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Manager's Corner

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1935 The Future of the of Profiteers Clear At Lewiss at ti Socialist Party Splits Decks even now giving fresh help to the Industrialists by stating that there will be a breathing spell from For Big Drive on Labor social and regulatory legislation, For the present what the indusMINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 26. Com. From a Speech Delivered by Comrade James )That do why, too, we must wher trialists want is to bring still more Continued from Page before a group of more than a Cannon Before a Forum of Minneapolis Workers unity. But not unity at any price. Sloan, Jr. of General Motors gave sive or appear to give support to they may get a larger and deeper which even in the slightest degree pressure on Roosevelt In order that hundred workers on the subject of We won purchase unity at the the lead at this point. We who labor in its efforts at unionization. breathing spell. They will by no The Future of the of cost of breaking up our organisa have the prime responsibilities of Many in the audience had never modern types of organization both Our tendency is not that of John tions and of giving up our fanda the major policies of industry must temporary recovery under the To put it bluntly, there is a means decisively or unanimously before attended a workers Party within and without the oficial Lewis. We believe in militancy mental rights. We must, wherever first convince ourselves as to fun. eapitalist system. That means a repudiate him as long as he gives meeting. The gross receipts were of and our final aim is the foundation possible, go into the of and damentals. Then we must convince chance to make profits. And the them this and also keeps on bulld.
more than twenty five dollars, Our Tendency of the workers republic. We don fertilize it while there is still time the organizations of industry. This industrialists announce that they ing the military and naval estabComrade Cannon began his talk Wblie on the surface it may believe in class collaboration. We with genuine militancy. We must applies particularly to the workers are going to make them all they lshment of the United States in of the of He showed how tween two types of leaders be get anything without militancy. for a loaf of bread but to conquer at stake. We must also inform our remove every obstacle in thelr of other nations which it had fulflled the expectations of tween the horse and bugey union. But we do stand for industrial un the world or else the world will be stockholders those who own indus path If they can. And they are American Imperialists clearly foreMark Hanna, one of the founders ists there is also a tendency which tonism because it is necessary taken away from them as happened try. American industry is not sell in a determined, fighting, enthus see. The workers can find salvaof the Civle Federation, who called is even more progressive than the step because it is a step forward. in Germany, ish. It would be far more just to lastie and plous mood about it. tion not via the proposition of the of the bulwark of official sponsors of industrial un. It is a curlous fact that the Inter. In the days of reaction, the say it has been preoccupled pre. For the moment American eapl Green and Lewis but by complete American capitalism. He went on tonism. This tendency aims at more ests of the most revolutionary auta Gompers and Green policy of weed occupled in producing; but am talists have recovered their mor repudiation of all capitalist parties, to point how the events of the last than merely winning a strike. It the extremely conservative tendening out radicals worked like a convined that industry responsale.
by building up their own indepentwo years had brought about sig. aims at Lewis Also for Roosevelt foundation of a work cles coincide to a certain extent. charm. But now the workers are bilities cannot longer be adequately dent political strength, by organiz nicant changes which threatened ers republic. Applause. This Industrial unlonta is objectively discontented. There is no hope of discharged by mere physical pro Space permits only two practical ing their power for the overthrow the position of the of San Francisco, two years ago, the endency is ours; and it will come progressive. Therefore revolution inciting them against radicals. It duction. The employers must now observations: The announcement of the system which each in his more and more to the front. ists must support it regardless who you go to a worker and say to him, get busy and save the country! that the industrialists were going own way, Sloan, Roosevelt and the of had been forced to give The difference between the beard of the movement radical is the leader of your They went further in making to fight Roosevelt New Deal pol trade union bureaucrats, seek to de unionfisco. At Atlantle colhy there and Green is one of intelligence not lose our heads and think that glad to hear that? The sentiment by announcing that under the Am. With a notice that this would itselt for its realization. But we must union, he will answer, m damned this clear at the convention icles was greeted by William Green maintain Smash the Unions had been 11, 000 votes for industry Bourbons never learn anţthing must forge ahead. We must retain aict with absolute confidence, for tht against various measures by cores would rally to Roosevelt.
Secondly, the main Immediate ob.
mere speech by pew. They call the unskilled workour Independent posion. We must example, that Meyer Lewis will be which the government is hamper support, and John Lewis, who Ject of the industrialists, hidden John Lewis, himself formerly Berg rit rat; they try to keep the take advantage of every division a complete flop. The victory of 574 ing recovery. namely: efforts to at certain points is conducting a behind all the verblage about The member of the Civie Federation, unions small and divided into al of Matthew Woll from this or crafts. These old fossils have lived between the reactionaries and the is due not only to its own strength roulate and control production: spectacular Nght against Green, on American System attacks on the ganization.
many types of labor leaders before The situation is this. The Lewisation. But it will be so decisive of business (regulation of bankex, the of La president, announc UNIONS. Not the Roosevelt admin Into the Unions we have a workers republic in the elfque can leave the workers up that it will put steel and courage stock exchange, sale of securities, ing that he too would support Roos istration, not the Wagner Connery The Impulse of the masses, with United States, but you can be sure organized. In, Detroit the first into.
the coming of the NRA had been that the Green Hutcheson type will strike of the season was conducted The reactionaries hands are regulate hours of work and rates trade union lenders once more try or any of these agencies but the into the unions. The million be among the first to be pushed by an independent union consisting too fullthey have too many trons of my and governmental efforts to give te workers lesson in how unlons above all stand in the way workers could have been organized aside.
in the fire. There are too many is to regulate relations between em. not to do things. Industry has in of the profit grabbing crusade on at that time. These workers longed of that came together and smalsues at stake here and elsewhere.
Fear of the Younger Leaders for a union the most elementary ployer and employee which will deed, in the words of one of its which the Industrialists have enConquer the World gamated. This was a warning to lead to political rule over both spokesmen much against its win tered. The organized workers can of organization of the workers. With The younger lenders know that Minneapolis is We must take advantage of this management and labor.
been forced in sheer self defense to offer resistance to the breakdown out a union, the workers tell, they if you don organize the strategie warning Here was a delib favorable objective situation. We Soak the Poor enter the political arena or be de of their standards. Besides, if the have nothing. But the craft Fally situated basic industries you rate attempt to break up union must push the industrial union When the becomes stin stroyed as a private enterprise. organized power of the workers of unlons came ini between the have no organization at all. How and drive it out of the of struggle forward. But at the same more concrete as to what it is going But Alfred Bloon is caretul grows they can shake the very This happened all over the country. basic industries are not unionized minds of the workers: To hell with they must establish themselves as of cutting down the taxes on big that industry as an institutlon must profits and their prestige.
trayed the Interests of the workers trade unton movement when the falled. The idea may get into the with the revolutionary. Jdes that The American System It speaks It is important that we recognize which the industrialista derive their in Minneapolis, Tobin, President of These younger leaders are gonded an of charter. Maybe it te masters of the whole world. incomes, levying an income tax on no concern itself with promoting The main immediate answer to the Drivers International, tried the on, also, by another fer that an wasn the of charter that (Applause. the lower incomes, extending varl the fortunes of any political agen the employer offensive is labor same stunt. But he didn succeed. less they organize the basic indus got us our wage increase. Maybe During the questioning period, ous forms of sales taxes; In other cles. In other words, Sloan ng offensiyo: Organization cam Applause. tries Arst, more radical leaders will it was our own organized strength. comrade Cannon, in reply to words, tax policy of soak the well as other intelligent leaders palgs in the basic industries. In Minneapolis, real organiza come in abead of them. They don That is the meaning behind the query as to what form the cooper poor. It speaks also of the need recognize that they can use both the strikes for unlon recognition and tlon survived as testimony of the want to be left on the outside. But resignation of John Lewis. Lewisation between the revolutionists and of drastic reduction of government Republican and Democratic parties against Nl attacks on labor stanparticularly for the specially lang as American dards; intensification of labor of the workers. What was the an. want to deal with the bosges, but sued a warning to the serious con ists would take, replied that it was unemployed in that the bud. workers think they can find salva militaney to answer employer swer of the of leadership in an organized way. The bosses sequences of forming organizations dangerous for radicals to make the set may be balanced and the in tion by turning now to one now militancy; the building up of a In the very days of the June strike would have liked to cooperate with within the of and of en mistake for one moment that Lewis tolerable burden business which, to another of these parties. Roose leadership in the unions which was a true progressive. It was Mr. Morgan indicated recent velt saved them in 1968, among breaks forever with the philoso when the bosses were trying to Meyer Lewis in Minneapolls. But tering into relations with non welch out of their agreement with Lewis had no power ho didn of untons (except the Civic Fed great folly to believe that salvation would soon make him a poor other things by persuading the phy of collaboration with the a blast which was printed in the blm, We re sorry, but we can do Lawis is just going abend the same Lewle. Although our interests the Wagner Connery Labor Rela caucrats that he was going to give stands on the basis pt struggle The as before.
business. Laughter)
coincide to a certain extent, there tions Act and all other measures them a genuine New Deal. He is against them.
newspapers as a weapon against any the union. And no sooner had the same principle applies to the John What does this mean for us? would not probably be much direct sive and correct political program: prerequisite for the regrouping of had the smoke of battle cleared They know they can deal with and militant elements to push for each side would play its own end and then in carrying forward the the revolutionary forces.
And It had gathered together its the bosses unless they have power ward. Now is not the time to be its own alm. What was important, struggle for organizational control wounded, than Tobin comes along fully organized Industrial unions cautious. Now is the time to press was for the radicals to press for in the basis of such a program.
Clarity 18 equally esential. com other matters. Yesterday, the Mand tries to break up the union be behind them.
our demands and to get considera After a long delay, the militante tants believed that they could live cause it wouldn allow itself to be chented and brow beaten. Tobinders of the world that John press further and further into the Workers Party would not do as the leader of faction. Now it is one of the nine won tion for them. Now is the time to ward their own ideas and to retain to their independence. Certainly, the have Anlly taken certain steps in at peace in the same party with Continued from Page this direction by the publication of the Old Guard. At that time we connived with Green to show the Lewis and Co. have been catapulted of Communists were doing. The their Draft Program for the com issued the warning that such an workers that they might perhaps to the leadership of the movement whist Pushed Lewis to the Lead is trying to build Lewis up into a clusions on the basis of these deven: ready potated out in a series of ar sible. Today, the Militants cherish We couldn beat the of and ord is not so good. Nobody sup why it is Lewis rather than the front page interviews with him in will not be confined to New York neste, errors, and ambiguities in their bloc with Thomas Hon and First of all, the split ticles the extremely serious weak the Musion that they can solidify its almighty principles. Tobin pressed trade would show the union that he was more ruthlessly than John for industrial unionism. The An such Illusions.
We are for Indus but will be a national split, involv. this statement of principles. their like. Even more do they culbetter than the Citizens Alliance Lewis. Nobody expelled more hon awer is that in the five years of triat unions because they gave us a ing the National Committee and These deficiencies are particular. tivate the Illusion that the Socialin busting up unions. Well, he est radical workers from the un the crists, the most radical group, larger field within which to work, the state organizations. Second. ly glaring on the most important of 1st Party can be transformed into trled. And the score is nothing to ions. Nobody forced more prove the Communists (Stalinists. left The larger the unions, the more which has a majority on the the Thomas Hoan Militant coalition, all questions, the war question the revolutionary party of the Amnothing for both Tobin and the sional reorganizations of local the of They went out of houest workers there will be with tional Committee, seems to have at Hon to the touchstone of every po One illusion is as dangerous as Citizens Alliance (Applause. Workers Want Industrial Unionism and unscrupulous in his methods others out with themselves. That 174, for example. It took lunge last decided to conduct a struggle litical grouping in the labor move the other. Revolutionists cannot Thus, in spite of the accumu Yet this man has been projected to why when all this upurge from when nobody was looking and built against the Old Quard and even to ment today. It is the one question remain for long within the same lated discontent of the workers, the the front.
the ranks is taking place, there up a real organization. It took in throw them out of the party. Peace on which there cannot be the slight party with muntelpal reformists of As such made only the Nevertheless, his interests and have been no militants ready to workers who had never been in pacts between them, especially est reservation, confusion or am like Horn; opponents of pacifism most miserable showing.
But the ors to a limited extent colncide. Ispring into a place of leadership. any union before. Now suppose against the genuine lefts in the guity. This is the question which cannot remain for long in the same workers, for this reason, didn say you did the same thing from town party, are still by no means exclud sharply separates the proletarian party with pacifists like Thomas to town to hell with unions! Instead there Such antagonistie eleIt is significant, too, that ed. Third, the leadership in the revolutionist from every shade of and Allen wes tremendous pressure to the same leaders who thus organ present struggle comes from Thocentrism and reformism ments will sooner or later collide change the form and methods of ized the drivers, went ahead and man Hoan, rather than from In their opposition to the policy with each other as the struggle organization. Every worker organized the unemployed. The Milltant chieftains.
of sanctions and in thelr criticism within the develope, and fly from flects this discontent with the ola additional of the Bauer, Dan, Zyromski reso apart typical American labor leader has sources confirms these conclusions. lution, the militants have attempt methods and forms. Every disconThe regrouping of the reyolu.
tented worker rallies around any ployed workers. That is Job union capable of fighting the in We have received so far a total Philadelphia, Pa.
Lewis position. The sign of the cle has been given by Thomas and have already criticized the short ternational scule should be the fun.
competency of the old craft unions of 164 new subscriptions in our Pittsburgh, Pa. 26 gennine labor leader is his interest have tagged along behind him and meantime they have retreatedra his group. The militant leaders comings of their position. In the damental task of a Suppose you took 574 to Detrolt or drive for a total of 1, 000 The Plentywood, Mont.
in all the workers. It was no ac Hoan. They had made tew, if any, ther than gone forward. It is e 1st workers. These forces can be Pittsburgh what unions you would means that in the remaining few St. Louis, Mo. 10 reconstituted only on the basis of 10 have in rubber, in steel, in autos! weeks much more speed ls impera Salt Lake City. ployed; and the unemployed recip properations for conducting the dential that they review their el clear and uncompromising revolu You can fool the workers with tive: San Francisco, Cal.
rocated by rallying to 674 sapaght against the old Guard. The forts to clarify their position. For tionary program. The duty of all craft unionism any more. They In New York City branches No. San Diego, Cal. 10 port.
Multants, who are revolutionists, 18 don want it. They want indus and are ahead and fairly certain Springfield, ill.
took them by surprise, as did the the war question can give adequate to work out such a program and to trial unionism. When the craft to make their quota. Th Bronx Toledo, Ohio. INTELLECTUALS AND THE necessity and suddenness of the guidance to the organizational fight for its adoption Only in this unionista come in any try to tell braneh (Branch 5) used to lag in Utlen, CLASS STRUGGLE split. In their lack of preparation struggle within the and to all way will the split which has just them how to run their unions they our drives. This last week, how. Washington, 10 Speaker: for the inevitable struggle and to the efforts at the regroupment of taken place be a progressive one.
revolt. The automobile workers, ever, it has made good start. Williston, Dakota 10 their passive tralling behind Tho the revolutionary forces going on revolutſonary elements be united.
MAX NOMAD in their convention, called on the Emnch is small but shows a good Youngstown, Ohio.
Author of Rebels and Renegades chiet again show their weaknesses mas, the militant commanders inaround it.
eve of Atlantic City convention, record compared with its member Received from cities FRIDAY, DEC. 20, P.
Social patriotism is the main not listed above.
rejected the proposals of Green. In ship. It will go over the top easily.
11 at Branch Headquarters as political leaders.
TO THE READERS OF THE danger, from whatever quarter it Akron, the rubber workers elected Outside of New York City only the Danger of Reconciliation 320 14th St.
NEW MILITANT may come. The Old Guard have Total. 1, 000 their own President and rejected Chienso branches, Cleveland and 164 Discussion Admission free It is possible that further at always been outright chauvinists We beg your indulgence for tempts at reconciliation will be and always will be. The most dan having missed the last Issue the protege of Green. And then Philadelphia have made somewhat come the teachers the teachers of a falr beginning.
Some contributions to the elght PARTY AND DANCE made by the Old Guard or others. gerous source of soclal patriotic However, this omission will, we who have never been known to be Since our last report we have re page weekly have also been re SATURDAY NIGHT, DEC. 14 What will be the attitude of the poison, as the Browder Thomas de believe, hardly be felt since this radienis the teachers in Ohio re olved total of 89 new subscripceived since our last report. Comat the headquarters of Militant leaders to such proposats bate Indicated, however comes Isue will be in your hands after jected the ultimatum from Green tions distributed as follows: rade Harvey Walton made a dona W111 they once more fall into the from the Stalinists and their new BRANCH 1, City that they reorganize the New York Quota. Turned in tion very welcome because of its a lapse of hardly two days. Var.
320 East 14th Street.
trap of submerging their political line. These people, who clamor for Ipug obstacles of a purely techlocal. The teachers told Green to Akron, Ohio. 20 substantial size. The sum of 100 All the proceeds will go to the differences with the Old Guard for the application of sanctions, who nical nature compelled us to tako go to hell. Three times before the Albert Lea, Minn.
contributed by him aided materially up and coming Newark Branch the sake of a fictitious unity with support the imperialist League of this course. Nevertheless we pro Atlantic City convention Green got Allentown, Pa.
in bringing u8 nearer to the total them? This is a danger to be Nations, who defend the Soviet pose to turn the evil into a good official rebuffs and defeats un Austin, Minn.
amount needed. friend in New guarded against shipment of oll to Italy while call by introducing a sorely needed heard of before! And in Minnen Berkeley, Cal. York City contributed an additional WORKERS polis, Tobin had also failed.
Boston, Mass. 215 5. 00 and from Branch wer The Militants have finally taken ing for an international working reform in the future the NEW received a contribution of 00. This a necessary and inevitable step for class boycott, who, in France, MILITANT will be mailed on All these accumulated forces Charleston, Va.
Protect Yourselves Against the ward in their evolution. The issues Ceochoslovakia and elsewhere, as 18. brings us to a total contribution so pressed in on the Atlantle City con Chicago, Ill. 50 Wedne days and you will receive Hazards of Life. Join the of struggle against the Old Guard sert that American revolutionists far of 916. 70. To this we add the It prior Instead of after, as was vention forces WORKMEN SICK DEATH have been brought to a head. It is must demand that the United States e will be no patching up Columbus, Ohio.
that the case until now, the date of. amount received in the special drive 10 between the contending forces in Davenport, Iowa.
necessary that these issues be fully enter the war if the Soviet Union Issuance New York branches BENEFIT FUND OF THE Claritel and settled, if the develops attacked, are the most pernicious will have it for work branches her for 1, 000 new subscriptions and we the of First, then, there Detroit, Mich. can say that the reaching of this 1884 1935 ment of the Militants is to continue social patriotic Influence in the tion and out of town is the revolt from below. Second Dickson City, Pa. particular goal will assure the launching of the eight page weekly.
These cannot be clarified by tem working class today Organized, managed by and for ly, there is the rear on the part of Fargo, Dakota.
fore the week ends out.
workers with only one purpose: porizing with the Old Guard, but certain of the shrewder leaders. High Point, The struggle against social patri The NEW MILITANT.
This fear is not unjustified. It is Kansas City, Mo.
The NEW INTERNATIONAL, to render protection to members only by waging a war to the death otism should be supplemented by a the fear that if the of Los Angeles, Cal. December issue, now on sale, Hves against them.
and their familles, and to sup struggle against pacifism, represent OPEN FORUM up to its usual high standard. Comjort all endeavors and struggles Are the militants ready for this ed in the by Thomas. Pacifism doesn quit monkeying around. Minneapolis, Minn. 75 WHAT NEXT IN FRANCE?
for the improvement of tollers, struggle? How clearly do they see and the advocacy of neutrality leg. rade Trotsky discusses in this issue there will grow up an independent Mount Carmel, Pa.
union movement outside of the Newark, the present position of the in Speaker: About 50, 000 members organ the necessary conditions and consellation is as much part of the of L, leaving the old leaders New Castle, Pa. 10 relation to the struggle for the Ized in 350 branches Reserves quences of the political conflict ideological preparation for war as JOHN WRIGHT Fourth International. In another 400, 000.
they are engaged in?
high and dry without their highly New Haven, Conn. 10 social patriotism and the call for THURSDAY, DEC. 12, P.
remunerative ple cards. They New York City. 400 109 article he discusses an assignment Death benefit graded accord The Militants have already wast sanctions.
107 MacDougal St.
have seen the handwriting on the (Branch 37) executed by Romain Rolland reing to age at entry. sick benent ed many precious months in vain The Workers Party has just pub(Branch wall these more faraighted lead40 Questions and Discussion 6) garding the Kiroff assassination.
payments from 360 to 6000 to attempts to conclude peace with lished a pamphlet containing its (Branch ers: tbey have looked across the Ausp: Branch 3, Workers Party 28)
And of special interest to the readthe Old Guard and to form unprin views on the war question, entitled men and women, according to Atlantic and seen what happened (Branch ers of the NEW INTERNATIONAL clpled blocs, composed of political. War and the Workers. We ask Europe. Take John Lewis. Branch 12) this issue carries a review of Stally antagonistle elements, within the every honest Socialist to read it PAUL LUTTINGER, Lewis is no radical, yet he says (Branch Monthly assessments from 460 in by Henry Barbusse and Stalin The time spent in maneuvers carefully and reflect upon it. Let DANIEL LUTTINGER, Branch that if there are no lodustrial un to 20, 1) by Boris Souvarine.
and creating contradictory combin. the Socialist Call, the organ of the (Branch lons there will be none at all. H11For further information apply This issue also contains a reply ations could have been more profit. Militants, review and criticize it. Washington Square North man, too, in the A, of conven (District 100. by John West to Max Eastman and to Main Office: ably used in discussing the main We will welcome such full and 2 and 8 Ercept Sundays tlons made the same point. Thus Northampton, Pa. other interesting and educational 714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, political res facing the working open discussion. Complete clarity and Holidays.
we and forces pressing for more Paterson, 10 features.
class, in elaborating a comprehen on this question is an indispensable Manager Corner reno interest in halt starved unem. The initiative in the entire strusled to deal with this question. Wetlonary forces on a national and in20 10 20 20 10 33 10 10 25 10 25 10 25 20 90 4)
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