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Late Episodes in Kirov Assassination Analyzed by Trotsky: A Trial Balance of the Stalin Amalgam | Trotsky, Leon (Federación Rusa) (1879-1940) |
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE Late Episodes in Kirov Assassination Analyzed by Trotsky TRIAL BALANCE OF THE STALIN AMALGAM Open Letter The League Against War and Fascism MARCH OF EVENTS why then are they arrested? The tuve been Lers who were sim What is here involved is not By JACK WEBER foreign lackeys now besmirch Zino ply crtically minded. The task of so much the struggle of the Soviet view with mud as shamelessly as the amalgam was: to terrorize com bureaucracy against Trotsky and THE PLUNDERING OF CHINA China see eye to cye with the in 1923 25 they crawled on their pletely the youth, which was this the Trotskyists. but the question GERMANY, REARMED Japanese militarist regard to bellies before him.
ting for independence, by showing of the moral atmosphere of the the interuational situation in the What charge, politically, mas it that the lightest doubt about world working class movement. The The Plundering of China Far East. The coming war against By LEON TROTSKY intervention against the be brought against Zinovlev, Kam the divine blessings which flow vile sunulgam constructed around The sequence of events in the band for the Nippon generals not the Soviet Union is too close at Conditions now permit us to elu new version had to be found the enes and their friends! Their cap from Stalin, or about the immacu the ousul who, apparently, was Kaganovich in the simultaneous employ of three East makes perfectly clear that the to seek advance to guarantee the investigation relating to the possible. But how then to connectionary youth into a blind alley. sane penalty as terrorist acts, cidate briefly the latest episodes of fact, the agent of Hitler. Quite cowardice, they drove the revolu woulil meet hereafter, with the governments, stands today as one denunciation of the Washington themselve against attack from the of a number of ordinary and nor naval truce by Japan was merely a rear. Every move made in Chin asassinition of Kirov as well as Trotsky with Hitler? Stalin dia The youth has been left without the amalgams for more exactly, not even attempt to provide an ex perspectives. At the same time, who ofren AS themselves ofrinist bureaucracy in the struggle way of serving notice to the im thuas takes on the character of pre8. The foreign agents of the mal measure utilized by the Stal paration for the war against the to thank militarist soort workers state.
with this.
abroad to extricate themselves as cratism the youth is not permitted compromise the real friends of the warning his most intimate comrades Japan, intended to go forward more The mysterious consul has best they could. But the hiretings to think, live, or breathe. Under how turned out to be Latvian are incapable of giving more than precisely with conditions are ter in sympathy with. the terror will prepare only peppery disbies, further step in the encirclement of with the coming to power of Hitler aconse everyone of being against electing Stalin as general rapidly in their plundering of Victory for Hitler secretary, Lenin said. This cook China. The attack on Chahar is a It was a foregone conclusion that consul: our supposition that a petty nature has endowed them with. rorist moods bred. Only growth ints, who has a critical attitude to.
convol or a tiny nation would be WHY WAS ZINOVIEV of genuine Bolshevism, on a world ward the repressions which bave At that time there could, of course, China and advances the Japanese in Germany, the fascists would comchosen for the analgam has been ce a program of rearmament in ARRESTED?
revolutionist can be no reference as yet to the poi my closer to Inner Mongolia fully confirmed. However, it beSoviet revolutionary youth and nothing but contempt for these soned dishes of the amalgame to China might secure help from the Por fascism, the outright and most the caravan route along which violation of the Versailles Treaty.
came tiesnery to name the consul The Zinovlev group was ar safeguard it from taking the road bviously because of diplomatic rested in connection with the Kirov of despair and adventurism.
pressure. this necessity threat assassination. Yet the indictment 1926 PLATFORM OF Twents of the October revolution Nystematically poisoning the worla assault on Chahar, there come the finance capital, can only retain that the enemies and stealthy op to the workers. The stalinists are Soviet Union. Following who would believe that al consul of concerning it xingle one of the Zin RUSSIAN OPPOSITION CITED aime, the confused and contradic the interests of the workers state tween Japanese Minister Ariyosht ternationally so as to expand its Latvij is the orixer of world ovlevists arrested in Moscow. But The gap between the terrorist tory tetements, as well as the possibly demand this Never! But and Chiang Kal shek. The demands markets and thereby preserve the group and Vinoviev and his friends mary measure of repression, this is demanded by the rupacious made on the Chinese hangman of decaying national capitalism.
was to be bridged by the platform But this circumstance should not interests of the incontrolled bu the proletariat are exact repetitions of some of the notorious twenty one torious in the last war fell on den of the lett Owsition of the year at all impuus to blind ourselves ancracy, which seeks to guard at demands made in 1915 with the The protests of the powers vie, 1926. Citing one of the accused, to the dual role of the Soviet bu all conte its prestige, its power, prame of reducing China to the cars while Ilitter proceeded with who obviously months the formula reaucracy, which, on the one hand, and its privileges, by means of terof the examining magistrate, guards in its own fashion) the ror against everyone the ranks status of a Japanese colony. China the program or militarism in Germuny.
At first quite hidden, the To All Menthers, Friends and Sympathiers: the indictment proclaims the ideo costs of the October revolution of the proletariat who thinks and Nations (so that it cannot appear war preparations became more and Two months ago the Workers Party of the Was launched logical succession from alguinst the class enemies; and criticizes.
through a merger of the American Workers Party and the Communist opposition of 1926 (the Zinoviev which, on the other hand, tigerishly REAL DEVOTION TO SOVIET for help to the other powers. she that created consternation in the League of America. This launching was greeted with great enthusiasm fuction) to the Nicolaies group. defends its own sconomic and polimust substitute Japanese advisers chielleries of France and Britin place of the American and Eu in New York by a mass meeting of more than me thonsenu. Nolwe ut how to link this is with the tice privileges ollost criticisms UNION MEANS STRUGGLE AGAINST BUREAUCRACY ropean military, economic and en ain. The meeting in London bequently the same expression of enthusiasm was reported at the Maste consul, intervention and the terror and protests by the advanced workCannon meeting throughout the country.
gineering advisers, the tween the premiers of these two Chinese ist net TN.
10. However passionate may be army must be remodeled and all countries has resulted in a substanUnfortunately however, this enthusiasın hax to a expressed The platform of 1926 ha belu IS TOOL one devotion to the Soviet Union, military equipment bought from tial victory for Hitler. Flandin has itself concretely material assistance published in every dangenge. The it must not be blind; or else it is Japan, Manchuk to must be recogagreed with the British to abrogate At its first muceting after the merger, the National Committee out attitude towards the was OF BUREAUCRACY worthless. The development of the nized, and the Chinese must accept the arms clauses of the Versailles lined. Program of Action consisting of 11 points, some of which have there set forth with exhaustive As a fool of the bureaucracy, the workers state proceeds through new railroad con from Japan. the demilitarization of the left Treaty, except that which calls for beer partially executed as follows: clarity. The lockey, it is true, do. directs the worn of terror contradictions, Internal and heater These are the demands made pubite ink of the Rhine. Germany will PROHRAM OF ACTION tot have to bother pondering over both gainst the counter revolu mal. The forms and the methods of this. But class cofun workers, tionists, who threaten the workers the workers state have already In addition it is required that have to join the League for this Tasks; even at this cute, con profit much states, and against the ers changed several times, and they forced concession, a meningless Double the Party membership in six months.
hy acquainting themselves with the who are dissatisfied with the abso will continue to change in the fuproletarian vanguard from the fa gesture which Hitler will not find Achievements: 1926 document, Upon acquainting Intiam of the uncontrolled bureauture. The burneratie stage, for tal intinence the controlled difficult to make. Hitler can now Gains made in New York City. Minneapolis and Boxton almost themselves with it, they will draw crues. Identifying itself with the which there were objective causes, bureaucritic clique, in order subse devote his sole attention to the prequently to aid the workers in the parations for the attack on the doubled. Philadelphia increased by ten: also Chicago and Los Angeles, the citie conclusion that while workers state In accordance with is exhausteil The absolutism of the bureauthe bureaucracy did appropriate the the ancient formula, am the Reports from other branches not in yet. to regenerato the party Soviet Union most progressive measures from state. the bureaucratic upper cracy has become the greatest brake and the Soviets, not means of What effect all this will have on Raise 5, 000 in sixty days.
Only about 35 percent raised this far.
the program it had vilities, the crunt portrays the terrorist on the further cultural and eco terrorist adventures which are the relations between Soviet Russia Leningrad terrorists could lever the party and the YCL terror nomic growth of the Soviets. The doomed beforehand, but by means and imperialist France remains to and Build the circulation of the New Militant and the New derive from this Marxist document against cointer revolution. Inkeyx of the bureanimacy who de of the class conscious mass move.
be seen. All the great diplomatie International any justification for useless ad This is the very soul that the veno ty is reg. may reactionary metodeint bureaucrate abso victories of Litvinovat the exA six months campaign for each of the publications is now in preventurism.
mous amalms are intended to role. The Marxist revolutionista Intism.
the world proletarietkress. Lack of funds greatly hampering the promotion work. There is a specitie historical achieve.
an their task to free the world! January 12, 1935.
may soon crumble to ashes. Organize two cost to coast tours and two as far went as stench to this attempt at connecting Minneapolis and Kansas City.
the Left Opposition with the idea cism marks a sleepening of capital Muste and Cannon just completel a short tour. Response very good of intervention. In 1917. Miliukov, ist contradictions which likewise Kerensky and co. nccused Lenin, lint financial returns only suficient cover their expenses. As soon as Trotsky and other Bolsheviks of indicates the nearer approach of suutlicient funds are on hand, another national tour will be organimd.
war as an attempted solution. By Weing agents of the German Gener6. Pastablish Party concentration district organkers in New York, al staff, and serving the intervenBy JOHN WEST in mind, shall outline certain of program of any other group or in linking fascism and war, the League (Ed. Note: This is the third in the chief fallacies.
dividual The one possibility of plays into the hands of the bourClicaro, Pittsburgh, Detroit, the Anthracite and textile area of New tionist plans of the Hohenzollern. Comrade West series of four Jersey and Eastern Pa, and the South.
In its time, this moronle entumny The League, in spite of the union is on specific actions. Nor geols propaganda that declares HitTwo organizers were sent to Detroit and have been maintained on made a tour of the entire world.
articles on war. The last, The pretentious language of its publica can a Marxist party join in a per. ler and Mussolint to be the war.
United Front and War. will ap tions, is a pacifist organization.
manent united front, which would makers, and democratie England, a minimum basis until they could get work in automobile shops so as Stalin has been unable to think np pear in the next issue of the to become roofed in the industry and therefore more effective in their single new word. He slavishly Its fundamentally pacifist charac ecessarily menu giving up organ Prince, and the United States the New Militant. work. One ortizer is being maintained in the wilk Aren of and repents the houry calumny about ter can be seen at once in the fact ixational independence.
defenders of peace. Thus is prethat the Leagite attempts to isolate The League involves a com pared the seli out of the workers of Hantern a. Chicago is getting a full time organiser and one is mam the leaders of Bolshevism. He is tained in the steel section.
England, France and the United only the pupil of Milinkow and Ker the American Langue Against War it as a special or Independent During the past year and a hall, the struggle against war, to treat plete misunderstanding of the relation of the working class to the Staies to the next war of their Organize a national Party educational system ineluding the ensky.
peaceful democratic governments.
first semester of a resident Nehool in New York When, in March 1917, was and Fascism (which is the coun struggle, apart from the revolu middle class.
It does not represent united Furthermore, this association of courtes schedule. Plans for a national training school for workers to thorities and incarcerated by a con. many other countries) has been on workers state While it is individuals, but a capitulation to guish the great differences between The New York resident school begins Pebruary 18, with twelve meeste by Britisha laval com terpart of leagues organized in of capitalism and the establishment front with middle class groups and tascism and war fails to distinbegin May If the funds permit, have been completed. The term is to wrote in Pravda (No. 34, April As the means for lighting against united actions against war, involv activities, and agitation of the war and the struggle against fas.
Maintenance par student will cost about a week. Anyone particularly interested in this phase of our work, can contribute for it and the funds in the veracity of the dispatch support has not been conspicuous that Marxists can under Cam one for a moment believe ind preventing war and fascism. Wrious social groups, are pos Laste are precisely the program cism. This it is not the business xuccess in enlisting popular sible, it is not and cannot be true activities, and agitation or middle of these articles to elaborate, but will be kept for that specifle purpose, any circlass pacifism, and at a vast poll it is sufficiently indicated by the program tical distance from Marxism. In fact that fascism is incompatible month, elaborating some point in of Principles or dealPublication of at least one popular aghational pamplet po received and which purports that the Laugue bus made progress. Al. Against war with any other groups any correct united front with mid with and involves the destruction ing with some urgent political question of the day.
The first of this series in preparation is a pamphlet by Leon Trot Deputies, in 1901, a revolutionist, ties, it has re opened vigorous seen that there is only one program the working class goes ahead on the but of all reformist parties, all xky, on the Kirov assassination. Lack of funds has made it impossible who has unselfishly devoted him ixts campaign. What attitude are Marx for the struggle against war thesis of specific actions immedintely independent trade unions, etc. to get out others dienling with American problems, such as the trade self for decades to the service of It is essential to be clear on this. erthrow of capitalism; and to this program intact, and demonstrating conclusively is entirely compatible take toward the League? revolutionary program for the ov acceptable to both, but keeping its whereas war, as the Inst war proved union and the unemployed questions. Send your contribution for this the revolution that this man is inInnd, and the Party promises at last three pamphlets to follow involved in a plan subsidized by the sur is concerned, but with further program only Marxists can sub through the united front not that with the continuedl existence of renot merely so far as the League itscribe.
an amalgamation, le a compromise, formnist parties and the trade mitt quick succession.
German government? This is in reference to any organization of In addition to theory, the agitacan be reached between a middletons. Build and consolidate a National Youth Organization.
deed a deliberate, and unheard of this type The Party has appropriated a subsidy for this work and the Youth and unconscionable villfloation of tion and activities of the League class and a working class program. Much more could be said about reports progress slow but sure.
There are two different kinds of make perfectly clear its pacifist na but that only the working class the confusions, errors, and deceits 10. Help to launch an organization of the Left progressive wingi joined with Lenin, prior to myosition of the League itself and of ment. support of the munitions dle class problems. In the League, final question: Where and why did These words were written before argument advanced in support of ture. We find the same old pacifist program, the revolutionary pro or the Longue. There is space now the League. The first, which is the hokum loud yelps for disarma gram, is able to solve also the mid only to ask and briefly answer one in the trade unions.
election as chairman of the Bolshe.
Progress made, but public luformation cannot be given at this time. vik Soviet in 1911, prior to the its sponsor, the Communist Party Inquiries. anti war pledgos. calls the working class program against an organization of this kind arise?
tution of Stational organization of militant and progressive wulon the creation of the third internautes the most effective means for and the rest. Brokoll down minis program. And, in addition, work. OF STALINISM forres. as wintel in resolution adopted at a conference of the tional, and the founding of the lighting war (in these articles am ters and fake liberals find them ing class members are subordinated The answer is not a matter of Northwest Unity Conference. consisting of 50 delegates representing Soviet state. Today, after a lapse not concerned with the light against selves immediately at home in the to middle class members.
conjecture. We know the record.
10, 000 workers. The conference met at the herdquarters The League, because of the The Leagues (here and in other fascism. The second argument is League, and are pushed as its most kind of activities it engages in, and ters of Drivers of eighteen years no agents of BritLocal 57. There are other posibilities for this work in other parts ofish counter espionage, but Stalinat forward by those who maintain prominent members and speakers.
countries are the conception of the country. But without the necessary funds, even this point of our ints are repeating this because of the political implications the foreign office of the Soviet Unthat the League, while not in the right, the magazine of the League, Program will remain on paper only.
very same final analysis in deliberate, and unheard of, and effective means publishes just the kind of pletures of its program, becomes a substitute ion. The American Ligue was 11. Extend and strengthen the National Unemployed League and unconsciorble vilification of a rer.
for tighting war, should be sup and articles that get across with for the revolutionary political party first proposed in this country by ported because through it an ap the Women Club Peace Societies The political jargon of its pro the representative of the Commu.
work toward united action by the memployed and final unitieation in olutionist! This simple juxtapogram is the usual reformist twad nist International, to a group of one solid organization.
sition reveals best of all the poison prone to the middle classes is And like all pacifist organizaanti war issue, it tions, the League is actually aid dle, exactly in line with paragraphs non party Individuals even before on this, the final point of our program we can report that the NUL of les, vilication and fraud which wible on ix maintained, revolutionists can Ing the development toward war. Parties, Utopian Societies, Labait had been presented to the Cen from the platforms of Progressive has decided to issue a weekly paper which will probably be called the Stalinist bureaucracy In fourtral Committee of the Communist FREEDOM CALI, within two weeks. number of our comrades are ing into the world working cluas uite with nembers of the middle It obscures the analysis of the class and cut, through this means Partles, etc. Becoming an indivi. Party of the Browder hintthe leading force in this organization, and are gluing good account of movement!
causes of war, diverts the real of approach, gradually win them to struggle against war dwal member of the League and self, when he was first told about their activities in Ohio, Pennsylvania, the south western states from WE DO NOT building it is just like building any Kansas to Texas and in the deep South. Imagine what could be done BELIEVE THE INDICTMENT alliance with the revolutionary it, before he had had a little chat less channels, provides a salve for movement.
kind of reformist political organize with the representative, rewith a few more dollars!
middle class consciences troubled Both of these arguments are pro7. The fourteen who were ac.
by the horrors of war, and prejected it as pacifist. The League Every Party member who benployed pledged to pay two days REVOLUTIONARY PARTY follows directly from the whole pares to leave the working class pay toward the Party Foundation Fund and every unemployed member cused in connection with the Kirov foundly and disastrously mistaken.
The assassination were all shot. Did argument sually heard policy of Stalinism. The building IS FIRST TASK a minimum of twenty five cents.
helpless both ideologically and of socialism in one country demands How much can we expect from every sympathizer?
they all participate in the terrorist against the league is that the organizationally when a war sit War will be defeated only by the peace: peace will be secured by uation arises.
revolutionary struggle of the work treaties and deals with capitalist The Program of Action, Rooil as it is, will remain on paper only act? The indletment answers this League is dominated in a mechantquestion in the affirmative, but does cal anil sectarian manner by the unless we raise the full 5, 000 At that time, the League, built ers; and this struggle will succeed governments, by joining the League upon the sands of vague pacifist only under the leadership of the of Nations, and, quite naturally, by additional one, won you do it TODAY? Help realize the program in dietment. We have seen with what from the root of the matter. Evenation, will be blown away by one business of a Marxist is certainly Squarely opposed is the Marxist Il you have not yet made your contribution, or if you can make an not disce even the semblance of Communist Party. Though this ar do not believe the insument has some force, it is far sentiment instead of class organiz revolutionary political party. The pacifist propagandn.
full. You may make your contribution for any special point and the brazen and cowardly tendenclous it mechanically dominated by the puff from the capitalist state. Its not to build up a reformist group conception: The Workers State will finds will be nised according to your wishes.
OUR NEEDS CONCRETELY Trotsky into its text: aut how de have to support and build the preachers and liberals will take whose historical role, we ought to be defended by the strengthening the stump for the government, re know by now, is to make smooth of the revolutionary movement in We need at least 300 in the treasury before we can begin to or liberately it passes in silence over League if it actually were an effec cruiting the masses to the new war the road to war and reaction but the capitalist countries. This will ganize a cost to coast tour: 40 per student before we can offer any what happened to the consul protive Instrument against war. We to end all wars or defend the to build the revolutionary party, prevent intervention in the Soviet must analyse further. for Ave field organizers for the next two months and a few hundred dollars It is much easier to implicate in THE FALLACIES shores of our sacred land or what. This is the only political organiz Union, because the capitalist states ever it may be.
ation a Marxist has any right to will not be able to risk intervention to execute the other points in the Program. We will however feel con the affair a dozen or so eningrad OF THE LEAGUE The League is a horrible par Join or support. And to bulld the if a strong revolutionary movement tent if our sympathizers contribute these immediate sums. The rest of Lers than to implicate Trotsky.
the money will come from our own members.
ody of the united front as Marxists revolutionary party is his first and can, with the aid of the Red Army, Who are these ers? We do To begin with, certain organixa understand the united front. greatest task.
turn the war of intervention into. We pleal with you help is NOW. Don delay. Fill in blank below. not know. There is not much dift tional features of the League must The united front, properly under The League encourages a class war for the overthrow of the (Space does not permit a report of the receipts this week. full culty in executing unknow. be kept in mind. 1) It is a perstood, is a tactie whereby working crowning confusion by linking auto capitalist state. And, when the report will appear next week. ers. Among the number there must manent organization. 2) It per class and at times certain middle matically together war and fas revolutionary movement is suthin cism.
also very ones who had arranged to membership. 3) It not merely ad program, nevertheless unite on cerciently developed, it will take the Workers Party of the Tl. West 15th Street EVERY FRIEND, While it is true in a sense that offensive.
Sring Nicolaiey together with the vocates certain actions to be taken tain specifle actions upon which all fascism means war. it is a com The Soviet Union is finally deNew York City consul and who had prepared the against war, but puts forward a are agreed, while retaining their plete illusion to suppose that fas fended by attacking The real Enclosed and. to help EVERY SYMPATHIZER amalgam, but who, at the last mo program against war. 4) This full organizational and program cism is the cause of war. By em building of socialism will be ac.
fulfill the Program of Action, es ment, proved negligent, and allowed program is in part political e. it matic independence. There is no phasizing the relation between fas complished in the only way it can pecially point No.
Nicolater to fire the fatal shot. The advocates, in a confused way, the such thing as a permanent united cism and wear, as the League does, be accomplished by the exten.
Name AN ACTIVE PARTICIPANT physical elimination of these agents abolition of the profit system.
front, nor a united front in pro it suggests that the war danger sion of the revolution. This is the became necessary in order to re book would be needed to make gram. How could there be? There from non fascist nations is remote. only mode of defense. In any Address move embarrassing participants in, clear all of the errors in the con is nothing in common between the But it is capitalism that causes other direction lies disaster, and Thmt Is Our Alm.
and witnesses of the amalgam. But ception of the League. However, Marxist program against war or on war. Fuscism means war only in the world wide triumph of reamong those shot there may also with these organizational features any other important issue, and the the sense that the triumph of fau tion.