BourgeoisieImperialismImperialist WarSovietURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

partition of Chian, for the destruction of the Soviet revolution in China and above all for litary Intervention in the Soviet Union, the Fatherland of all the worker of the world. Full use must be made of the material that the Parties have on the imperialist war and the preparations for intervention in the Soviet Union, raising the central slore for the defense of the Soviet Unbon. In the agitation against Imporialist war, we must point out the role of the native bourgeoisie and landlords, as the astive exploiters of the workers and peasants and the tools of the foreign imperialist robbers, in each country of the Carthbean. While our main objective in the campaign is the agitation and organization of the working women in the basic industries, we must not overlook the importance of reaching the proletarian women who are found in the organisations controlled by the reformist and bourgeois pacifists. It will be the task of the Party to win over the rank and elle working women of these organizations for their participation in onr demonstrations and mass meetings. In doing so, we must ruthlessly expose the treachery of the social fascist leaders of the reformist organizations and only on the basis of our special demands for the worlding women and toiling women padsants, will we be able to penetrate these organizations and win the rank and file to our side, Ho less ruthless must be our attacks against the bourgeois pacifist organisations dominated by bourgeois and petty pourgeois leade whose purpose is to start to deviate the struggle of the working class women from a real revolutionary struggle against the foreign and native oppressors.
the above points of agitation must be linked up with the immediate campaigns of the Parties, such as; unemployment, struggle against wage outs, against theterros, the building up of revolutionary unions, etc.
Te propose the following slogans to which should be added additional ones in accordance with specific conditions in each country and locality, including the basic slogans of the Party For the Sancipation of the folling Women, For the Dancipation of the Toiling Wasses From the Yoke of Capital.
Hail The International Women Day.
Long ave the Revolutionary Working Women and women peasants. XM Bring The Tofling Women in the Ranks of the Revolutionary Proletariat.
Long live the United Front of the Toilers in the Fight Against the Robbers, The Exploiters, Against the Fascists and the Confederates of the Bourgeoisie The Social Fasoists.
Bring to the forefront the Working Women in the Organizations of the Revolutionary Proletariat.
20111ng Women Join the Omani st Party the Only Organization that rights for the Interests of the Proletariat.
ПОКУМЕНТЫ созаготой от Poiling women, Join the Revolutionary Class Organizations, the Revolutionary Trade Unions and Trade Unions Oppositions.
Only the textatens Victory of the Revolutionary Mght can Bring Freedom to the follers.
The International Women Day Consolidates the righting Front Against the Imperialist Wax, Against the Attack on the USSR.
411 Porces for the Defense of the Proletarian Fatherland, the USSR Toiling Women, Raise Tigh the nlag of Revolutionary Strugije Apple 39ense Person xu http: soydocsusarchives. ru