AssassinatBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceFrench socialist partyGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismKirovLeninLeninismMarxismParis CommuneSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismSyndicalismTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class
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March of Events: The AAA and the Tenant FarmerJacobs, Louis "Jack Weber" (Estados Unidos) (1894-1965)
March of Events: Driving Farmer Off the LandJacobs, Louis "Jack Weber" (Estados Unidos) (1894-1965)
March of Events: The Attack on TrotskyJacobs, Louis "Jack Weber" (Estados Unidos) (1894-1965)

SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE Why Join the Workers Party?
MARCH OF EVENTS By JACK WEBER By MUSTE Letters to a Worker Correspondent doing just what Hitler does: he lines up with Hitler, he is an asThe AAA and the Tenant Farmer whites and blacks alike, thereby Fellow Worker: sassin of Soviet leaders, he is that Just as the development of cap evading all responsibility for feedYou may that quite a few of the revolution? How many more years against a labor party. Browder vilest of all creatures, one who unItallet Industry results in the ever ing them and throwing them on the men you have been talking to have have to so by without a Congress steps of the boat; Just returned der the disguise of revolutionist. Ereater concentration of wealth in starvation rellet handed out by the been Impressed by my arguments of the cl. before the will ad. from Moscow. He hurries to would destroy the Soviet Union and count for the fact that Floarst rich financiers, so the development policies result in this wholesale present economic system and of longer. and will graciously ing. the Unemployment Insurance we too belleve that the Soviet The Kiror Assassination to stof capitalist farming exhibits also wave of evletlons and driving of building Marxist revolutionary allow that it is not counter revo Congress, Is in session there. Some Unlon Is a workers state. We polnt tack the Soviet Union so that the the concentration of land ownership farmers of the land, the govern party to lead the workers and their lutionary for the workers to build Loveatoneltes (whore main aim in to the achievements of the workers life, curiously enough, is still to in the as evidence of how Daily Worker of March 20, polntin the hands of fewer and fewer ment makes empty gestures of es alles in doing the job. You bave, a new International?
land barons. By means of its com tablishing subsistence homesteads however. member of the Commu Constder the debacle of the get back into the distributed planned socialist production even ing to this fact, is able to claim that Heart and Trotsky are alplex control of the market for and peasant proprietorshipe. And nist (Stalinist) party in your shop Communist Party in Germany. Here a leaflet calling for the building of in the face of the greatest obstacles lles?
agricultural products, of the prices this is the reactionary solution of and be says that the Is the wo had the mightlent Communista labor party. Using the type of and when as yet only the begin ANSWER: To clarify the question charged to farmers for the goods tered by the Committee on Minority only revolutionary party, and the Party in the capitalist world. Ever argument at which they shine most nings of the foundations of a 80 let us first consider an analogy.
they need, and of the credit system canonico per 10 challeout not send the only international revolutionary 1st movement has existed in Ger leaflets and beat up the Lovestone uges of capitalism, can do more proven to be corrupt, the capitalist the small farmer more intensively the agricultural problem, by organ seranization. Locuramos o nosite the many. Yet this movement collapsed to distributerowe meble metaling for the masses than capitalism can press, identifying the corrupt union than under any previous economicizing the farmers into collective Soviet Union, according to him, like a toy balloon at the advent of opened and Browder made themWe stand, and we alone, for the bureaucracy with the union itself, they real defense of the Soviet Union. points to the facts with glee for gantic forces not of nature but of manufactured goods and services is the party that is doing the fight sistance, without a single fight in were now for a labor party! To hold that you can defend ing for the workers, the Negroes, the streets. Surely this is evidence monopoly capitalism, the farmer for their crops.
What happened? True, some of the and advance the interization in general.
From the work the purpose of discrediting uniongradually falls into hopeless debt etc. or course it has made some of terrible degeneration in the the comrades turned pale momen: ests of the Soviet workers only ers viewpoint, however, which through the process of mortgaging The Attack on Trotsky mistakes, but it has corrected them, How many debacles like that tarily and experienced that sick by accepting the Stalin regime makes a distinction between the anhis land, his home, even his future and not criciezing Stalin is like lon as a workers organization and crop in his desperate struggle to more viclous attacks made in the the is being attacked by to call a halt, brush the aside, Worker. The nature of this exThe constantly slowing and ever or builds another party now when before the workers have a right to be some explanation in the Dally saying that in order to defend its corrupt bureaucracy, it is nee keep from starving.
unionism in the and advance planation is the best evidence any the interests of organized labor essary that the progressive eleThe bankers mortgage system is aky, assume more and more the Hearst and others Is helping Fas and build a new International cism and attacking and underminments within the organizations un3. All the leading polleles of the one could ask of the low Intellec. you have to accept the regime of pect of a widespread preparation in the Soviet Union, and is noC. of the in recent years tual level which has been reached merely a stage in the degradation for new efforts of the Soviet bulbetter than Hitler himself. The have proven bankrupt and have in the and that includes the Wall and Dan Tobin and have BiH Groen, John Lewis, Matty as to correct it, and only in this ceasingly expose such corruption so tenance and Into sbare cropping reaucracy to perpetrate a frame up Workers Party is ready to meet cently been tossed overboard. The intellectuale. re critica novelists, to rogard any criticism of these corrupt leadership replaced.
way can it be corrected and the and the status of farm laborer. The against hit their desperate that argument and to meet it in no gently been to the company poets, artists, social workers bureaucrats as treason. Our con capitalist ruling class in the ad eagerness to trick the working class uncertain terme.
preachers, etc. who are mem tention is precloely that in both reply to this criticism on its merite, The bureaucrats never attempt to vanced countries observe this in some oceult process known only to unions and must be smashed; reyWe hold that the and olutionary unions dual to the Abers or stooges.
cases the Interests of the workers evitable process with dread, for it les are the charges true or not; are no longer revolutionary or. must be built a feder: The Daily Worker explained: The can be advanced only by defeat that is too dangerous. Identifying lumped together canizations. They have in recent ton of Labor dual to the den: Labor Party question is one of tacing the present leadership creates the allies of the proletariat the Stalinists, in the struggle for power and thus with counter revolutionists and years organized and are now or themselves with the union to divert menaces the social stability. Am white guardists, not to mention poThe Stalin theory is that Social from the real issues, they usually ganizing defeats and not victormust be stablished; we do not en ties not principle, 80 we can change erican capitalism is now face to lice agents, the stalinists form a ies for the working class. InsoIter into a united front with the the line without much ado. Any ism can be built that is, poverty change of abolished, classes done away with us you people are attempting to deanswer as follows: By attacking face with the problem of stabiliz reaction ted front with bourgeois far as they have infinence, they Protes belowo in the members line: we always were for a labor etc. in the Soviet Union alone and strongOUR union. See! Even the ing agriculture and subsidizing farmers so as to maintain them for Nothing would suit the French and vigorous revolutionary move use against the working class reactionaries more than to see this ment everywhere. Furthermore, cists. Social Democracy fs the twin for having a party discussion before in all other lands. It is natural formation you are spreading to diswhen it becomes necessary. The Bolshevik Leninist stuffed out of the policies of the Stalinist lead.
AAA was created with this in view existence. They recognize that the ership which dominates the Soviet a labor party are simply trying to in the the members have such those who believe this and especial credit us so that workers will quit and was intended to aid in solv. real menace to French capitalism Union and the do not strene. keep the masses out of the confidence in the Political Commit ly offi. de holders in the shonla the organization or refuse to join.
As matter of fact many workers, ing its attempts reveal, leaving aside are working to create the Fourth Onion, the one workers state in farm problem. Actually comes from those revolutionsts who then the defense of the Soviet these have been the basic policies tee that the Committee can act become lukewarm about the revolu. under the pressure of the capitalist the hypocrisy of every ruling class International. The New Interna the world; they are weakening years. They were reathirmed by a in the second place to ease Cochieds entrato slechtheir attention on dishonesty of many trade union bu when dealing with the exploited tional would at the same time be and destroying those defenses; and oppressed, the utter inability of menace not to the Soviet Union they are preparing the way for imous in the at a party con we discuss and act at the same and tell the Communist Parties in reaucrats, and consider unlons as capitalism to solve the farm prob to the defense of which it would vention last June. Any who questime (though to the eye of the other countries that their only job this lies, not in the necessary critithe overthrow of the workers be devoted, but to the corrupt butioned any of these policies were simple minded outsider it looked as is defending the Soviet Union state.
cism of the left wing workers, but reaucracy that has ruled in Russia Stalin gave the order, What is the result of the work We must not be deceived by the denounced in the most vicious and thongh Driving Farmers of the Land since Lenin died. In order to paper programs of the che scurrilous manner as counter revo Browder obediently repeated it, the ſing out of this theory? The inter in the DEEDS of the bureaucrats.
Except that it is on a much highThe report by the Committee on workers in the countries of Western the fact that it still has a consider. all these policies are tossed over their eyes, swallowed hard, accept emasculated. Not a Congress of er historical plane and therefore Minority Groups in the Economic Europe for the creation of the able number of members and adscotch the growing movement of the claims it makes for itselt, or luttonists and social fascists.
Today party leaders and members blinked national revolutionary movement is board without even the formality ed the order like the robots they the has been hield in seven more difficult to visualize, the dethe AAA bus worked not in the in by the building of the new Dutch called themselves Marixans, claimedsrult in fact has been executed. Anlged in a little discussion. a Communist parties in capitalist cracy in the Soviet Union might be Recovery. just issued, shows how Fourth International, as symbolized herents. The Social Democrats of a party convention. pomerhave become, and only then in years, as we have pointed out. The Generation of the Stalinist bureauterests of the actual farmers, but Revolutionary Party, the Stalinists to have the only way to establish Stalinists have to go into of very little discussion in which ao Cuntries are forced to change compared to that of the bureaucrain those of the exploiters of these feel it necessary to discredit Com Socialism and maintained big par. unions. leaders fawn upon one breathed the least doubt of the their line mechanically as the ercy of the trade unions in the capi.
farmers through the well estab. rade Trotsky.
lehed modes of usury. The bankomniscience of Stalin, the beloved gencies of the foreign and domestailst countries. Identifying them Their effort at a plant in the ties of the Second International in trade union bureaucrats and funds at low rates of interest and ter that the GPU had hoped to ob tionalism in the Great War of 1914 ed front from below. It seems that described in the Soviet Union with parties thus weakened Fascism in attack ers have been enabled to borrow Kirov assassination through a let. Various countries after the betrayal lenders. They are silent as the and genial leader of our party and tie policies of the present leader selves with the Workers State, the of the masses into the hands of na grave about the dearly beloved unit of the working class. as he is now ship of the dictate. Upon Stalinists consider and label any on their mistakes and crimes as an attack on the workers to loan out these same funds attain with the aid of a foreign con 18. But the Social Democracy had there are no more social fascists on a fulsome flattery which Lenin fiets one defeat after another.
the usual extortionate rates. sul fell through.
The Soviet Union not being able fatherland Itselt. In this they from stabilizing the farming in all the more likely a new and worse had become a hindrance to the onBut this makes ceased to be a progressive force, the earth. The takes the in would have had a word for. Na same premise A8 to count under these clrcumstances stand dustry, the polley pursued by the attempt in France where the Soviet ward course of the workers revo a mass, class, federated, class erged from a discussion conduct on the Icking of any powerful Hearst, who also identifies the government under the New Deal has bureaucracy feels its whole opportution. The vanguard workers, the struggle, not reforilst, mot revolued that level was that Trotsky revolutionary force in capitalist Stalinists with the Soviet Union had the effect of degrading the lottunist policy jeopardized by the best fighting elements left the tionist, highest form of united frontist opposition to the labor party contries, the Stalinist leadership and attacks the latter through the of the tenant farmer even more, revolutionary course pursued by Under Lenin leadership the per labor party! cannot imagine or criticism of the way in which the leads it further and further into a misdeeds of the former, using if and of actually driving him off the the Bolshevik Leninist fraction of spective of building the new, Thirds at your house will fall for this effected was part of a counter rey the enters the League of Na who does not identify the Stalinist land, that this group of workers meeting turn in the party line had been swamp in order to postpone war, necessary the fact that Trotsky, the French Socialist Party. The International was raised. Althotela Curtailment of crops to raise growing and concerted attacks in the number of those who accepted C, conversion. a conversion olutionary plot to assassinate tions which lenin described as a clique with the proletarian dicta Kirov League of imperialist robbers, and torship and sharply criticizes their an hundreds of thousands of tenant thus merely serve to get us on our were apparently Isolated from the the Rescue Mission and for the farmers in the South. It pays the guard against the danger of a new mass movements which had plunged colossal impudence of the pleathe and outside finally swall for the workers. military all attempt to correct them. It is to Many an honest worker in Stalin proclaims this as a victory bureaucratic machinations in landlord to evict these tenants, frame up against Comrade Trotsky. Into support list powers, the fuof the war activities 10 American workers: We have a lows all its mistakes and crimes ance or understanding is entered be observed that Hearst does not of the 100 percent record of failure on all and remains loyal to it, because he into with imperialist France. Non even hesitate to use Lenin critture was with the forces looking our policies. Everybody else saw it accepts the argument which neutression pacts are signed with Ique of the Paris Commune for the new International. Very years ago. Even we see it now. runs something like this: The varions countries. Leagues against same purpose, but the Daily Work soon, in the crisis in Russia in consequently, we are the only qual. Soviet Union is the only workers War and Fascism mainly composed or conveniently ignore this fact. It is the work of middle class intellectuals, are The Stalinists have not answered they demonstrated their lifted revolutionary lenders of the state in the world.
soundness and their power by giv working class!
ers fatherland. It is in terrible granned. Workers are imbued with the criticism made in Trotsky 4. Dictatorship of one man, danger today. Our main, practic be maintained by these means. But on thin lce. even though they ing the final blow to Czarism, over. Stalin, exists in the Third Interna, ally our sole task, is to defend it (Ed. Note: At the recent Paris Conference of the Left Socialist Soft Secialists and Norwegian Lett tablishing the workers stated ventional. Earl Browder, secretary of Save the Soviet Union and all its even that is not the worst that have devoted much space to slanSocialists, voted against, and the So, the future today is with the parthe is his messenger boy saved. lose it and all is lost. At Stalinism can do and hns done. dering It. The atteint of the and Independent parties the two The Rolshevik party in the u. Dails Worker to draw an equation remainder abstained.
revolutionary organizations of tack the today and you at has been destroyed. of the Polit sign between Hearst and Trotsky is tles and groups looking toward the Under these conditions the is utterly incapable of correcting its tack Stalin; attack Stalin who has ical Burenu of the party in Lenin merely a smokescreen to divert IIolland, the Independent Social a previous issue, the German Fou do not have the space in this mistakes ont can only execute zis: the full support and then we telkens in time no one but Stalin remains. All from the real issues, a procedure ist Party and the Revolutionary Socialist Party, strongly defended the slogan of the Fourth In majority for purely pintonie ut the the and the Stalinist us together the greatest possible dence to back up our estimate of month or two ago. The 18. Any one who does that is tiren tirement Party opponents of Stal. by corrupt trade nnion bureaucraternational, and urged that steps in are sent to Siberia or shot. In be taken to further the movement erince on the New International leadership of the Soviet Union. We their place men like the present Camwh im have dealt and will deal with them The Right to Vote for Stalin Is Granted The Social Soviet The gist of the matter is this: ambassadors to London, for its constitution.
ist Workers Party of Germany portance to this activity that it in the New Militant, the New Inalust the resolution of the temational and in pamphlets and Paris, Berlin, Washington, who Analogous to the case of the trade (S. appeared as the chief were bourgeois professors Men unions, any discredit which may and Since the editor books. Here want to list just sabotagers of the slogan which sheviks or actually engaged in come to the Soviet Union flows, not of llet Volk enlogizes the wis. a few points which am sure will they once publicly espoused. We counter revolutionary activity at from the necessary and correct Tom of the in this connec. convince you and which you can use print below a polemic on the question we wish to make it known in in discussion with workers who are the time of the October revolution criticisms launched against the tion from the columns of De Baan era manner that the pion still under official influence.
are clevated to office and along Stalinist bureaucracy by the revoIn order to er et home sort 11 of its acntenens. Even today the with professors and social workers lutionists, but from the DEEDS of breker, official organ of the Revo wear the regeneration of lutionary Socialist Party of Hol revolutionary working class not had a Congress since 1928 The Third International has partial screen to counteract the dictatorship is inconceivable with in the who discovered Russia this bureaucracy itself.
repulsive impression which has out the hegemony of the proletari. yesterday, become authorities on land in response to an editorial movement we do in Het Volk, the organ of the not appreciate seven years! Why not? Back in been created by Stalin manhand at over the peasantry. But the in how to defend the Soviet Union!
tions that the destruction and desuch wisdom.
reformist Social Democrats. We Official Communists and social was the dust attacked on Recently one of these 1985 model teat of imperialist powers is thelr when the Soviet Union Ine of his political opponents, un quality in the electoral rights be.
donen der the guise of waging a struggle tween the workers and peasants has Bolsheviks, Troyanovsky, Soviet nlm man no more than the declar hope in the near future to have more complete reports of the Democrats are naturally of one fronts Worla Congresses of the against terrorists, much publicity lost its real content, in so far as ambassador to Washington, spokentions on peace and socialism of mind in combatting the idea of the were held in Moscow every year. oratore forma collective farmers, prived both the former and the late New York about non aggression fore 1914. The defense of the Soviet Paris Conference as well as of the fusion of the two Holland parties under the banner of the Nothing else oun be expected from prevents the holding of World Con: as members of a socialist society, ter of political rights. From the pacts (with capitalist powers) as Union today and the liberation of them. Entirely incorrect is the gresses now, Fourth International. view of those workers who use the does not care to or dare to face a rights with the industrial workers. Bonapartist regime the apportionsned that the nations must go fur depends today upon the building of parties and the formula that the New International World Congress or both. What Upon this score the flunkies havement of electoral districts is of other dig to the bottom of con new reportional TRANSLATION DER ARTICLE IN will stand between the Social Modcocam vanguard International raised a hullabaloo about the entry solutely no significance. The bus temporary troubles. How? It to now (March 2, 1935, on the Paris Sometimes workers have protestConference of Feb. 14)
Hle who cherishes this idea is ob world is it which in these years of cry but what was there yester pesant ten times as many votes plans for the economic rehabilita vd that these are Russian ques the same way as those the triumph of Fascism, in these day. the worker we would obtain the tion of the world, but especially for tions and do not concern American Splitters Hold Congress states: fusion of the Second and Third in where, holds no of proporciocongress The Role of the Party very same result, for each and all Europe. In order to make it per workers. But it is clear that notha The New Leader (British) conternational and consequently, so far what evidence is there that the rights between the workers and The inequality in the electoral and only right: to vote for Stalin. tation under capitalism he added. more directly than questions of the tains a report of the conference of as possible, avoid facing the quesThe secret ballot may at first Probably the advice of broad mind trade union policy, labor party, No called left Socialist groups re tion of rallying the forces of labs present leadership of the Soviet peasants had its social reasons. sight appear to be a genuine con led business men would be available war, and on all of these the situacently held in Paris. Holland was Union is interested in the world represented by the and in the Fourth International.
The dictatorship of the proletariat cession. But who would dare to and useful in this connection. tion in the determines the The chief point on the agenda Thus the way is prepared for polley which the tries to imNo one among us has the foolish Revolutionary Marxism remains for essary and open expression in the official slate? An oppositionist, if Communists (Stalinists) to work pase on American workers. Whatwas the question of the building notion that we have simply to pro us the living fountain from which electoral privileges of the workers. elected by secret ballot. would, for the rehabilitation, not the over ever weaken the revolutionary of a New International. The reclaim the Fourth port indicates the greatest difter order to establish it as a factor in as the basis of the Fourth Interna. posed, in any case, the existence of enemy, Immediately after the elec. some imperialist nation when war anywhere directly concerns de les ences or opinion on the subject the political lite of the working tional. There is continuity in the right. The Soviet system exist among the various parties and class. Nelther, however, is there development of the working class the tollers with a genuine possibin tlohs. Thus the secret ballot can comes on the ground that this na this world where tonal walle, not effect any real change. tion is allied with the Soviet Union within sky high groupe. The Hollanders were for anyone among us who cherishes the movement. Even times of dety for determining the fate of the proceeding as rapidly as possible sickly notion that in the process pression in the movement this con country. The political power was Bonpartist masquerade and noth mean to weaken the defense of new international economy or per The entire reform represents a and that falling to fight for it will where the workers must bulld a with the building of the New In of bringing the Fourth Internationtinulty obtains. Whereas the Sec concentrated in the hands of the ing more. The very need of such the Soviet Union. Thus also the ish in the slaughter created by the ternational. Representatives of the al into being we can dispense with ond International presents hope vanguard party. Through the Sov.
German remarked that it the banner which symbolizes the lessly crippled version of the funiets and the trade unions, the party timony to the growing sharpening the Soviet Union is prepared, for a haft just because it is so trewould be an illusion to suppose new iden. For our part we do not damental truths of revolutionary was always submitted to the pres, in the relations between the bureau war in which the 1s involved, mendously important that we bulld that the workers are waiting tire of presenting the evidences of Marxism and the Third Interna sure of the masses. By means of cracy and the tolling masses. Nel while the revolutionary working a powerful revolutionary party in renthl New Interna progressive and rapid bankrupt. tional falsified revolutionary this pressure the partinate to have any need for democratie fe impotent can only end in the over revolutionary movement in this kept the ther the workers nor the peasants class movement is demoralized and the that we must deliver the tional. The Poles regarded a Newcy of the Second and Third Inter Marxism, the fighting proletariat Soviet bureaucracy International as desirable but nationals.
will nevertheless understand that itself.
tions. So long as Stalin keeps both throw of the workers state in the country from the domination of the opined that the question still re But we are not defeatiste. We it must carry through its interna It is utter nonsense that the peas his hands upon the throat of the and the triumph of Fascism and the That can be mained a theoretical one. In the do not go on utoplan voyages oftional battle in the Marxist spirit antry has seemingly succeeded in proletarlan vanguard all constitu or the utter breakdown of modern done only 16 we understand the voting three groups, namely, the discovery after brand new ideas and that its organization, the com reeducating itselt socially during tional reforms will remain Bona civilization.
fundamental reasons for the de0. and Youth Bureau, which would have only one characing Fourth International, must be the two to three years of collectiv partist charlatanry.
All the polleles of the present generation which has taken place voted for the New International teristic, namely, freedom from any The antagonism between LT. leadership of the lead in that in them under the regime of Stal three, the English P, swedish telnt of traditional Social de evolutionary Marxist organiza ization.
tion the city and village still preserves February 10, 1985 direction. Their paper protesta inism.
toward Dutch Parties Raise Banner of Fourth International clea. Soviet Democracy the