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Spartacan Trounces Stalinist in First Debate in Middle West

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1985 Comments Spartacan Trounces. Stalinist Walter Sukut Dead The Manager Corner Was The Columbian Enameling and West Silber ned probable the coole Toledo Workers School OUL March in Bryan pledges made but enou recogs buvo amounts: Candy Makers. en Strike Hard. till bot Workers Party Booms Word has come to us of the Inthe North west On Life, Liberty death of Comrade Walter Bukut of Wanban, Dak. He BucThis week we sound the alarm. total of 56. 88. This brings the Following up the recent cumbed few weeks ago to a and Pursuit of CHICAGO, Aug. In the naively Inqalred of the heart attack. This is the ronson The campaign for the eight pather and bigger New York branch mombership in western North De Harlem braneh way ahead of the stantial acquisitions to party presence of 40 youth from the Cal speaker about the and stated weekly IH lausging seriously. We given for his death, but in reality Happiness umet vielvity, the Mid West Spar bis desire join with cries of are still below one fourth of the es The Harlem branch has a quota kota and Eastern Montana, the tacus Youth League and the Young Stooge number one the audience he succumbed to an illness c00 total gum required to launch the of 96. 00 and good prospects orl comrades wont tracted over a long period of time Communist League of District broke into laughter.
By BILL REICH staged a debate on Wednesday, Aug. Por over a month the Mid West working in one of the Chicago expanded issue Very soon the first reaching it soon The West Side haro recently recorded another issue must appear and it is danger branch is still next in contribu noteworthy achievement In party captalist hell holes. rod lead 7, at Indiana Harbor, Indiana, on Regional Committee of the Labor and Capital building. Substantial branches ous to delay the collection of the tions made with a total of 10. 00 to factory, When employed there funds necessary.
the subject, Resolved: The Trot has been concentrating an Indiana date.
The Its quota is 105. 00 the were organized last he was given regular physical exAlfred Sloan announces to the skylsts are not counter revolution Harbor. class of approximately amination but at the time of his week at Albert Les and Austin press the company unlon plan of any. Al Garber, regional educn twelve youth has been functioning. Instantminution to 1930, he was but instead of a continuous this a total contribution of 37. 75 and its Not only is the campaign lagging Center branch reaches this week a Mian, Activo unionists and art the General Motors Corporation. tonal director of the L, up It was at the August cultural workers are included meeting of laid off. Undoubtedly, the cancer returns on this account, there he quota is 135. 00. But the Bronx The plan was designed to meet held the affirmative and the the class that the sent in its nawing at his vitals had already been drop during the last few branch with a quota of 150. 00 has the membershin Wdting about all the requirements of section Ta Gary organizer spoke for the neg. disrupters, but when the Spartacus progressed for at the time, this development, one of the party weeks. During the week ending so far collected only 22. 50 of this of the NIRA. It has been in effect ative.
mambers, as well as the. organizers states of the new ac several weeks. However, workers Goaded Comrade Sukut died a victim by the continual Inglated upon a formal debate tions, advance subscriptions, clubuted 23. 00 and it should easily go August we received in contribu amount. In contrast to this, the small Flatbush branch has contribquisitions: They are all moll tant men and women who accept were first informed of it today. taunts of Spartacus, as well as to where the differences between the of capitalist exploitation. He was revolutionist, active for subscriptions and greetings a total Federal conciliators headed by Ed. numerable challenges, and bolstered two organizations could be deline store the general working for 86. 35. During the week end. far beyond ita quota of 80. 00. The our program, who are or to ward McGrady, the nation fore by Olgin recent sparious pam ated, the Young Communist League years in lear and cious to follow the most strikebreaker, have intervened phlet on Trotskylam, the young found itself in a corner out of class and revolutionary moto ing August 10 the total dropped to other New York branches are still tramples they have seen of work In other parts of tho labor MOTO in 1, 140 strikes and lockouts and Communist League was finally which it could not squirm. After ment. successfully adjusted 885. See pushed to the wall and forced into apologizing declining a debate Langue of America shortly after recorded a further drop to a total tions to be considered very seriousretary of Labor Fanny Perkins who a debate before a class in Indiana the condescended to formits formation. He remained an of 32. 50 and this week the total Lly in the competition and insofar opposed McGrady for the post of Harbor conducted by the Spartaally argue with the Spartacus be active supporter of the Workers 32. 00.
try are concerned no appreciable White Collar WPA In regard to this situation we change can be recorded since our Party from the time of its formher assistant is forced to admit, cus Youth League. This was the fore the Calumet district youth.
was wrong about Mr. McGrady. Orst time in the history of the Midation.
address ourselves primarily to the last report.
party branches. good many of Workers Protest them have given us information of celved the During the week we have reStamping. nationally, that the Young Hante general strike, though in communist League debated with Begins Sessions Sept. Contributions demonstration of eight hundred the center of the city, is adjudged the Spartacus not come in. The building up of Schlesinger, Chicago. 50 while collar workers, who called outside the city limits and pays no Ohio Wins Relief the party press, however, cannot West Side branch, 00 stoppage from noon to P. took Starting with the theory of pertaxes. City and state police and mament revolution and proletarian TOLEDO, Ohio. The Toledo be delayed. If we mean it seriously Spring, Toronto, Canada. 00 place Thursday at the Port Author national guards (pata from tax Internationalism, comrade Garber Workers School, established by the a complete change in regard to te Flatbush branch, 50 ity Building. The stoppare was BRYAN, Ohio hundred unem sponses is necessary. From the East Side branch, 00 called by the City Projects Council, of the non taxpaying company, batInternational since the death of later broadening its scope to anployed workers with their familles New York district we expect the center branch (XYZ) 00 the central projects organization money. defending the scab polley pointed out how the communist Lucas County Unemployed League thigers. Singing My country iginal principles that today it stoodtion, has just issued its prospectus Hams, Ohio, last Thursday protest been worked out but they still have Astoria branch, 30 gone through since the projecte tls of thee, sweet land of liberty side by side with the social patrio. for the 1985 1986 term with classes in the inadequacy of the relief and to be carried into actual life.
were taken over by the Federal arIn the second place we address sixty year old San Francisco tic Second International. He illus to be in the September If the relief was not increased. This ourselves to our sympathizers and Total Contributions. 19. 30 thoritice lumber striker was helybe. Into trated the effects of socialism in tus explains abo non parliamo was the darkest de leathom. iso far readers we know that they are widenson, Branx branch. 50 called for the payment of back pas Subscriptions (Club Plan) The slogans at the demonstration by the police character insofar as the admits an marshalled in this community on all vitally interested in the im branch, Chicago. 00 in most instances three weeks be earnings of 50 a week. The Na England, 1926: Germany, 1933 and of their opinions or affiliations temployed League. meeting took but we also count upon them to Semongton, Chicago. 20 out lots of pay, recalled when the. tional Lead Co. which controls the France, 1935, bringing the aflirma: tiff industry showed a surplus ottion of history to the fact that the nevertheless is dedicated to the place with Mr. Brannan, the help make it possible by material reller diretor, and Sam Pollock and assistance.
Greetings projects came under the WPA, and Rose Casano, Chicago. 00 Vacations with my such as the ad 916, 548 for 1934 and has made Stalintern is the organizer of de task of the building of a Workers George Cole of the Ohio Unemprofits every year during the de Contributions received from the Previously reported. 9457. 96 ministration has been granted.
feats. As a result the organization meded and decadent capitalist sysployed Lengue participating pression. The balance for the peyof the Fourth International and a party branches have brought the. Aommittee to see General John Mr. Brannan suggested that due Harlem branch up to a point of tem.
ment of dividends has not cone be new Youth International, based on Grand Total. 189. 96 son reported that he would roo Courses are to be directed to to prevalling conditions. man close competition with the Boston Let us have more speed in the them after their working hours, at ident, received compensation of they alredeles pour le rend the rebeward assisting working men and should work for what he could get branch. The latter till stands at campaign so that the eight page Ave o clock. The outcome of the 88, 013 in 1984.
women in the solution of their some farmers were willing to pay the amount of 70. 60 and the Har weekly may actually appear before meeting was to the effect that he world working class.
problems as derived from their high Afty cents a day, and lem branch this week reaches a another month passes by. could do nothing, it was all ap to Jurisprudence Puny Stalintse Arguments economic and class positions in Mr. Brannan said that they should Washington. He said that a special of court case aris. The only recourse the or modern society.
take it. Sam Pollock explained that ing from In a colation of a labor in ganizer bad was vilication and essity of keeping the entire plant grant had been forwarded from course on the History of the the American worker had built up Junction Judge McMahon of slander. He stated the usual Stal. American Labor Movement will be a decent standard of living through entire union membership on the the WPA workers to get 13 dollar Cleveland, Ohio, gave his written inist idiocles about Trotskylam be given in two separate classes: Class years of militant struggle and that opinion to newspaper reporters being counter revolutionary and pet. is to meet on Tuesdays in Faust this was an attempt on the part of the committee that had gone to the from local to WPA was made. Bet fore hearing the case. of the ty bourgeois. Trotaky, he pointed Toledo between 7:808:20 and the authorities to lower the standgovernment labor office and the beware of Generals bearing gitu 81 municipal power plants backed out, underestimated the pensantry. Class on Wednesdays in the Toard to that of the coolles. Mr.
Chicago Federation of Labor. Bro from Washington.
by the PWA, 22 have been blocked refused to be disciplined by the ledo Workers Hall at the same Brannan said this was communistle By JACK WALTON ther Landau made the report for Many of the WPA workers in the by court injunctions. Judges opin Bolshevik party, was not the head time. course on the History and talk. Pollock replied, that wanting CHICAGO, Aug. 18. On the strike committee, emphasizing Parks Dept. had to be taken to ions in the cases were so similar of the Red Army nor the co organ Principles of scientific Socialism: to eat was not communistic.
Wednesday, August 11, the night that there were two warring camps work in Department trucks, in wording that the general counizer with Lenin of the Russian Class on Tuesdays between 8:30 Only five thohsand dollars has crew of the Crystal Pure Candy Co. te bosses and the workers, and that having the carfare to ride to and sel of the PWA has asserted that revolution. And finally he asserted 0:20 In East Toledo and Class been the amodnt received for the went on strike. The next morning the strike must be conducted with from the job. Park Commissioner they were drafted on forms or in that Trotsky, if not directly respon in the Toledo Workers School on month August. hereas for the a picket line was thrown around this always in mind. He also em Moses reporte of starvation.
structions emanating from some aible, was at least indirectly impls. Wednesdays at the same time. month of July ten thousand had the factory and the entire day phasized the nepoesity of the strik When a park Commissiner takes central source.
cated in the murder of Kirov. The Course is on Public Speaking been granted. The eight bundred crew joined the strike. The strikeers depending upon their own tight time off from his political functions Political Science high point of the Stalinist speech and Parli 90 8:20 and grocery orders and medical atten against the firing of four men; but the proposals of the strike commit oven the arrogant General John Procedure on dollars left over was given out for started as a spontaneous walkout ing power in order to conquer. An to make statements to the prot was reached when he denied the Tuesdays Secretary of Agriculture Wallace existence of a pre revolutionary Course on Current Events at the tion. resolution was adopted at it has since taken on greater aims tee were excepted unanimously took notice and listened.
tells farmers: If you are receiving situation in France.
Toledo Workers School on Tues the end of the demonstration, for than the rehiring of these four more for farm products today than In the rebuttal the called days; 8:30 9:20 direct relief, immediate provision xen.
READ THE NEW MILITANT two years ago it is due mainly to the lie to these glanders and quoted The admission is free to all un for dental and medical care, for The conditions in the shop were the planning policies of the AAA. Lenin to prove the presence of employed workers and only a nom clothing, WPA Jobs at union wages absolutely unbearable. There were To striking housewives he says: a pre revolutionary situation in inal fee is requested from those and supplementary relief to part no regular hours of work. There OHICAGO PICXIO Consumers would be paying some France. The bumorous touch was employed. Registrations can be time workers was no time off for lunch. Lunch Chicago Committee for what more for pork it there had added to the debate when, after the made at 322) Ontario st. the adIf this is not granted they will had to be eaten while working.
Non Partisan Labor Dame been no pig program in 1983 and rebutted, a member of the dress of the Toledo Workers School. be back again next week. There were virtually no sanitary SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 12 No.
issues statistics to show that the conditions in any part of the ghopprice of pork has not gone as high at Ryan Grovo of the police. And now today this fall in line with the acabs. Snd. There was a terrific speed up. There as we think. Gov. Ruby Laffoon 87th St. and Western Ave (Continued from Page 1)
of Kentucky sent troops to hostile weak kneed and vacillating policy denly he would swing on a male was only one licensed boiler engi(North East Section of Gron It again allows the police to attempt scab, and the rat would go down neer. When the night crew went popular with the membership Harlan County to insure an honest Follow Markers)
primary clection. In unguarded to break another strike. All this The cops would rash the picket to work it was locked in until the corresponds to their interests. The Atlantic is doubly disgraceful after Latt. who would double back in the next morning. In case of a fire petrified officialdom at Logan County Laffoon candidate catastro City, however, have more important recetved 10. 500 out of a possible mer repeated campaign pledge crowd where the police were afraid there would have been 10, 400 votes.
not to use the police force for to venture. This was repeated phe. And the workers were em matters to worry about than the Military Science made 40 bile workers. These labor leaders (Continued from Page 1)
the Farmer Labor party is becom up and the office workers in the the NRA Wholesome summer activities of ing more and more outraged at downtown buildings all quit workcents an hour, the girls 85 cents have their own vested interests to All of the girls wages look after. That is why Dillon 18 the Illinois National Guard at its once a crowd of pickets broke these actions on the part of its and rushed to the windows to laugh an hour.
Oakland, Cal annual encampment: On Wednes through the cops line and sought standard bearer. As for the work at the sorry sight. The parade have been cut. Some of the men so busy somewhere in the middle Saturday, August 61. 8:30 PLday there will be a practical dem. to prevent the scabe frem entering ing class of Minneapolis, it is rapproceeded down Seventh Street to wages were cut to 30 cents an hour. West. That is why the American Attention! Workers in the bay onstration with 400 officers and men the plant. Dunne was singled out idly coming to understand what Nicollet Avende. Here it was the Where the wages weren ent di Federation of Labor is granting region, Dancing, entertainment acting as a mob. As portions of from tbe pickets near the door of this kind of a labor program means, intent of the police the riot detachments simulate the factory and was whipped in Tom Latimer does everything Bain acabs into their rat hole Rayton old workers and to hire new ones artefacto hastily to newly organ and social to raise funds for the yage NEW MILITANT. Jenny frontal attack on the mob another side the plant by the cops. There bridge did, and does it more subtly department store, chief labor. bating at 20 and 25 cents an hour. That Most of the federal unions of the Lind Hall 2229, Telegraph Ave. section will make a Bank attack he was slugged across the head, and therefore more dangerously, retail establishment in the North was the immediate cause of the with tear gas bombs. The aviation thrown across a table in such The Scab Parade west. Hundreds of scabs fled into strike The average wage in the United Automobile Workers are, as Oakland. Admision 26 centa and observation squndrons will manner that several ribs were the store, the girls, red faced and shop at the time of the strike was attempt at organization has been Free Instructions by compete At three o clock Monday after sobbing, being used to protect the 11 a week take part, dropping hand grenades, broken, and then thrown down on noon a crowd of a thousand or rat eyed and shivering men. Here The strike began to get on its office. It is becoming increasingly will be given to all yopathians deliberately gabotaged by the Dillon musicians in all band instrumente. Intelligence lessons will glven during the week by Llenten Later the police patrol arrived o Plekets, athered in tront of the the pickets got in some of their feet almost at once on Friday a clear why the convention was called Young Spartacus and Party men ant William Spencer.
through the sacab berding plan and strike committee of 20 is directing of the rubber anions will be called to procure Instruments. An ices will be conducted each morn unset the patrol car, so it was taken on hand. Down the street were were already at the entrance of the work Plans are being laid to next month.
testant and Catholic religious serv. However the crowd threatened to Strutwear plant. The cope were all The executive council terested apply at once lo Morris Sud. Dayton s, prepared to hold a re establish a commissary by Tuesday. felt that today they are still strong Lowith, ote, etc.
away. Finally Dunne was whisked lined up six armored cars.
awes the back Door by the cops. denly a yell went up from the comception. Many of the male rats The strikers are divided into pick enough to place their heavy hands Good and Welfare PAUL LUTTINGER, waited Seurvy, a disease of malnutrition taken to sail. The Trock 674 Tender ets surged toward the yelling. But had been spotted and were chalet squads with a captain for each around the threat of albe automobile which had almost disappeared in was later transferred to the General them disturbance was bedecored union men and women of Minnea vision of Berny Landau, chairman things would perhaps get out of DANIEL LUTTINGER.
of the picket captains. The squads hand. Washington Square North Says Dr. Cooley, president of treated. After vigorous protestere ranks of four like so many school polis think of them.
It was doubtless the plan of the spirit of the strikers is high.
go out, at regular intervals. The Obviously they are not leaving 2 and Except Sunday The things to chance. The Dillon mathe American Society of Pediatrics, Local 574, Ray Dunhe was released children, began pouring out of the and Holidays ear door. Interspersed among employers to gain pablic came to realize that we were seeing ished by the General Drivers Union. Rp. Hundreds of pickets gathered usual dull and blundering fashion, ber of orders, so the spirit of the probably be able to report quite a As the depression deepened we late in the morning on bail furn them were the police with their by this seab parade. But in the strike was called just when the chine is working full steam ahead.
bosses had recelved a large num. The credentials committee will in a few weeks more scurvy than At one time in the melee, cop an ordinary physician would have was trying to escort a scissorbi companied the scissor bills as they never dreamt that thousands of asked for negotiations. As yet very where in the middle west andre on either side of the street and ac they muffed it completely. They bosses is low. On Thursday they rew large locals formed some WORKERS expected to see in a lifetime. into the plant. The crowd surged were marched down the road by the Dr. Adela Smith. Assistant Di around him and the cop drew his ops. As the parade went on, more thoronchic workers ceiving charters Just in harangue and ridicule little has been decided.
Protect Yourselves Amst the time to rector of Health and Education in gun and fired a shot, but hit noland more workers joined in the the march that the tables would be the ranks of the strikers are participate at the Detroit convenHazards of Life, Join the The company tried to split tion.
WORKMEN SICK DEATH tion has rendered 185, 000 students the Strutwear Company, who was sight than this scab march hasn ing sympathy for themselves and the ranks by threatening not to re The progressives are making preof the elementary schools too week actively herding scabs, was hea med been seen since the last shriners there bebor viers the corner oyanching tempt tzzled out completely with tactics of a corrupt bureaucracy.
BENEFIT FUND THE parations to fight any steamrolling and undernourisbed parade.
1884 1935 classes. New York newest dog in the crowd. The cops used their Girls Used to Protect Men Organized, managed by and for shop opens. It was decorated at a saps llberally in trying to break up The employers and the police after this Roman hollday, there workers in the plant have signed weak to dominate the convention, workers with only one purpose: men usher in prospective buyers. courage than usual, fortified, no adopted a cowardly tactic in the are thousands of pickets surround up with Local 279 of the Bakery but they have been effectively in: to render protection to members replaced by a slight fragrance sus armored car with its nest of ma bunched in groups of three to five young and inexperienced pickets is fonal Union, athiliated with the Aquitting mass unlong, because their and their families, and to sup leaders betray them. They are port all endeavors and struggles gesting myrrh. Food is prepared chine guns.
and formed core around which now sky high based on the support 80 generously given them during the The demands of the strike are: planning to enlarge their numbers, for the improvement of tollers Farmer Labor Mayor Sets Record afty scab girls colled, march It was they, and not the Recognition of the union, inin content curefully watched. In the few short weeks that he in a few minutes thousands of scabs, who had the entire sympathy Rehiring of all the old help. inevitable battles of the future.
and strengthen their ranks for the About 50, 000 members organized in 350 branches. Reserves Within the reach of all is a run has occupled the office of Mayor, workers were accompanying the of thousands of working men and Restoration of the entire 3, 400, 000 ning flow of drinking water. The Latimer, the Farmer Laborite, has strike breakers, boolng them and women. For the indecent scabs, wage cut.
pets are tethered around a spread established a record for himself and letting them know what self re Minneapolis has only contempt. ten percent increase for the Pioneer Publishers Death benent kraded accordof rubber carpeted dais, backed by his administration. This is the specting workers think of scnbe who skilled workers. This question will ing to age at entry. Sick benefit mirrors. Attendants spotless second time in the past month that parade themselves before the popa Roy Weir has been quoted as be negotiated, if necessary; negoti and payments from 300 to 900 to white duck exercise the dogs every the local police have been used to lous in this disgusting fashion. To saying: This strike will be won ations to start before Sept. 15. PIONEER BOOK SERVICE men and women, according to three hours and they are combed. escort finks into struck plants. Aan honest picket, each scab in that in the Mayor office. To say the Yesterday afternoon meeting of (formerly Pioneer Bookshop)
powdered and given a teeth brush. tew Fridays ago Latimer appeared line march must have seemed to least, this is a fatal notion that the strikers was held. Notwith are now located in their new Monthly ameements from 450 on the picket line at the Flour City have had around his neck a sign will have to be combatted and standing a terrific rainstorm, about to 20.
workers attended. Brother quarters at plant, where an iron workers strike reading: Want to work for Low overcome immediately. The strike 200 100 FIFTH AVENUE, For further information apply BUILD THE WORKERS PARTY. was (and still la) in progress, and Wages Am Betrayer of my of the strutwear unlonlsts will be Topp, of the Joint Board, who is to Main Office: personally escorted some thirty FWlow Workers.
won where all strikes are won: On assisting the strike, delivered a Telephone: Algonquin 4950 714 Seneca Aro, Brooklya, SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANT acabs into the plant with the help! Every few feet a picket would the plcket line!
long talk on unionism, and the nee Dillon to Pack Convention of Auto Workers Dunne Slugged InClash inMpls.
in ing daily.