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PAOR NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1935 Comments Letters to the Editor The Manager Corner and store est un proceed one step fur, Force Yipsels Battery Resign Posts VorkersStrike OUHOWOWOLORE unity.
Criticises Article on Now, when one union has become a reality, we must not forget that Franco Soviet Pact credit must be given to the progresOn Life, Liberty dve members of the International. To the Editor: INTIMOINNIHINTAINIDADDARIO. and Pursuit of Furrier Hails Unity Acheived in Union; local whose honest leadership truth. The more latter in the World Full Steam Ahead Now in Drive for furnish Happiness Tells of Progressive Role Eight Page New Militant!
last convention in Toronto the prin the reader with ample evidence that By BILL REICH, ciple which paved the way and laid Lenin has not lived in vain. The Editor, New Militat: Iron fist. Every leading member the basis for unity.
letter carries in the opening para Our campaign for the elght page1 Previously we suggested the var Death of Blue Eagle.
It is high time now that we dis graph a statement, however, that weekly New Milltant suffered a lous ways in which help can be After many attempts and after who was honestly and sincerely inconstitutional, the Supreme Court ally succeeded in creating one Pur strong union for the interests of and arrive at the convention that assertion, to say the least. The meeting of the party National Com a cash contribution. Secondly, a new Besidos declaring the NRA un ten years of suffering we have fin. terested in helping to build one card the old and familiar methods museibe, termed the responsible serlous delay due to the plenary given. First of all is the matter of decide on the following momentous to the seemingly interminable inner speak his mind, and criticize the free themselves from exploitation is not a angle worker, even the most inst week. This was unfortunately will be similarly appreciated and 18. 00. the regulation of Chinese struggle which has had no equal to leadership with its false tactles and not to follow the past footprints of politically backward, who is un. but it was unavoidable. More re incidentally. It win help to extend laundrles, the manufacture and the history of the New York trade methods, was immediately expelled the official leadership right and aware that the Soviet burcar crats Sretable yet is the fact that be our circulation. If the method of sale of olemargarine, unripe lemons, kosher meat and boric acid; the After many preliminary meetings ed and deprived of all means of split the ranks of the workers, but trayed the international proletar compelled to skip last week issue. months reduced rate is preferred to march forward, all united in one ist. This statement is to entirely However, skipping on such occa 60 forwarded will secure four size of a lot of brend in Chicago the question of one union in the earning a livellbood.
great union.
chain store profits, regulation of furriers trade was discussed at out of harmony with the letter ussions is the rare exception, not the such cards. Thirdly, where subThe Role of the Staliniste KAMINITSKY. a whole that the reader has just rule, and insofar as the campaignscriptions prove too difficult to obchiropractors, Junk dealers, New the Cooper Union meeting of June On the other side of the picture, reason to think it originated with is concerned we suggest that it betain solicit greetings at 250 per Orleans prostitutes, Greek letter 12. This meeting will undoubtedly the official leaders of the left wing an ambitious but Ill advised trans taken up with redoubled energy and name to the first elght page issue.
fraternitles, ticket scalping in New remain, and will be referred to as (Staliniste) and their contradictory Sacramento Case and lator.
with redoubled speed.
Fourthly, those who are ready to York and oyster planting and bird one of the most outstanding events and inconsistent tactics brought Agricultural Union If this statement were true, the During this intervening fortnight pledge a certain monthly costribumy heart to see what has been done bles. Thousands of furriers, mem costs and under alt circumstances The Editors have received a Stalinist parties would immediately we have received the following contion to maintain the security fund to the NRA, sobs General Hugh bers of both unions, filled the hall revolutionary unions, were no copy of the following letter, which lose all of its members save possibly tributions toward the eight page please forward their name and addres with the monthly amount inJohnson. Garment workers at to capacity. After a long discus less responsible for the split of the The Nation has not yet seen fit to those put there by Stalin himsell. weekly: dicated The facts are that the spokesmen Berg. New York City. 00 the Happ Brothers factory at Maslon on the floor, in which many workers. Is it not a known fact print. We give it space because Konikow, Boston. 25. 00 The delay that already occurred con, Ga. must pay back in small members as well as the leaders of that any union which was not a of our comrade Norman Mini for the Soviet bureaucracy ball the Harrison, 00 imposes the necessity of more speed installments the wage ease the Industrial Union actively par part of the Red Trade Union In inability to deal properly with Stalin Laval pact as a great victory Gund, 00 for the Soviet Union direct in the carrying on of the campaign.
granted under the NRA. When ticipated, the proposals for creating ternational was considered a fascist such questions from inside prison California. 00 indirectly a victory for the InternaLet us have your response right walls.
the NRA became operative in 1983 one strong union, made by the organizatioh? Who cannot recall tional proletariat. And accepting Flatbush Branch, 13. 00 away. Watch next week issue for the following conditions prevailed Committee of Seven which was the so called third period when the creed of Stalin Infallibility Katherina Smith, 00 rules of contests and prizes in this April 30, 1935.
on the basis of a score of 100 per elected at the last convention of the aim was to split the membercampaign!
cent in 1926: factory production 84, the Furriers International, was ship of the L? Thus the To the Editors of The Nation: the members and sympathizers of the Stalinist parties, in true Cath Total. 54. 00 When unanimously adopted and acclaimed topsy turvy politics of the Stalinists In recent issues of your magazine, Olle feshlon, embrace as valid everyemployhent 78, wages 50.
This is a very small beginning The club card system has been the NRA stopped the following con with great enthusiasm accelerated the split of organized Norman Mint and Caroline Decker, thing that Moscow has put its but with the interference accounted made effective use of by the New ditions prevalled: factory produe The long inner struggle of the labor and helped the reactionary former active leaders of the Can Stamp of approval upon. And yet. for it is understandable. There was Militant builders during the last 68. Practically all the increase was to all organized labor, especially to the most militant elements in their dustrial Union, expressed difering erican Tor French, are not the most material necessary to go ahead with topped the list with 20 club schli due to the spending of government the workers relief money. Deltvering what Almost all the energy of the work policies was more to serve the bathe collapse of the Union. Minl At least convinced of the fact that of all the party branches and sim cago secured Gregory, Chicahistory and which lasted 15 hours, struggle to fight one another. Due group than to serve the interests of scies of the Communist Party which that a struggle is raging between our numerous friendly contacts, No N: Larry Cohen, New York passage of the new NRA bill leaders the bosses had a good ever, the change of the decease. Home; infine article Deckerede answer to these classes. If these workers were body will be lett out of considera. Freda Charles, New York, Anong the topifes discussed were: chance to undermine conditions in in regard to trade unionism, to dis Communist Party, tried to show hotarly illiterackou notwithstanding, put the campaign for the eight page and Davenport Branchen su This cheese dressing for head lettuce the trade, bringing them down to hand its red revolutionary unions that the workers have not suffered they would not be members of the weekly over the top before August makes a total of 62 club subscrlphimself, grave robbing, cheaper the lowest possible level.
and to join the of which a defeat, and this last in the face or any other party having for first.
coffins, share the wealth, pot likker, Conditions Degraded became on a moments notice, the of the fact that the Union has been its aim the overthrow of the bourJames Farles, mixing drinks and how to fry oysters.
It has long been clear to every law of the Communist Party, chan. wrecked, which she does not deny. ito isle.
class conscious furrier that the only tft lenders and truly revealed er, is now in San Quentin serving Advice to Graduates. solution and remedy for his trou the character of the a term for criminal syndicalism ther: if hundreds of thousands of am one who does not believe the time when the two unions exIt is a known fact that the left and cannot lay his hands on a docu class conscious workers fail to see that some suft handed fathead down isted, conditions in the trade went opposition (Trotskyists) and later ment which casts a glaring light in the latest Stalin maneuver a bein Washington can run my hus from bad to worse. The workers, the Workers Party of u. which upon Decker defense of the Comtrayal of the international proletarAlex Retskin, City Organizer, KANSAS CITY, June 18. Two George Simmons, wife of a Mrs having lost confidence in their lead has been advocating unity on the munist Party. take it upon my lat, how are we to look upon this statement as applied to the non and Ruth. Oxman, City Secre weeks after union organization be.
souri farmer, at the grass root Big shops were subdivided into of long before the Stalin peachment of some of his state class conscious workers numbering tary of the New York have gan in the plant of the National conference of the No sub smaller units with the result that ists changed their pollep to dissolvements, millions? How many workers are resigned their posts under pressure Battery plant here the summary atitute platform was adopted be the workers suffered the conse the was regarded as On December 18 Caroline Decker there in these supposedly enlight for signing a Left wing statement. Bring of 11 of the most active unton counter revolutionist and as treach wrote: m not prepared to say ned United States who have never No sooner had the four page mimeomen forced the issue of a strike.
drawing AAA benefits. recent hours.
Cause all farmers present werequences of lower wages and longerous to the working class. Progres that the criminal neglect of the as much as beard of the Stalin graphed statement been distributed About half the plant Including the Contracting was at its study by the Brooklings Institute height As a result of the ractice sive elements in the furriers, took Union by the was oppost Laval pact? How many more are than the fourteen signatories, all major part of the production staff states: Neither results nor prom of giving out work to the contrac: a similar position as that of the tion. she like the other ac there whose knowledge of this in a leading Yipsels, were taken to task walked out at the call of the ise of the AAA program Justify intors, the workers in many instances despite the torrent of abuse tive unioniste, knew that the Die mous betrayal is limited to a vague by Norman Thomas. In both the to United Auto Workers Union definite continuation of the exper lost their jobs altogether. Over hurled at them by the Stalinist betrict Committee of the Communist memory of having seen something New Leader and the Socialist Call The spirit of the strikers was high ment. The study further states time work was established in prac reaucracy.
Party had wrecked the Union. about it in the headlines of an or the young comrades were con and the men remaining in the plant that wheat prices increased because tically all shops and all agreements the only problem being, was it by dinary capitalist newspaper? Their demned as romantle insurrection were sympathetic.
of the dronght, the influence of the as to the scale of wages were unt Struggle of Progressives neglect, opposition, disruption, numbers are great!
An injunction was issued against tariff and to some extent by dollar versally violated. In fact, there came into existence because of its whatnot.
Thus, the Industrial Union which wrong trade union policies, or Our tactics in the class struggle The ostensible reason for issuing the pickets on a trumped up dydepreciation.
was no scale of wages.
vary to suit a given condition. the Left declaration is to present namiting threat charge. Martens, Not long ago published a poem false evaluation of conditions as the views of revolutionary social. President of the local, backed down, Cops.
At this moment, at the threshold methods of the of later on in the New Masses dedicated to they really are leads to incorrect ism to the Yipsels in preparation failed to support the strike, called of unity, it is worth while referring resorted to the same bureaucratic Caroline Decker. am not without tactics. It we were to take the for their national convention to be of the pickets with a statement that Omaha, General Paul. substi, past so that we may correct our every worker whose optnton was praised in that poem will return to 1, we would at the same time to who it appears, have not worked as In the recent strike disorders into the inbuman conditions of the tactics and ruthlessly persecuted hope that some day the courage statement referred to above serious held next month. The signers he was acting like a gentleman.
His gentlemanly tactics rapidly wrongs and learn our lesson from out of line with the policies of the her and she will say openly what compelled to take measures that in an organized group, either for any discredited Martens with the strikout sas for tear gas which he past experience, and so that the leadership of the Industrial Union she still believes that the policies idiocy would outstrip the worst time before the appearance of the ers, who are determined to stay out killed and several women injured were have labored may never see rank and tile workers of the In the Union we all belped the ball in the open Letter, as a whole, is a blutionary organization based on getting under way, planning to put termeerdere malen eine women injured miserable conditions ander which Fortunately, however, a group of of the Communist Party wrecked brainstorms of the Stallnites dur statement or since, call for the and eager to fight the issue on the when knockout gas was hurled the light again.
into a group of bystanders. Passaic, police must attend There is no doubt that the reac in opposition to the bureaucratic the responsibility for the fact that masterly analysis of the Stalin revolutionary principles. pressure on Martens, contact other church every Sunday and take tionary leaders of the of methods of their leaders who ruled she, Mind and six others are now degeneracy, and it would be better organizations in the city, and set were greatly responsible for the in in disguise under the name of Com in state prisons.
Monday quiz on the service.
The Proposed Program still if the statement in question up a mans picket line. If the propTwenty persons were injured by human conditions that prevalled in munism, pushed a fight for demoSincerely were stricken out altogether.
They propose a program of revoer steps are taken the strike runs They ruled with ancratic rights in the union, and for PAUL COURTNEY. EVEREIT. lutionary socialism, shotgun slugs, schoolchildren were the trade.
These prine a good chance, as busy season Kagged, as cops and company thugs iples are a statement of the general begins in July charged a picketline at the Canton, The only thing that we did not The Soviet bureaucracy cannot Communist position on the state, The National Battery Co. has Ohio, Tin Plate Co. The gov.
know was the method the place itself above the public opinion dictatorship of the proletariat, plants all over the the larg.
ernment attempts to meddle too will choose this time. But now of the international working class. workers councils, armed insurrec est in St. Paul, Chicago Heights, much with business ll make a there can not be even shadow of As regards the interests of the tion, reformism and the vanguard and New York. Attempts will be million cars next year if they just let the police run the country. And lutely innocent Sergel and by keep of its actions could only serve to extremely abstract, leaving aside other plants. protest to the govI don mean the Federal police. mean the local police, says Henry (Continued from Page 1)
ing him in jail for months Stalin its advantage. I, for one, would the question of an attitude toward ernment, one of the largest customtempt of the to link up the clearly and indubitably pursues the submit to such an authoritative the factions in the Socialist Party ers of the company, is contemplatFord as the 2, 000, 000th V8 is run and bis intellectual bent.
name of with the Kiroff as aim of creating a new amalgam. committee all necessary informa and a position towards the ed.
of the assembly line. An Act of Vengeance sassination: the Latvian consul Why, even the authorities, from who gave money for the terrorist from Sergel some sort of suitable son.
For this purpose he must for tion and documents concerning my Internationals, a position on the Soviet Union, attitude towards AgriculturalAdjustment Stalie down, were well aware of act offered at the same time to the confessions, even if only a renunci This letter of mine is therefore other workere parties war, lasciare What to Attend Herbert Hoover at the Stanford Kremlin, Stallone softewas dan te terorists to troteknit acheter for ation of his father. will not a direct appeal to working class or and the mediante problemes de cette oy room Both in the stages of manual la, the and the university au served only to compromise the orqutres. have no information on torneys of the Soviet bureaucracy, on two grounds: first the desire to scheme, however, fell through and in obtains the confessions he re abroad, not to interested at role of the Is glosaed over. New York City bor and professional work, thorities kept a redoubled wateh ganters of the trial.
These omissions can be explained Friday, July 12, P. Mass Meetmissed the discovery that was a lover him first as a student, secondthis score. But all the circum of course, but to sincere and indeing Protest Persecution of Bol.
wage slave. at least had the ly as a young professor, New Amalgam stances speak for themselves.
shevik Revolutionists in Soviet He was pendent friends of the October rev begin with the fundamentals and feeling that it was my option that arrested not for any sort of oppostolution.
second, and in all likelihood the Russia. Speaker: Muste.
An International Committee But precisely because of it we if did not like a particular profit tion activity (which did not exist repeated frequently in our family At 1776 Pitlin Ave. Brooklyn.
If after prolonged hesitation, more important, there is no agree It would be very simple to verity raise openly the question of Sorrelment among the signatories on these taker could find another one and under all circumstances could circle after the trial: They will the facts stated in this letter. It it is not only because he happens questions. Most of them are asso Sunday, July Minneapolis: Joint Minneapolis, Minn.
somewhere. found them a stop at this, they will have to wwuld be sufficient, for instance, to the nosoly because penso ha poena ciated with the New York cheery not exist) but exclusively as the and helpful lot of folk who took an son of LD. with the aim of wreak prepare some new case to cover up establish an international commit, Picnic of Workers Party and Spartacus Youth League at Minenormous Interest in helping younging vengeance upon the family. the failure of the amalgam with tee consisting of authoritative and be more than suficient for a mother tants. Others have been members people get a start. And you will This is the only explanation pos the congul. The same thought sincere individuals, of course, wellnehaha Park, picnic grounds No.
And that is the case today. sible.
but insufficient to arouse political of the Revolutionary Polley Com (in the glen. Starts at noon, was also expressed by in his established friends of the represents a clear, simple and ininitiative. But the case of Sergei mittee.
Nicholas Murray Butler of ColumDiamond ball, races, refreshments Militants Embarrassed All comrades remember the at articles in the Russian Bulletin. Such a committee would have to bla explains the class struggle: and prizes.
disputable case of conscious and examine into all repressions in con criminal self will, a case which can the leaders of the Militants. IsThe statement has embarrassed The perfectly baseless notion that society is organized into fixed, defl nection with the Kirov assassinaWORKERS nite and mutually Antagonistic BOOK SALE tion, among other things it would be very casily verified: the bureau sued without consultation with the throw the necessary light also on cratic upper crust crushes and tor. Caucus it puts clearly before the Protect Yourselves Against the classes, each of which should be ments a highly qualified Soviet leaders the task of accepting intent upon putting barriers and the case of our son Sergel, Hazards of Life, Join the UNTIL JUNE 29th limitations non others is in large This suggestion has nothing ex worker who is known to be loyal clear position on the problem of the WORKMEN SICK DEATH responsible for the prevailing imceptional or unacceptable. When order to satisfy the base instincte distasteful to the Militant lenders BENEFIT FUND OF THE US.
morality and 20 50 Discount On All Books unreasonableness the Social Revolutionaries, the or of revenge without any political than the adoption of an unambiguwhich, unless quickly conquered ganizers of attempts on the lives of justification for is it not absoluteous position on this question since and rejected, will end by destroy.
SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER Lenin and Trotsky were being tried ly obvious that physical suffering it would lead to further separation Organized, managed by and for ing all incentive to human effort to in 1922, the Central Committee un inflicted on the son could have no both from the left or the right.
By LEON TROTSKY reach the highest type of accom GERMANY: WHAT NEXT. workers with only one purpose: der the leadership of Lenin and influence whatever on the direction. 35 plishment and service. PresThe task of the young Socialists Trotsky afforded Vandervelde, Kurt THE ONLY ROAD FOR GERMANY.
to render protection to members Ident Jarrett of Renssalaer PolyRosenfeld and other adversarleg op of the political activity of the fa who accept the principles of revoTHE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN DANGER.
and their families, and to supof ther, an activity to which Sergel Intionary socialism is to further technte Institute, from which Gran. SOVIET ECONOMY IN DANGER. 10 the Soviet government the right to was never in any way related?
port all endeavors and struggles ville Hicks was recently discharged THE KIROV ASSASSINATION.
participate in the trial as defenders clarify their position regarding the That is why permit myself to concrete application of revolutionof the accused terrorists. This was for the improvement of tollers.
because of his radical ideas, clari IN DEFENSE OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION.
About 60, 000 members organof my son de ary principles in the present epoch fies the meaning of cademic free done precisely in order to dispel in think that the dom: We have recently been atized in 350 branches. Reserves Total the mind of the International pro serves public attention. At any and involve the membership in the 00 tacked on the ground that we have Bound Volumes of 3, 400, 000 letariat any doubts as to the fair rate, whoever wants to act must discussion. Clarity on all the tunNOW THE MILITANT stifled academic freedom and ab 65 ness of the trial.
act immediately, because given sildamental questions of the revolu Death beneat graded accord ridged free speech. You all know ing to ako at entry. Siek benefit Rolland, ence and impunity the vengeful acts tion in the Indispensable prerequlu Could not Romain 1933 and 1934. each 25 the charge is false. We adhere to (Add 150 for postage)
payments from 360 to 900 to (Plus 250 postage)
Charles Gide, Bernard Shaw and retrievuble mense heter 28sume an trsite for revolutionary action.
ad unwritten regulation of long men and women, according to standing that there shall be exassume the initiative to establish France, June 1, 1935.
classes PAUL LUTTINGER, cluded from all classrooms all such a committee in agreement with Monthly assessments from 450 Write for new book list DANIEL LUTTINGER controversial discussion about pollthe Soviet government! This would DENVER (FP. Industrial unto 20.
ties, sociology, etc.
We cannot PIONEER BOOKSHOP be the best method of checking on iontam as a means of ending jaris Washington Square North For further information apply permit the excessive academic free96 Fifth Avenue, New York City the accusations and the sampllone dictional disputes was Indorsed by 2 and 8 Except Sundays to Main Office: dom which must be stigmatized as widely spread to the working the Colorado Federation of Labor and Holidays.
714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, academic license.
Iconvention by an to vote.
to Sergei Trotsky Imprisoned By Stalinist Bureaucrats 1884 1935 25. 15. 10. 05