BourgeoisieCommunismImperialismImperialist WarSovietURSSWorking Class

DERE 2601 162 1932 CEKPETHO LETTER TO THE OC OR DE CARIBBRAK PARTIES ON ME INTERATIONAL WOLORS DAY, MARCH NE Doar Comrades: 1233 1968. 1932 The International Women Day this year, must be primarily a day of iftense mobilization of the working olass, and particularly the working women for the liberation of the toiling women against unemployment, wage outs, against Imperialist war and for the defense of the Soviet Union. 20 that end, the co mest lumediately proceed to prepare and agitate for mess meetings and demonstrations to be held on that tay, under the leadership of the Communist Parties and the revolutionary trade unions, bringing sharply to the forefront the special demands of the working class womens aiming to link up the preparations for the International Women Day with the present campaigns and struggle of the Parties and the revolutionary unions. For this, we propose the following steps to be taken imediately. AGITATION AND PREPARATIONS FOR MARCH In our agitation and preparations for the International Women Day, we must strive to mobilize the wedost masses of workers, particularly the working women in the basi ndustries and on the plantations. In the course of our agitation, we must point out buat through the bourgeois imperialist of fonsive against the living conditions of the working class: big wage outs, longthening of the world ng day, monstrous unemployment, the exploitation of the workdng women is growing, their wages continually reduced, although the gap between men and women wage is already considerable, married women with fami110s to keep are being issed and their labor replacod bu the cheaper labor and younger women. Agart from this, women workers are subject to cruel repressions against their organizations. The goneral worsening of the position of the working asses hits particularly hard the workingmen wives, housewives, peasant women, women eraployees and other sections of the working women. ONE OF THE MOST CHARACTERISTIC YXATURES OF THE RISING LABOR MOVIZET ARB MASS DELONSTRACIONS OP PRE EMALE PROLEPARIATS: WORKINGEN WIVES AND PEASANT TOLER WHO ARE GRADUALLY DRAWS INTO 23 GENERAL REVOLUTIOWARY SRUOGLE AND BECOME MORE AND MORE REVOLUTIONARY The working women are one of the most exploited sections of the working class. This is particularly true in the colonies. They are discriminated against, subjected to in America, the semi feudal conditions of oppressions keep the women deeply into subjection more than men. Thile they are entering more and more in all spheres of industrial production, becoming an integral part of the proletariat they are not considered equal to mor. The working women in Latin Americs feel the heavy burden of capitalist exploitation to which are added all sorts of spookal disoriminations which make their lives increasingly unbearable. In the tobacco Industry in Ouba, the Kegro working women are subjected to unheard of exploitation. They are the most exploited section of the tobacco proletariat. In all the Latin American countries, the toiling women are subjected to all sorts of political discriminations, being denied also the right of parliamentary surfrage. The Church plays a special oppressing role, striving by all means at hand to keep the world ng class women in ignorance, mald ng them viotims of all kinds of superstitions, exaeting from them all kinds of contributions to the Church, the purpose of which is to check their pur increasingly activo participation in the general class struggle. The influence of the bourgeoisie, the age long oppression of the worlding worden by the landlords and the Church is still strongly embedded among the proletariat, against which we must struggle ruthlessly. This influence 13 reflected is the grave underestimation in our own ranks of the revolutionary capabilities and the role of the toiling women in the revolutionary movement, the result of which is the almost total absence of women workers in the Communist Parties and in the revolutionary unions. This is one of the most important reasons for the lack of serious and active participation of the toiling womon in the revolutionary movement against the bourgeois landlord imperialist exploitation and oppression.
These dark forces of oppression and ignorenee operate with particular viciousness in the countryside against the rising revolutionary participation of women peasants The women peasants share the lot of mon in the hard labor on the land besides their Документы советской эпохи TO http: soydoc. rusarchives. ru