
uu ОТ ПОХ MEHMETI Esdec. rusarch Surinaamsche Algemeene Paramaribo, den 3en Jult 1932 Werkers Organisatie.
Hoofdkantoor Groghe Dwarsstr. PARAMARIDO INAS.
tegen fra mokroi syur car mo rer lufseine Cara Inma suyu VmE PRESIDENT OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONALE) COMINTERN MOSCOU. 2004 26 FEB. 1933 Esteemed came rad and brother, Corpoy lick le krouw zou CV 7 Having been selected by the vote of the majority of our la boring community, to represent them in this our Organisation as their Chairman, the task has aloo fallen upon me to, obey the command or our comunity, to approach your esteemed Organisation, with the object or establi in an ariliation which we trust will only react to the benefit or us and our community.
In obeying the command of my rellowcomrade, do so be cause, the amount of suffering and privation are becoming unbearable to us, and the time has come that we decide to work our own salvation, out of this Imperialistic and Capitalistic Regime, which is reigning over us, Because we are aware that the Communistic Regine and in the first place the 1s the only source from which we may at all times look forward to for any important and decisive help, it is only natural, that we shall turn to you our principal resource for the help we so greatly need.
We are also aware that under the circumstance this help cannot be forthcoming at the mere asking for it, but we are also certain, that after duly considering our needs, from all altátudes, and from every point of view your decision will be in favor of helping us. Therefore we a re willing to discuss with you, the ways and means where by we could get to some definite arrangement, and we therefore beg of you, to stipulta te the terms and condition whereunder help to us could be secured, and we would necessarily have to do before this could be secured, ist bes FouTBO DE We must point out, that in the first place direct communication with your esteemed Organisation will be no easy matter, and all letters etc will have to travell by some roundabout route. We have arranged with our come rad in The Hague DE KOM, who is a native of this country, and who to a certain extent represents our interests in Holland, to transmit this letter to you, we sincerely hope that he will succeed and that this letter will safely reach your territory in Barety. We also must beg that all communication to us be preterbly in pla in seover, and addressed to your servant in person. For your convenience must state, that my address is: THEO DE SANDERS JODE BREES TRESTParamaribo Suriname.
For your information must also state, that am Chatrman of the above mentioned Laborers Organisation, and in and with my next letter will Bubmit further details concerning our Organisttion, its a in object and the results obtained so far. Kaso will submit a complete list of the officers or our Organisation.
Trusting we shall be deemed worthy of your esteemed help and succour remain meanwhile, with comradlike greetings and dye regards, Sincerely your By Ordey the committe be the AYO OM 21 http: Koydoc. rusarchives. ru