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Sergei Trotsky Jailed by Stalin BureaucratsSedova, Natalia Ivánovna "Nathalie I. Trotsky" (Ucrania) (1882-1962)

NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 27 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1935 PRICE CENTS Congress Meets Folledige swport Sergei Trotsky Jailed Amid French Crisis ToC. Victims By Stalin Bureaucrats Blum Speaks; He Hails Social Patriotism of The Stalinists Eight Page New Militant First Step to Daily Paper Bitter AttacksofI.
Fail to Shake Students at Edinburgh AN ACT OF VENGENCE Mini Offer Trotsky Rectorship Genere1995. Mother Asks for Investigation of Latest Series of Persecutions the elections to the rectorate National Guard Shoot Lumber Men in Tacoma sterket was born in 1908.
Such was Deploy Militia inOmahaStrike Reds in Akron Illinois Strike Almost 500 workers and enemies of reaction attended the Mini Appeal Dinner held New To the Students of Edingburgh By MUSTE York City Wednesday night. University National Secretary of the message to the Sacramento appel Dear Sirs, Two kinds of complaints about the New Milltant come into the ants pledging an unending fight am indebted to you for your national office. Some comrades write to this effeet: The New Militant for reversal of their sentences so unexpected and flattering pro.
does not carry enough news about strikes and organizing campaigns. was unanimously adopted. The posal: to put me up as reandidate speakers of the evening included There are too few articles analyzing these practical class struggle Leninists Alone Hold activities and illustrating effective tacties which can be used in similar for the rectorate of your univerMurray Baron of the Socialist sity. The freedom from any nasituations. We also need artieles in simple language presenting the Aloft Banner of Party: Muste, Secretary of tionallst considerations which you By NATHALIE TROTSKY Marxist point of view on the Roosevelt program and contrasting it the Workers Party; Arnold John show is a great tribute to the Recently rumors have circulated widely among comrades to the Revolution with our revolutionary solution of the problems confronting the Amerson of the National Unemployed spirit of the students of Edineffect that this time Stalin has chosen our youngest son Sergei as the burgh.
ican workers. Such comrades go on to say that both in the new League; John Chamberlain, Literohjeet of his vengeance.
By Special Correspondent ary eritle of the New York Times; appreciate your confidence all unions and in the old, young militant workers are coming to the front and Carlo Tresca, editor of the more since you, as you your Friends keep asking us: is this really true? Yes, it is true: Sergei PARIS, June 15. On the evening who will constitute an important part of the developing revolutionary Martello. Professor Sidney Hook selves say, are uninfluenced by was arrested at the very beginning of this year.
of June 12 the 32nd national con movement, although they still know very little about Marxist theory. of New York University presided. the refusal of the British Govern If at first one could hope that the arrest was accidental, that in gress of the French Socialist party Unless the New Militant contains plenty of material directly tied in Announcement was made by Herment to grant me a visa. Never.
finished its work. Let us review with the experlenees of these workers and adapted to their stage of bert Solow of the of theless do not feel that have a day or two he would be freed, it is clear now that the jailers have its actions and draw up a balance.
far more serious designs. Since development, it cannot be sold and is not read.
the right to accept your proposal.
progress made in the formation of Ilas any new word emerged from many of the comrades are deeply Other comrades write: The New Militant does not contain enough a united defense committee, which this Congress, any word truly cap concerned by the new blow struck theoretical material. Many important international developments on now includes the P, you write, are conducted on a able of mobilizing the masses, of NON POLITICAL basis and your at our family it would possibly be L, League for Inpointing out to them a concrete eur and there is no comment or analysis, sometimes not even a passing dustrial Democracy and several letter itself is signed by represenbeat if stated the entire case in goal, precise and clear in the pres reference to them. There is too little news and interpretation of events a letter intended for general in other organizations. Words of tatives of every political tendenformation ent crists of French society and of in the rival parties, no criticism of the false positions they are taking. greeting from labor organizations cy. But myself occupy too deflNever in Politics the Third Republic? One will These comrades point out that the revolutionary party cannot be in various eities were hailed with nite a political position: all my At the search in vain the decisions of the built simply out of new and as yet unpolitical elements, that we have cheers, as was a message from activity has been and remains de Mulhouse Congress for an answer outbreak the October revolution to win to the the advanced workers who are already members or Norman Mini, Prisoner 57606 of voted to the revolutionary libera to this question. To understand under the influence of other parties and that this can be done only it he was a nine year old boy. He San Quentin.
this Congress we must review the we are constantly demonstrating in our organ the superiority of our yoke of capital. have no other Strike Persists Despite srew up in the Kremlin. In tamilles days preceding the latest ministerwhose elder members are absorbed Steps have been taken here and right to responsible postsy ial crisis brought on by the fall of party theoretical position. They argue likewise that unless we imBrutal Terror from by polities the younger ones are would therefore consider it a in Chicago to launch a nationwide, the Flandin government.
part a solid education to our own members and give them directives broad, militant defense movement often repelled thereby.
crime toward the working class All Sides Why Was Flandin Defeated?
also our case. Sergei never occupied and long range perspectives in their work they cannot carry on their which can rescue the Sacramento and a disloyalty toward you to himself with political questions; he Why was Flandin defeated? Folpractical work effectively elther.
case from oblivion and fight the appear on no matter what public The strike of 40, 000 lumber work was not even a member of the lowing the results of the recent Interestingly enough, similar complaints come from sympathizers of Infamous anti labor verdicts. The tribune not under the Bolshevik ers in Washington, Oregon, and Communist Youth (Komsomol. municipal elections which showed the party. Some of them are interested in the primarily because which represents Mini banner. You will find, have no Northern California continues de In his schooldays he was abImportant gains for the so called they believe that it is based upon a correct Marxian program, because seven co defendants, has deliber doubt, a candidate much more in spite the open provocation of the sorbed in sport, the circus, and he peoples front (bloc of the Com they have been convinced by our analysis of developments in the Soviet ately falled to answer invitations to conformity with the traditions of militia. Friday the police fired on became an accomplished athlete.
munist party and Socialist party your University, a crowd in Eureka, Cal. killing one in the university be concentrated including the Radicala) there was Union and in the international revolutionary movement. They look to confer with the LD. and the National Labor Committee of the wish you with all my heart and wounding several. Many more on matbematics and mechanics. As us to provide them regularly with full Information on these subjects.
ight of from the reserves Socialist Party on these steps. This the greatest success in your are all as a result of gas attacks by an engineer he received a profes of the Bank of France. The frane Other sympathizers have been attracted by the practical effectiveness week Socialist Call will carry an work.
the police sorship in one of the higher techwas ondangered by speculation.
of the party in great struggles such as have occurred in Toledo and interview with Murray Baron, one Sincerely yours, During the last week the mill nical schools and in the last couple Thus the capitalist class decided to Minneapolis and in the development of imposing mass organizations of the P, delegation to the tem TROTSKY.
owners have mobilized an army of of years he carried on there an excreate a panic in the country which such as the National Unemployed League. They desire to get informa porary Sacramento appeal commitstrikebreakers, thugs, police and tensive pedagogical activity. With would enable it to put over a tion about these matters and feel that they can sell the New Militant tee, in which he says that the proNational Guard in an attempt to two other colleagues he published strong government, following the to thelr friends mainly on this basis.
vocation offered by the in open the mills at any cost. recently a special work entitled. classical maneuvers formerly sue Unlike some complaints, these complaints all have a substantial ignoring repeated appeals for a un cessful, from Polncare to DouIn Tacoma, Wash. six mills were Light Gas Generators of Automofled defense will not be accepted. Continued on Page 4)
reopened on Monday after militia bile Tractor Type. The book pubmergue. This time, however, the we will stay in this fight until the had dispersed large crowds of strik lished by the Scientific Automobilemaneuver did not yield the results infamous horse trade verdict of ers and sympathizers, as many as Tractor Institute was warmly rethey counted on. Flandin recelved Sacramento has been set aside.
two thousand at one time, at the ceived by the most outstanding only minority of votes when he demanded extraordinary powers Herbert Solow, who spent four ods are planned in Portland, Ore.
Stayed in Russia from the Chamber of Deputies. The months in Sacramento directing the Public but Morale where seven mills are to be opened When we were forced into exile socialist, Buisson, president of work there, and who is on Wednesday the Chamber, met with the same abroad Sergel was still student.
acting secretary of the temporary Holds Strong The strike is led by a committee The authorities allowed members of ter received from the radicals that Goverment Survey Captain Honors For mittee, a call for cooperation Signed By PAT MURPHY as a subsidiary section of the Broth our family either to accompany na erhood of Carpenters. So far the or to remain in the Sergel they would give him a vote of conTrick to Avert Idence, the ministry of National DAVENPORT, Iowa, June 21. men have resisted all attempts to decided to remain Moscow so as gotten Men by Tear through its National Labor com The militia took over Omaha Sun put over empty arbitration set. not to be torn away from that work Union, formed by Buisson with the New Strike Gassing Them mittee representative. the day, June 16. The state entire tlements and to break the backbone which from then on abenrbed his participation of renegade socialists and the League for Industrial De military forces converged on the of the strike by settling one plant whole being. Frossard, Lafont. fell on the critBy JACK WILSON ical question of extraordinary pow By LEIGTON RIGBY mocracy (which aided the city fully equipped to intimidate at a time.
The material conditions of his AKRON, Onio New and delicate DIXON, June 18. Alded by the Workmen Circle, National Un Council Bluff Railway Company trial fight. has been sent to the strikers of the Omaha and ers, a large fraction of the RadWhat Will the Army Do? existence were very difficult but did not differ in this respect from the icals (70 80) voting against.
problems confront the Workers Henry Horner, smooth tongued gov employed League, Workers Alliance who walked out on April 20 when Tuesday the more or less bare living conditions of the overwhelmStalinist Parliamentarians Parts and all class conscious cle ernor of Illinois, officials of the (Continued on Page 4) new situation arose. It apments in the rubber Industry here Stover Manufacturing and Engine shorter hours and full recognition and the employers of the three ing majority of the unprivileged peared that the Radicals, captives as the department of justice began company of Freeport, Illinois, were was refused. The states provoked the union leaders Soviet youth. Of course, the shame ful slanders continuously spread of the National Union since Februs a secret investigation de subver able last Sunday to smash the Woll Opens Drive troops are of their per the command of Into demanding the intervention of by the Soviet press about General Paul who is an old hand federal troope.
Trotsky and his co thinkers could liberty. The Stalinists in Human Francis Perkins recretary labor. since May Pour companies of onAFLProgressives at beating down the workers. He While feilernt mercenary troops not fail to cause moral suffering boasts that in 1922 he helped beat night he hotter behaved than the to Sergel. People Front which hnd over servatives in the. General Tire Co. Tllinois city after rioting broke out down the strikers in Nebraska City, inexperienced militia, they will just thrown two ministries in the course local of 600 to avert strike senti. last Friday, broke camp soon after NEW YORK (FP) The Ameri Nebraska when the packing honse as decidedly take the cause of the my correspondence with my son was But of this can only surmise of 24 hours. They even took the ment which bad the workers to the conference, ean Feration of Labor will expel workers were on strike.
employers. The history of federal limited exclusively to neutral initiative in calling together the vote by a 75 percent majority to Althongh the 400 members of the local unions that admit Commun June 15 the police department interventions, beginning with the everyday subjects, never touching left parliamentarians in order to walk ont if the company didn International Molders and Internists, according to an announcement turned their riot going on a crowa great railroad strike in the last on political questions and the spelishing a radical government as the prime purpose of the federal manded restoration of two 10 per. thirdpresident of the Loof and streets. Roters fell at each appeal for federal intervention circle (It should be added that even solution of the ministerial crisis investigation restoration ere there so cent pay cats and the right to bar. Cremeaking tor President William blast. One was killed and 50 wound shows a decided weakness in tue these letters reaches him only in exceptional cases. did not on the manners of the Stalinist control of the of in Akron been withdrawn and 750 employees Local unions and even interna, al women. check of the injured the strikers demand a thirty correspond at all with our son in with Fronsard and the Radicals and Ohlo which is acting independ. are back to work after gaining only tionals that admit Communists may disclosed that 30 were suffering hour week, seventy five cents an the years of exile 80 as not to give Let it suffice for the moment to em ently of the national officers and a percent wage boost. The u have their charters withdrawn, from buckshot wounds and the re hour and union recognition. the authorities the slightest prephasize that the new element or the executive council, Miss Perlons waived their demand for a Woll stated. The statement Vice. Later Saturday night the po lumber workers, who engaged in noyance. And, as a matter of fact, was mainder hurt when clubbed by pothis crisis was the conversion of the kins admitted.
The magnificent traditions of the text for persecutions or simple anclosed shop The Agreement on made in connection with the situa.
Communist Party to the polley of This Intest move completes the wages will be in effect until Sept. tion in the fur industry, where a lice opened fire on another crowd many stubborn labor bottles in the in the six years of our present emi.
parliamentary support offered to offensive the probabier baromer to Following the conference, union movement is under way for amal. at 35th and Streets. During the days of the old point the ration Sergei continued his intense the Radicals. From social patriot smash all progressive elements officials jammed the agreement gamation of the International Pur rioting six cars were burned and way to the lumber workers in their scientific and pedagogic work with ism to parliamentary collaboration: among the workers and enforce an through to approval by the strikers Workers Union, of and the several overturned. Several hun struggle today.
out any interference on the part of such is the latest chapter of Stal open shop policy througn terrorizaat a meeting presided over by Ches left wing independent Pur Workers dred spectators, gathered at a tram inism in France. The Communists tion.
ter Sample, vice president of the Industrial Union. In this industry. company depot on the outskirts of out on the picket line.
Don depend on troops, fight it the authorities.
Six Months in Jall (Stalinists) were less contrary The Government Survey International Molders Union The the independent union, which has South Omaha, were dispersed by Things took a different course than the Socialists themselves. The The government intimidation of workers, weary of pleading with followed aggressive policies, con nausenting tear gas bombs hurled TWO KILLED IN SOUTH following the assassination of Kirov Communists said they favored a the workers was first revealed in grocers for credit during the six trols the New York market. The by police and guardsmen.
CAROLINA MILL STRIKE and the famous trial of Zinogovernment which extended as far veiled hints by Hugh Friel, federal weeks without incoine, accepted the of group was faced either the strikers and the company vlev and Kamenev. Correspondence to the right as the Neo Socialists conciliator, when he spoke before agreement halt heartedly. with being a negligible factor in tne were ordered, by Governor Cochran UNION, FP. Supt. ceased entirely. Sergel was arres(expelled from the for reactne General workers, and he suc.
Troops were dispatched to Free New York market the largest and of Nebraska, to arbitate. The strik McNeil of the Monarch textile mill ted. Prom day to day expected tionary views. and the moderate ceeded in temporarily frightening port by Acting Governor Thomas most important in the industry of ers are willing, and appeared at the in Union has been charged with that correspondence would be reliberal Bonnevay. How far removed the union leaders.
from the tactic social fascism! Of course, when pressed for fur call from Sheric Aurand who stated offer for a merger and controlling trators. But the company refused in the killing of two men during a has elapsed since Sergel has been The Radcals Capitulate ther explanation Friel attempted to his inability to control the situathe industry. The recent Toronto In Council Bluffs no cars have strike at the plant, Witnesses dis in prison. It is precisely this that The new Communist policy of add that a government survey of tion. 200 guardsmen swooped down convention of the author left the barn since the strike was agree on who murdered the men compels me to think that the Jallparliamentary collaboration was profits etc. was also part of the on the stover plant.
ized the amalgamation.
called. The strikers in Omaha and one a constable, the other a fore ers have some special designs in very embarrassing to the Socialists, probe but this didn fool anyone.
Tyleked Again The statements indication of Council Bluffs have the sympathy man but a special mill police of mind.
who were playing at intransigeance. The fact remains, clearly and on at least two occasions during similar action against all of and support of the citizens. Little cer and the son of the slain fore. Is it possible to conceive that choice morsel of this latest openly, that the federal government the strike, company oflicials an afbllated bodies, however, was patronage has fallen to street cars man have been arrested under the influence of events my ministerial crisis was purveyed by is taking overt steps to crush the nounced their immediate Intention seen as the answer to the restless since the strike began.
The trouble occurred during the son became involved recently in Leon Blum in Le Populaire, June growing influence of tne revolution to meet the strikers demands. Dess pervading the entire federa The morale of the strikers is hold first day of strike at the mill, after opposition activity? would be 11, in which be informs us of the ary elements among the increasing Pickets were disbanded only to find tion. The rapid growth of the ing strong. They are determined members of the United Textile happy for his sake if could think proposals made by several Radical ly class conscious workers. that they had been tricked into al of in the last few years nas to win their rights to organize. Workers of America had objected so because then Sergel could bear friends. Observe, Socialist dele Unfortunately, many rubber work lowing scabs to ship out goods, un brought a new aggressiveness and to the hiring of a non union worker. up much easier under the blow rates, prudent and not yet realize insid served by members he unions swift growth of rank and file WHY WE KIPPEI LAST Gov. Johnston of South Carolina that has been dealt him. But such minded your Communist comrades attack can seriously cripple the Last Friday, Sherif Aurand and sentiment which has expressed disISSUE has come to Union to attempt to supposition must be considered are. They limit themselves to vol recovery the betrayed onions a band of deputized strike breakers satisfaction with the leadership The press of work and the con work out a settlement.
absolutely out of the question. From untary agreements, to suggesting through the possible damage to the attempted to enter the plant. They policies, particularly in the steel, sequent lack of forces occasioned various sources we knew that Serformulas. They refrain from pre and the progressives.
leaders, and enunciating general only hope of the workers, the party were blocked by 200 strikers and auto and rubber Industries. It has by the recent plenary session of ALBANY, FP. Fatal in gei was just as much removed from sympathizers The sheriff himself been estimated that the coming the National Committee of the dustrial accidents reported to the politics in recent years as before.
senting a detailed program and of It scarcely need be added that Ared the first tear gas projectile. of convention will have from compelled us to skip the last New York state department of a personally had no need even of elaborating any positive proposals the of bureaucrats will aimed directly at the head of 100 to 200 of such aggressive, left Issue of the New Militant. The bor during May totaled 127. This these testimonials as know only precisely over which the voluntary join hands with the government in Charles Reedy, a union worker. wing delegates as compared with primary cause, however, was the is six more than in April and 27 too well his paychological make up (Continued on Page 4) this dangerous attack. Continued on Page 4) 15 in the last convention.
sudden illness of the editor. than in May, 1884. Continue on Page 2)