorations on March 8th. Ne must also strive to mobilize the workers wivos to fight for the demands of the working women anployed in industry and on the lantations, together with their special demands against the high cost of living, high food prices, éte. which they feol most. He must concentrato special attention to the agitation and mobilisation of the proletarian women in tho strugeles against unemployment, raising the special demands in every unemployed committee, mach as; struggle agninst the high cost of living: aqual insurance of unemployed men and women; pretection of motherhood at the expense of the employors and the state; maintenance of school children at the expense of the government and the employers; oto. Womast secure the gostest participation of the unem ployed working women in the unemployed committees and councils, and in turn, those unenployed comittoos must be agitated and mobilied for their participation in the demonstrations and smootings on March 8th.
oldlors who means of livellhood are reduced to destitutios.
he Parties must carefully formulate the special demands for the Witos of the One of the outstanding points of our agitation must be the popularization of the events of the Soviet Union in the betterment of the conditions of the worldwomen. In contrast to the growing wage cuts, mess unemployment and general offonsive of the bourgois Imperiallat exploiters in the capitalist and colonial countries, the worldng women in the Soviet Union received EQUAL PAY YOR SCUAL WORK; the mother is paid full wagos eight weeks before md after birth; women are provided with unplaymont Insurance in case of unemployment, and all tho benefits that the new society can or for the world ng class. The achievements of the year plan of Socialist construction in the Soviet Union are accompanied by an enormous increase in women workers in the trade unions, in the Soviets, in all fields of economie, political and cultural development. The Year P2an has tremendously increased the construction of now dining rooms, laundries, surseries, kindergartens, ate. In pointing our this contrast, show the class character of these changes which have taken lace in the Soviet Union, that is, the working class is the master of the country and that only through the revolution of the workers and peasants, and under workers and peasants government, will we be able to liquidate the age long sufferings of the world ng messes in general, and of the prolotarian women in particular. Intimately linked up with the agitation for the spoelfie demands of working class women, we must widely extend our agitation against imperialist war. We must point out to the broad masses of the working women, the lever ish preparations of the Imperialists for a way in which the word ng women will also be mobilisod and put on a way footing. The imperialist robbers who oppress and exploit the millions of workers and peasants in the colonies, are now engaged in war in Manchuria for the ther spooktoestynext Документы Советской ки http: sovdoc. rusarchives. ru