PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1935 LIVELY MEETINGS MARK SPEAKING TOUR FOR WORKERS PARTY Sop to Akron Labor Hides Enthusiastic Crowd Cheers Textile Strike Looms. Will It Be The New Party in Chicago Company Aim Another Betrayal by UTW Leaders?
the situation.
of The League Fight for Unity Real Story in Garage Strike had joined, hoping for a new revo lutionary policy in that party; there were one or two lone Lovestoneltes, who are still hard at work reforming the local communist AKRON, Obio. Jan. 26. Goodparty; and a handful of Stalinists.
year, Goodrich and Firestone threw CHICAGO, III. Jan. 20. The in showed the recent zigings of the Present also were some of the leadAkron rubber workers a bone in terest in the formation of the Work both with regards to the classing members of the Detroit Branch the form of a three cent per hour ers Party is such in Chicago, that struggle in general and with the of the Proletarian Party, many of By FELIX GIORDANO even lentown to discuss the possibility, possibility to change now wage Increase last week.
över 360 workers turned out to characterization of himself as an whom are the most active militants ALLENTOWN, The wave of of strike action on a national scale. mildly, the leadership of the This was ballyhooed by the comhear Comrades Muste and Cannon honest man, whers up to recently in the Mechanics Educational So militancy which came over the tex It seems, tben, that the report Ir a strike call is issued, the same panies as having come through the speak at the Capitol Building on he had been classified as a black ciety of America, union of some tile workers last year, and which has been made and naturally men will be at the head of it.
tireless efforts of the company unibe program and aims of the party. uerl and left social fascist. Muste 20, 000 tool and dye makers. culminated in the general strike of enough it is not satisfactory, Way Through Strike Committee ions.
The audience responded with fre threw into the teeth of the Stalin Twenty new contacts were estab last September, is far from being But if that is the case, why call It appears evident that if any reThe announcement came as a quent outbursts of applause. ints the challenge defend their lished for the Workers Party at the dead.
a meeting of delegates to talk about sults are to be obtained by the next surprise to the red apple boys whose Muste and Cannon laid down an policy of terror in disposing of po meeting.
The betrayal of that strike at it? Why not let the membership of strike, be it in the silk rayon or in Grst knowledge of the plan came analysis of the present economic litical opponents in the Soviet Unthe hands of the vacillating and the organization know about it the whole textile industry, the only from the evening papers.
and political situation which neces ion, after the Kirov Assassination. NEW CASTLE, Pa. Muste inept leadership arouses the work first?
way is through a militant, progres At the same time, tire production sitated the formation of the new lle concluded with an appeal for spoke to 60 persons here on Jan. ers now more than ever.
Workers Party.
party. They showed that the port of burning question now confronts sive clear sighted Strike Commit is rapilly shooting toward the 1929 15. The question and discussion It will be remembered that the tee ready to follow the peak.
Workers Party, armed with a realneriod centered around the policies Last convention of the American the silk industry. Is this strike to The rubber burons are obviously with cornections in the trade union cen wextthrer, 65 workers gathered to of the second and Third Interna spite of the top clique, had to pro last September? Is the same group continue the strike in spite of the with the wage sop while bullding WAUKEEGANO Despite beat the Soviet Union, the collapse Federation of silk Workers, be a repetition of the debacle of besterando long as it shows firm.
ters throughout the country, with her James Cannon explain the lonals and the neersity for the mise strike action in case. the of bureaucrats that were respon UT. when the same officials up a hnge Inventory toward the a powerful unemployed organiza program of the Workers Party. The workers Party.
report of the Industrial Relations sible for that shameful betrayal tion and a well circulated press, peech was the opening fun in the Following the meeting an organCommittee appointed by the Winant soing to be in charge of this show as they will weakness and time when strike actfon breaks out.
strike uncertainty, and lose from sigbt Meanwhile Dr. Coleman Clarbids fair to become THE revolu drive of the Wankegan Branch for izational meeting of the Branch Board should not be satisfactors erty, head of the of rubber tionary party of the American pro new members.
was held. Rocky Lewis was elected Francis Gormen, the official head This strike committee must be workers comcil, continues to play letariat But the report may have already of the last strike, has recently representative of the membership the old shell game with an angry Communists Behave DETROIT. About 150 workersbranch organizer.
been made, and may be now in the made utterances to the effect that and close to it, coming Inmediately and impatient rank and Ale. large number of lett Socialists representing every fmportant poli.
hands of the national officials of the textile workers have been betrom its ranks. It must be com few more passes like sabotasComrades the and of the American trayed in the confidence they put in posed of the most elear sighted ele ing the Firestone strike vote, which The Communist Party was also renment, heard Muste and James Aluste and Cannon helped a set Pederation of six Workers, with the Government.
ments in the unions, ready to push was lost by only 25 votes, and pel resented by about twenty members, Cimon, outstanding leaders of the view party on to a fine start in out the organizations making it That sounds very much like an on the fight when the fighting is avering with the National Labor who, surprisingly as it may seem the Workers Party at Jericho Tem this city.
known to the members.
attempt to rehabilitate himself with good. This does not mean that it Relations Board. especially after and for the first time, behaved Jan. 18, The meeting was the Quite a number youthful, Delegates to Meet the workers.
themselves in an orderly fashion first held by the new party in De healthy elements of the Cleveland should be composed of aventurls its own confessed impotence in laThis possibility assumes gigantic It suggests that the silk rayon tie elements, who mistaking a de bor disputes, and the Firestone and did not attempt, in their usual croit. The response was enthusias working class were present.
The proportions in view of the fact that strike, which seems quite certain, feat for a victory wilt contine rank and filers are golug to take manner, to disrupt the meeting. tie.
new party is being discussed in a meeting of delegates from all over may be only the prelude to a new (or try) to push on a fight that the medicine show out of his hands.
Following the speeches a collec In the audience were Socialists, every hall and center where work the silk industry has been called general textile strike to follow ei has lost morale.
And once they do that, they are tion was taken. Over 70 was several of them new members whoers meet throughout the city. suddenly for next Sunday in Alther immediately or closely after it. These are the two evils betyreen t going to fool.
collected and 25 pledged.
The question comes up: Can the which the textile workers must The chairman announced that a present leadership conduct steer.
speaker from the and the another textile strike?
Weakness and reactionary ten WHAT TO ATTEND might take the floor and present The workers who saw their fellencles on the part of the leadertheir party point of view. prolow workers die in the deep South ship will prove to be the workers mfrent section leader of the and in Rhode Island only to have own defeat.
got up and set forth to damn and By LOUIS BREIER Notices for this column should be slay the the strike called off when it was But romantic adventurism will The real disunity is the disuni. The united front is, or should be still on the upewing, and without prove equally as destructive by dis sent in as long in advance as pos History of the National UnemBrought Down the House ty of working class leadership la transition measure towards orand the achievement of unity Much to the amusement of the ployed League, Part Four.
ganic unity within a particular any gains, will they forget the les torting the truth, pushing when resible, and if destined for a particuworkers, this worthy deplored the The National Unemployed League rests with these leaders or with Held, e. the unemployed move son of only a very few months ago, treat would be wisdom, giving hopes lar issue, must be on the editor the workers, if they fail.
ment, the trade unions, etc. The fact that the program of the worked for unity in the unemand again follow the same kind of to the masses in the face of doom. desk by Tuesday morning. Will the textile workers be able New York City was really a communist program played movement. Worked and This is the basic problem within practice, which strictly limite leadership? Can they be rallied so follow a general who is so ready to to secure such leadership? Only Feb. Saturday night Distriet stolen from the on a dark worked hard not for a cooked up the unemployed movement and in the united front to specific issues high sound the retreat?
if such leadership is theirs can they Housewarming Party, West 15th night. He literally brought down or fake unity, but for unity in fact every other section of the laboris comparable to the lady movement. It cannot be solved by virtue who limits her lover to a On the other hand, there is no hope to achieve any gains. Street. third floor. Jazz band.
the house when he referred to as not as a tactic.
Refreshment and drinks. Members. comrade Muste (not Mr. Muste. Its history would not be complete accomodations. coalitions or by single kiss. Neither lovers nor friends and sympathizers invited.
Feb. 7, Thursday evening Benean honest man who had made con united front experiences with other ganizations in the name of an ab teasing, finally. Nor is there any confronting the At Theatre Party, Sailors of Cattributions to the American labor employed organizations, particu stract autonomy, but only by the specific issue movement.
larly the Communist Party led Un most thoroughgoing and uncompro workers on which they can unite as chairman, or through branches.
God Forbid!
employment Councils and the So mising elimination of all differences separated from any other issue on left Socialist next took the cialist Party led unemployed un in theory and tactic.
which they, presumably, cannot Feb. 8, Friday Ludwig Confusing the Problem floor and argued that the bons. These experiences lead one unite. There are issues that do not ALLENTOWN, Angered by Lore, Two Years of Hitler Rule.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. On Sat should be in the today, helping to ask What is unity?
The problem has been confused immediately involve organic unity, the Pollyanna relief paper put ont urday night, Jon. 19, the member. Brooklyn.
1776 Pitkin Ave. cor. Stone Street, to reform it and revolutionize it. The NUL has taken a clear post by the very natural inclination of but organle unity is the goal of by relief officials, transients in the ship of Local Union No. 382, Garage He pleaded that the should lon on this question.
every leader or body of leaders to every genuine united front.
Feh. 16, Saturday evening Gelu Allentowi follow the example (God forbid. What Unity Is lay their own plans and aspira ransient Shelter Tatechanics. voted to accept the event. Revue and dance. Germania The united front on specife is ont their own uncensored paper.
of Albert Goldman and enter the Just as the struggle between tions on the doorstep of the plans sucs is the preliminary to and the The first two pages of the last strike settlement as drawn up by Hall. 18th St. and Third Ave. Proand clasues cannot be compromised, but and aspirations of the workers. Tresting and serande undey edition were taken up entirely lwy committees from the employers and Grillemal show about the Comrade Cannon replied to this must be fought out to the very last of that has always been the under those persons who are not on relief are approximately the same as Deftating the blk talk of tremendous element of opposition in spite of all the United Front from Below standing of the NUL. Thus, at the land who get a regular income, those which the St. Paul Friday night forums at all mase contact, he showed how the tranporary coolations. so the when every minute of that practice first Columbus convention a united they wrote. One article pleader strike was ended: a minimum ormal open forum at Branch 6, Pitkin branches. Sunday night Inforactuel left wing was very small ruggle within the working class pushed unity back a year, the front was entered into with the Un with us to have sympathy and tol. 6c an hour for mechanics: a miul Ave, Brooklyn. Free admission.
and had no reason to look scorror lasting and genuine unity leadership shouted that the work employed Councils WITH VIEW erance. One stated that because Akron, Ohio fully upon the The he cannot be achieved ly a mere ac ers were crying for unity mean TO CALLING UNITY CONVEN Dawes, the banker, predicted an mam of 18 weekly for washers, stated, did not deny the existence commodation but must be welded me thereby that the workers were TION. Failure to carry out the upturn in business, every transient RP. runters and attendents: Feb. 4, Monday evening penkof a developing left wing. But the roleh understanding of the basic crying for the United Front from united front successfully would re would get a break It he had the time and a half for overtime: 36 ors: Muste and Cannon.
subsequent destruc sult in failure to achleve the unity patience.
hours a week guaranteed. union best way to help the left wing was issues and elimination of all ob Below and Columbus, Ohio Feb. 5, Tuesday, P. Branch precisely by forcing it to fight the structing and incompatible cletiou of every organization but the convention.
recognition: no discrimination, etc.
How do transients fare? old guard, with a view to split ments.
Communist Party!
Testing the Councils The settlement represents real conference. Tuesday at P. If there is no united Action They check it out for refusing gains for the workers in Miune powith them and then of unifying all Mass Meeting And thus, every pompous mani. At this time the famous open Los Angeles, Cal revolutionists into one party. among the organized workers to texto of the socialist old guard letter of the to itself in which to do insulting and degrading work: lin garages and auto hody shop Describes Zig Zag day.
Feh. 3, Tuesday evening Open it is not be the workers speaks in the name of the work the united front from below was for Treing sick too often, for not Not every one or the demands WILS Forum, 1785 First St. cor. Boyle. Muste reply to the speaker. hey inck a common theory, a com afraid to defy the bayonet and the cried off the press. There was to our medical card, for not seeing won with this strike, but with the The 1. Turns Right Again No less effective was Comrade laek a common cause, lut because ees. who are apparently not seemingly repudiated had hardly taking more shots after losing Nationship of forces it was cerHe evoked great laughter when bemon tactic and a united leadership. machine gun In a strike but fear to be double dealing, stabbing notice on the Bulletin Board within tainly the best agreement that coura Charles Curtis and Rae Ruskin.
oppose Imperialist. war even on in the back. Issues were to be met an hour after it is posted, for not have been obtained. Hundreds of Charleston, Va.
Feb. 6, Wednesday, 7:30 jolice was not abrogated, but confined to the specified hour, for telling the into Union 469 and 382 during the Court House The Workers Party Even the Weisbordites, all of the work at hand.
truth, for knowing too much, and last two weeks. Both organizations and the Trade Union Movement them, weave their incredible phan The NUL accepted this agree for non cooperation, which can now have. Arm foothold in their Muste and Cannon.
industry tasmagorias in the name of those ment in good faith, recognizing mean a multitude of things, the Chairman, Scott same workers who are prevent then as now that dualism in the uncensored paper said.
Act Against Chiseling Pittsburg, Feb. Friday, P. Northside To me it is becoming increas ed from embracing Weisbord only employed movement was one of You are no longer enpable of hecanse they are handcuffed by the greatest impediments to proWORKERS EDUCATION FOR Sunday an overflowmass Carnegie Muste Hall. The Workingly evident that the banner of self criticism, and having become Gitlow!
ALLENTOWN gress. But almost at once evidences meeting of garage workers was helders Party of the Its Program proletarian revolutions now in at the General Drivers Local 574 and Purpose. Speakers: Infallible, you no longer need po Workers Cannot Deviate of bud faith on the part of the the hands of the Workers Party. lemics. You have very mysterious The workers need a clear revolu Councils began ponring into head front between unions and unemALLENTOWN. PA. Among the speakers Muste and James Cannon.
kayo Harold Smith, resigning from y caught the knack of avoiding anythonary program and a consistent quarters were Bob Cramer, editor of the the Communist Party.
and all mistakes. Subsequent events revolutionary leadership. They are in Columbus itself, Council lend ployed Leagues was instrumental Minneapolis Labor Review, Herman The letter of the section men invariably prove that the latest des not concerned with deviations. The ership blithely continued to damn rechtropene a State Emergency Res tive, Henry eSchultz. Secretary or BOOK SALE bership committee to Comrade bacle of proletarian defeat shows workers themselves cannot deviate, the leaders of the NUL as if there liet profect in Workers Education Smith and his reply to the disThe correctness of the party line.
DISCOUNTS UP TO 50 trlet committee are published be. These are some of my reasons.
however much they may be led to handle nordboerwhen the continet 18 in unton and League headquarters Felt Dobbs, business agent of Local One Week Only Fel. to low, without further comment. Your lutter informing me that dangled over them by the Roose and the langues had united to carry and will start Feb. Courses will 074 broad committee elecbe o Nered in Public Speaking, Writtel at the meeting to check up on PIONEER BOOKSHOP Jan. 18, 1935 nesday shall from that day be In the end there is only one path It leudership promptly forgot Ing. English, Labor Dramatics, Lathe bosses, beginning early Monday Comrade Smith come an enemy of the workingclass, that leads to the goal the revolu about the strike and concentrated bor Problems, Labor History and morning to see that no chiseling 96 Fifth Avenue, Please call at Section this Wed Is a happy bit of humor. The sim tionary path. When the workers on printing exposures of the sorial Current Events. workers library on the workers takes place. One Flight Up)
nesday, Jan. 25, 7:30 PM to see ple fact of the matter is that by realize this, they will set up the fascists.
and reading room is to be opened, returning my membership the section organizer About the IWO weeks ago. resigned But they will mean, not their own was deliberately folsted on the Al co operating in its upkeep.
book cry for unity.
In Pennsylvania, a red herring all Allentown labor organixations statement that you made in our The PIONEER PUBLISHERS Section that you are in favor of from the CP.
unity (for it is by the recognition lentown League which might have The project, which calls for 14 Trotsky and that he is the only It is known of course, that you of their own unity that they find destroyed that organization. teachers, is under the supervision announces the publication of two new pamphlets true disciple of Lenin. As this is do not recognize a resignation. But the revolutionary path) but the Patience Another Letter of Bill Reich, educational director the second notice that we are send on this point there appears to me unity of their leadership. The lead When the NUL complained of of the Lehigh County Unemployed THE KIROV ASSASSINATION ing you, if you do not answer by much discord, e. on what you recership will either lead the way to this sabotage, the leaders of the League and former instructor of By LEON TROTSKY wednesday, you will be expelled onize and what the workers are revolution and the workers world Councils explained that the new Labor Education at Commonwealth (The first time in English)
from the and publely exposed actually doing. LENIN LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT as an enemy of the working class.
You say will be exposed. May route, or tall by the wayside with United Front from Below had not of 500 is expected. Membership Committee, posed in what connection? ask exposed to whom? And ex the thousand Kerenskys et al.
yet trickled down to the rank and (Suppressed by the Comintern)
with two supplementary articles Section 5, District Nothing finally can destroy the file. Only time and patience were FOLLOW THE NEWS IN THE ask my friends and comrades essential unity of the proletariat. required. But in the weeks tolBy LEON TROTSKY NEW MILITANT.
Charles Krumbein, inside the to recognize the NOW READY It is said that fallure to unite lowing the back stabbing and sabopolitical surge when such sterling against Fascism results in Fascist taging increased rather than dimDistrict Committee Each 100 00 per Hundred sroletarian revolutionists as Zack, unity that is, the concentration inished and the patience of the PIONEER PUBLISRERS PHILADELPHIA 96 Fifth Avente, New York City My reasons for resigning from ing the turn. ask them to study the unity of the concentration a letter from the district of WORKMEN SICK DEATH your party may state briefly.
the teachings of Lenin but the ar Judge. To discard the disciple a single interest and a single goal. hande.
AMALAMAN Your party no longer applies so that they may really be able to workers are indisolubly united by Unemployed Council fell into its bitrary decrees of Stalin and his bugaboo, and begin to study with Unity can be delayed, obstructed, The letter called on the CounDRINKS SUPPER pleked crew. Your party is domi free headh. To recognize that the led into the lunatic byways and cils to make every use of the nated by a bureaucracy and as a monster Flascism can be destroyed the reformist highways but it can united front, not to win the reand RED CABARET DANCE you separated from the working ocratic centralism, by the widest This is the conception of unity lief strike, but to smash the Leagues!
Entertainment CLASS.
polemics and by genuine individual held by the National Unemployed Dance Numbers, Singing and other Entertainment When Muste read this let2. Since the suppression of the initiative League. It underlies the NUL pro ter to the Cleveland Trade Union Nature Friends. Pulfer Orchestra best ininds and spirits of the revoMAX SHACHTMAN, Master of Ceremonies y Tev inente tire becoming increasing sram for achieving unity in the Conference that same year in the United Workmen Singing Societies lution, your officialdom has accu y evident that the banner of pro unemployed movement. But before presence of most of the top leadermulated a long list of fallures. letarian revolution is now in the we come to that program, we will ship of the the only answer Saturday, February 16th pm The Party trade union pol hands of the Workers Party review briefly the united front ex was their complete silence. Only ley. Its united front tactics, its HAROLD SMITH perlences of the NUL to date. rank and Aler in the rear of the amours with the League of (capi.
The Struggle for Unity hall was heard to mutter: How KENSINGTON LABOR LYCEUM GERMANIA HALL talist) Nations, its concessions to the French and American bourgeoiPIONEER BOOK SERVICE The experience of the NUL in In hel did he get that letter?
2915 24 North Second St.
the struggle for unity may be sle, indicate too clearly the lead144 16th St. near 3rd Ave.
We Can Secure Any Book classified for the sake of conven FORGOTTEN MEN YELL Continuous Dancing. Orchestras long march to the right.
You Want lence as follows: a) the united One, two, three, four, When your apparatus grows, Io advance 49 Program begins at 7:30 At the door 750 front on speelfie issues, b) organ The last war was a bosses war.
tt swells with Write for Catalogue e pus of the petty izational and organle unity. Five, six, seven etght, Admission 35e, Including Wardrobe Tickets at International Workers School, West 15th St.
bourgeois. The backbone is non PIONEER PUBLISHERS proletarian and flabby.
96 Fifth Avenue, In reality, however, this clasalRise and make a workers state.
floation is not altogether valid. From Volve of the Workerom Leaves Communist Party for Workers Party. Tells Why On united auditorium GRAND BALL GAMES Saturday Feb. 16th