AntifascismAssassinatBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismKirovLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyTrotskyismURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY OCTOBER 5, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE A CASE FOR LABOR JURY Against All Types of Gangsterism in the Working Class Movement; On the Murder of the Italian Stalinist Montanari NPLD Cooperates to Defend Cuban Workers Question Box in urpose the Bordighists are in general the agents of Fascist reaction and Beiso prepared himself for his mission in these circles, e. within both these circles which are fighting one another. Now, at last, we can grasp the meaning of the words. It was almost in the same way (Continued from Page 1)
that our comrade Kirov was muror social reasons. This is part of By WEAVER dered. That is to say it was alwas arrested during the March our daily task, for we believe that most in the same way that scores strike and murdered by the police, each of our three objectives: For NEW YORKof people were indicted in the Kirov Lis body was discovered with thirty the freedom of social and political 1a patent absurdity. The author is pelled to state that We are taking assassination who were in no way press called it a suicide. In the files; aguinst the expulsion of for that the Roosevelt Litvinov pact did By TROTSKY Question: Does not the recent bullets in it and the reactionary prisoners; for the return of the exstatement by the Soviet government On August 9, according to a news unable to present his own version under consideration the declaration implicated in the murder.
item in Humanite, the Italian consistently.
of Italian Trotskyist group. Out of this entire snarl of inter Guanabacoa jail there are more eigners, are closely connected parts not refer to the Comintern communist Montanari was mur. As Clear As the Klroy Case dered in the Metro Belleville. On As the anonymous article pro mained true neither to itself nor to that crumble iuto dust, one thing social and political crimes.
workers defense.
August 12, Humanite printed an ceeds it becomes more and more en its lord and master had it simply stands out each time, namely that that Litvinov had signed away the Torture goes on systematically This is, broadly, the present sit rights of the in Soviet altogether monstrous, but, of course, tangled. We read that the provo bit its tongue and kept qulet. No. Guido Beiso came into some sort in all the jails of Cuba.
Among uation. Nevertheless on the margin Union in return for recognition of in no way unusual explanation for cuteur was never a member of the This rag immediately adds that it of a sharp conflict with the organ the methods there is, for example, of it an apparent change of meth that country by the United States?
the murder. The unonymous ar. yet we had just been told has in its possession certain letters ization or the Italian or some the favorite of Caraveo, the Super ods has occurred. The Government, Answer: The fact of the matter ticle appeared under the title, Lav that he belonged to a group of ex of the murderer which clearly in of its members. If one were to visor of the city of Camaguey. This preparing for the elections, has is that the Soviet government did Attempting to not break the pledge given by Litvocations. This headline which is agent of Fascism among the Italian the counter revolutionary Trotskyist therefore in no way Illuminating invention, which he calls tortoise create an apparent legal basis to vinov to Roosevelt. It is true that part of the official campaign against emigres naturally found sympathy ideology. On the heels of all they Ideology. then any normal think tishing. The prisoner is thrown cuarantee its electoral aims, it has a congress was Leld in Moscow the Laval ministry and the Fascists and shelter among the Trotskyist had said previously, this rings a ing individual would ask the ques into a tank containing two tortoises, proclaimed a Constitution and re which was attended by leaders of was accompanied by a sub head, groups. And in this manner trifle over strained. Ideology. We tion: What was it that really drove and ordered to bring up one of established civil rights, which of the American but there was ist Provocateur. Fundamentally, a well known Italian Trotskyist, with this subtle substance in the do not proceed from the assumption As soon as his head shows above arbitrary arrest of three of our uals, or groups of individuals, who the juxtaposition of these two head as was originally stated, who be chemical laboratory of Messers that he was mentally unbalanced the water he is beaten down again, comrades, members of this Commit bad as their the overthrow of Nines is quite characteristic of the came a Fascist provocateur after Duclos and Co (there is no evidence for this as and is not pulled out until he is tee, carried out during a lecture or the preparation for the overarticle, the author, and the news his expulsion from the party; so! After several new and this time yet. we can only arrive at the concead or near it given with a permit of the Secretar throw of, American capitalism.
paper itself. But the text contains he was a Fascist provocateur, never entirely amorphous and elusive inclusion that he must have been sub In Oriente, Lieutenant Pino iat of the Interior in the Barrio of The Seventh Congress of the not only vile but innumerable as a member of the party, who na sinuations, in which impotence is jected to an extraordinary painful likes to start off by shaving the Luyano. The government has fur came out for defendiny the demsertions which are downright con turally (of course! of course. mixed with malice, Humanite con personal experience which he found prisoners leads, and then tarring thermore talked of forthcoming ocratic remnants of capitalism and tradictory The murderer is Guldo found sympathy among the Trot cludes, Naturally, the tie up be insufferable, which Anally threw their backs. After this prepara amnesty for the political prisoners, Belso, the well known Italian Trot skyists. And to leave no further tween the murderer and the Trot him off balance and drove him to tion a large quantity of palma These maneuvers always grouse imperialist aims of the capitalists for harnessing the workers to the skyist who has been carrying on doubt as to the source of the in. skyists who have just categorical a senseless and criminal act. But cristi oil is poured down their certain democratic illusions among of those countries which are the provocateur activities for a long formation nor as to its purpose the ly dented it does not exclude who drove him through the ingut throats. The Machadista parties. some of our people. It is not our temporary ally of the Soviet Union.
time among the Italian emigres. anonymous author appends to this an understanding between Belso ferable experience? Was it the and the bourgeois press, support object to analyze here the perspec stripped of its protective coloring What is implied by provocateur the following was almost. and the Fascist provocation. It all Trotskylat organization with the official policy of brutal repres tives and the true position of the therefore, the Seventh Congress, in activities in this connection? Has In the same way that our comrade ties together. Naturally. But whom Beiso had had no relation ston with silence.
government, nor can we in one word the final analysis, came out, not to he been making speeches against Kirov was murdered. Almost! why do these bold cowards now whatsoever, or the organization in Mistreatment of Prisoners describe its aims with regard to overthrow capitalism, but for per social patriotism or is he in the But Kirov was indeed murdered by say that it does not exclude. Is whose name Humanite speaks? In the Isle of Pines the prison. the coining elections we have an petuating capitalist slavery outside employ of Mussolini? We are kept a party member as was established it only a question of something notThus, and only thus does the ques. ers, both in are living under We have stated that the problem formula for their deeds; and beswered its talk with the organize the Soviet Union.
uninformed on this score. Further by the official documents, no one being excluded? On August 12 they tion stand, the Jalls and in the tion of the Committee Pro Amnesty.
on we are told that Montanari had bad placed the blame on Fascist aid indeed proclaim that Belso, this from this the supposition that the the most frightful conditions. They can be solved only through the im cause the Soviet Union is WorkDoesn there follow Presidio Nacional, The Stalinists, however, require become the target for the hatred of provocation.
the Trotskyist elements who had After several more new sigzags, exposed as Paselst provocateur, whom they despise, of provocation lacking the simplest hygiente con of all social and political prisoners, formula for a crass betrayal of the been expelled from the party, and the article concludes with an utter who lived like a lord. obviously without any real evidence, perhaps veniences. Their rations are messes excepting the Machadistas.
But workers be a congress which who subsequently that is, after ty amazing political moral: The on Mussolini cold. Now tap without any evidence at all, e. made most frequently of decayed nevertheless there are some things has the form, if not the substance.
open and criminal provocateur ac and Wiser by the lessons of Austria ears of Humanite are able to dis which serve these people as politished by hard labor on the rock we want to emphasize tivities.
and Spain, will not be led into this tinguish notes of a Trotskyist ideol. Ical arguments for the most part? pile. This happened at the Castillo of the Comintern of Lenin. When Jig Sawing the Facts Demand Completo Amnesty Litvinov signed the Roosevelt pact, The case becomes more and more elation! The defensive uprising of the murderer, which circumstance self, Betso had himselt protestea large number of political prisoners, preparing to extend a certain kind of the agreement shows to be up The Mendieta government is he was quite ready, as the wording Guido Belso, but an entire group social patriotic and pro coalition does not exclude) the tie up betons, and threatened the authors intellectuals. In the presidio at the but it will leave out those who fall ever, he expected economic conces orase spelleda Italian Trotskyiste Congress of the Communist Intertween Belgor and the Fascists. It with death. No provocateur who Isle of Pines the political prisoners. under the so called Gangsterism stons, parttedlarly credits, in returne tion. In the service of the Fascist as heroic actions on the part of the of white thread.
revolutionist would act that way to work in the marble quarries and under arrest, hundreds of revolu For reasons of imperialist and per police? Again no direct statement. proletariat these in the judgment New Criminals Found but an unknown and anotheaded in the stinking mosquito ridden LA tionary militants and labor leaders. Aonal policy, however, Roosevelt in doubt as to the meaning of the product of the activities of Pasclist ite published proclamation of the finding no other means of defense ware of the intolerable situa oppose with all our might, for our surrender the formula. Having me The governmental formula we shall Hull still wanted the Stalinists to word provocation, the article adds provocateurs, the very same ones Central Committee of the Italian against the slander campaign. By tlon, a number of trades unions and object is decisively: Not an inch celved nothing in return, the Stalthat Belso has been living like a who had killed Kirov in Leningrad Montaneri was the victim of these hypothetical considerations labor organizations joined in July less than complete amnesty.
Inists refused.
Nice Belso had been exposed 18 ayamally profound moral of the Fascist reaction had prepared for thesis) we do not mean to cast the of the social and political victims task, we can only repeat the words N, NEW BEDFORD provocateur (by whom. who was Marxists from Humanite is obvi. their counter revolutionary mission Nlightest shadow bound up. with the entire Fus ously especially intended for the in the circles of the Trotskyist and Montanarl. It is entirely possible mittee Pro Amnety for Social and hope from you your best efforts to antagonism between city murdered of the Terror. The National Com that began this letter report. We Question: What is meant by the and ciat work of penetrating the anti workers of Toulon and Brest. Bordigulst emigre groups. No that he fell an accidental victim, or Political Prisoners was bullt forwards popularizing these matters country. Fascist masses. This confused The Diary of a Lunatie statement contains already a direct more, no less! This information is It he did participate in hounding that The reader will agree with us it all the more interesting because in the alleged provocateur he did Its object is, there among all the political and trade Answer: In general this term charge of a connection with the we say that this article resembles it the Bordiguists appear on fore, concrete enough Fascists. Let us bear this in mind. a page from the dlary of a lunatic scene for the first time, a group his party and its thoroughly demor party or organization but is quid out responsibilities and realities by this, the cultural backwardness of the so in good faith because he trusted light under the banner of any one try, as well as a campaign to bring of the technical, and flowing from It does not union organizations of your coun. Implies the antagonisms arising out and murdered Montanari. It is ness, and it has not yet said its organizationally connected with the personality does not solve the quesone workers groups that came to and all other possible methods. Our From Nice, Beiso arrived in Paris Only, there is method in this mad which is neither ideologically nor alized leadership.
But Montanari ed by the united effort of the thirty crusuding with letters, telegrame, the rural as compared to the urban well known that the Fascists mur last word. So let us pursue the so called Trotskyista, but who tion of Belso motives.
regions der communists and particularly further developments of this case, and we have not the slightest doubt gether to form it.
agitational work in this sense is The basis for any well developed revolutionists.
Let the Workers Judge!
It is quite in the The Italian Bolshevik Leninists about it. had as little to do with Aims of Pro Amnesty Committee being carried out on a larger and social division of labor is the divinature of things for a Scoundrels will say that we ad.
vocateur to pose as a clet pro against whom the anonymous au the murder as the Bolshevik Lenin vocate or justify murder This Committee struggles fur larger scale. We assume you will sion between the city and the counthor had levelled his anonymous ists. The Bordiguists are dragged vocate or a communist or Trotskyist. charges, declared on August 14, in so as only to widen the radius od for solving conflict as a meth thermore, to insure the safe return take part in this movement, with try: the latter producing and exwithin rev. to Cuba, of political exiles again all your powers.
changing raw materials, food, etc.
But we have been told beforehand through comrade Jean Rous, a lead of the calumny: the Italian Stalin olutionary clueles. But we are not we do not extend our protection to Our best greetings In return for the manufactured prothat the murderer was a welling member of the French Socialist ists have to read a little additional writing for scoundrels. The Mon Machado butchers and against the The National Committee ducts of the city, Economically.
But tanari Beiso case is important pre expulsion of foreigners for political that General Secretariat therefore, the antagonism this mean to say that he turned member of our organization, nor what is most remarkable about the cisely because a conflict on the pobetween buyers and sellers and is from a Trotskyist to a Fascist, e. did we have any sort of relations communication of the Italian litical plane has led to a supremely reflected in the prices of commodi changed his revolutionary position with him, and we never even heard is that it does not at all mention senseless act of murder of one emties.
MARCH OF EVENTS Such cases are not unknown. But his name before. Isn that clear in any way Belso connection with igre by another. In this there lles The technical development of ag. Humanite does not raise this ques enough? On August 15, Humanite the Fascists. No, the matter is an ominously serious warning, and riculture is subject to natural obtion. In harmony with the two which had flung a political denun much more involved, or, it you will, it is necessary to grasp its signifistacles which are not present in headlines, it proceeds to develop clation full of lies, finds itself com mdch simpler: the Trotskyists and cance in time!
By JACK WEBER the factory. If the economic Incen the dual version: simultaneously The matter is now in the hands tive bad existed for the ruling THE VOTING IN MEMEL.
both THREAT OF WAR. Trotskyist and a Fascist.
of the bourgeois law courts. The Hitler is taking full advantage official investigation is obviously classes, however, there would have Hitler, with that twisted sense been a tendency to overcome this the entire indictment, Under capitalism, the Further down we read not with bloody tragedy from the standpoint against Ethiopia as well as the capitalist defenders, at the same tendency on the part of industry to out surprise, His explanation that The week of October 21st will course conducted by Muste on of revolutionary morals of the pro moral weapon made to order for time that he disenfranchises the outstrip agriculture in its develop he wanted to avenge himselt for mark the opening of the Fall 1985 Trends in American every Wed letariat. The prosecution will probrabid nationalism by the actions Jews violates the conditions lata meat is accentuated by the neces unjust charges is only a screen in semester of the International Work nesday evening at 8:40 beginning ably try only to compromise the of the Lithuanian government. It down by the League of Nations for sity of paying ground rent to the tended to hide the truth. We are èrs School in New York City, The October 23: not clearly and expressly informed schedule for regular courses is: THE ATLANTIC CITY CON lutionary organizations in particu Lithuanian bourgeoisie, selxing Me against the Lithuanian oppressors who rents land, will refrain from as to what this truth is. Instead Monday, 8:30 ORGANIZ VENTION OF THE AMERICAN lar. But the agents of the Comin mel by force in a desperate effort Nazis have massed troops at putting any sort of permanent im we shortly and incldentally discover ATION PRINCIPLES, that the murderer telt himself to be TURE AND METHODS OF PARTY evaluation of the past year of the triat for every vile purpose, as they boundaries, would hardly scruple world war break ont immediately. Will go to the landlord who raises STRUC, FEDERATION OF LABOR. Antern will also try to exploit the to break through the strangling the Lithuanian border to take ad. provements into it becanse eventumaliciously slandered, had protest WORK. Martin Ahern, instructor. of ed, and in revenge used the revol Monday, 8:40 10:10 FUN II, THE ATLANTIC CITY CON workers organizations, without to maintain that conquest by sup the German Army will have an in the rent as soon as the earning ver. At any rate that is the mur DAMENTAL ELEMENTS OF VENTION OF THE AMERICAN any regard for political banners pression of the Germans opposed to tlal objective in the taking of power of his land has been in derer own version. Let us keep MARXISM. Ben Borkeson, instruc FEDERATION OF LABOR. fore lies in this mind as well.
cast of the coming year of the Fed greatest light possible on this case, the Memel Dlet to take place on of war elsewhere, the threat of war ried on under modes of production The anonymous article proceeds An elementary course which will eration.
and thereby, insofar as it is pos.
Sept. 29th will be interpreted, par exists in this struggle over national which are less advanced historicalto state further that the Italian trace the basic economic and politIII. TRADE UNIONISM IN THE Sible, to prevent the repetition of cularly by Hitler, as a form of boundaries. For the workers the ly than enpitalism, ex. forms of had long since issued a warnical features of capitalist society, THREE BASIC INDUSTRIES. gunplay in revolutionry circles.
plebiscite, the Lithuanian ruling struggle over national boundaries, chattel slavery or ser dom, it is ing to be on guard against the the development of the modern review of the past attempts to orIn our opinion the labor organiz class tried to prevent a German even where a small state like Lith self evident why its technical devel dublous actions this individu clues struggle, the need for the canize the steel, automobile and ations must establish, without any victory, or at least to minimize it, wania is involved, can be viewed opment is outstripped by capitalist al. Why dublous? Only dubious. revolutionary overthrow of capital rubber Industries and a forecast of further delay, an authoritative and by means of new electoral law only as part of the general clash Industry, even in the latter in Hadn we been just told that Belso Ism, the dictatorship of the work the coming period.
non partisan Committee was exposed as a Fascist provo ing class and the role of the revo IV. THE NEEDLE TRADES UN would go over the entire material of the law was to disenfranchise ing class is trying to extend its core, the relative technical backcateur in Nice? Exposed! The lutionary party.
IONS AND THEIR ROLE IN THE including Belso letters mentioned the pro German majority which pre sphere of exploitation of the work wardness of agriculture is due to work of a provocateur has never Wednesday, 8:30 PRO AMERICAN TRADE UNION in Humanite, to examine all the vented cooperation between the ing class. The solution for the social and not to natural causes.
yet been assumed to be dublous. GRAMMATIC FOUNDATIONS OF MOVEMENT.
witnesses and representatives of Memel Diet and the government protetariat lies not in defending the In class society the more adprovocateur 1s a mercenary scoun THE WORKERS PARTY. THE CAPITALIST POLITI the parties and groups who are officials appointed by Lithuania. national boundaries of the capital vanced exploits the backward. Un drel, nothing more. If one main Wright, instructor.
concerned or interested in the case. The Nazis have encouraged Germans ist state, which can only meander capitalism the advanced city tains that another activities are An advanced course which will VI. THIRD PARTY MOVE SO that the political, moral and to become Lithuanian cltizens in support of the national bourgeolate, exploits the country. This is ac dubious, then it means that one has analyze the contradictions of the MENTS.
personal circumstances in the case order to vote Nazl, with the ex but the revolutionary overthrow of complished through the disparity of only suspicions but no proof. In imperialist epoch, the rise and de VII. THE SOCIALIST PARTY be clearly established. This is nec press promise that they would re the national bourgeoisie, German Prices resulting from the tendency such cases, genuine revolutionary generation of the Second and Third IN THE UNITED STATES.
essary not only in memory of Mon cover their German nationality with or Lithuanian, by the workers and towards an average rate of profit organizations gather the necessary Internationals, the struggle against tware bene working Also to treat the Lovestone, Wets: real motives but also to purge the rece peuvedenies the right to come to erste would mean the wiping out of mething above, those of the backward VIII. THE COMMUNIST PARTY, tanari, not only to reveal Betso out difficulty once Memel had been the setting up of a proletarian state for all capitals; the products of the evidence before proceeding with Fascism and industries open indictments. That has been class struggle for power and the bord and Field Groups.
the revolutionary tradition from need for a Fourth International. Registration foes are one dollar ganizations of treachery, calumny, those naturalized Lithuanian citi national boundaries, themselves industries selling below, their val.
time immemorial. And yet from Thursday, 8:30 THEOR per coume, alty cents payable at hounding and gun play. Naturally wens who hold a promise from a one of the symbols of class ruleues. Monopoly further increases the words of Humanite itself we ETICAL SYSTEM OF KARL time of registration. For infor the interests of the case would be foreign nation that their original. The problem of the Memel workers this price disparity.
have to draw the conclusion that MARX. Rubin Grote, Instructor. mation write to International best served if the representatives of citizenship may be reassumed at will not be solved by alding Hitler The antagonism could be removed Beiso was not exposed as a provo An advanced course which will Workers School, 56 East 11th St, Humanite and of the Central Com later time. The vote is also dented to regain Memel for Germany but only by raising the technical and cateur, but only suspected of being treat the philosophical and general third floor, mittee of the Italian were to to members of organizations which can only be solved by the proletar correspondingly the cultural level one (by whom? for what? when. theoretical basis of the modern take part in this Committee. But have been condemned for working in revolution striving to bring of the countryside. Under capitaland that besides he himselt angrily revolutionary labor objected to these charges. And on established by its founders, Kari Minneaplis Iron Workers will not sceltal mediet u debeat the other nicht call for the independence or a borut the Soviet United States of sm this could have been partly ac complished through the nationalisa(Continued from Page 1) politicians stand only to lose from part of the Lithuanian state. All tion of the land (theoretically pos Beise decided to come to Paris Friday, 8:40 10:10 STATID nine factories in Minneapolis. an impartial investigation, and of which is quite obviously aimed RALLY SUPPORT FOR THE sible under capitalism) 80 that where he did not conceal his mur AND REVOLUTION. Jack Weber, While the settlement leaves much more than would appear on at the treasonable Nazl elements. EIGHT PAGE NEW MILITANT! ground rent, with it the obderous intentions. At this point instructor.
good deal to be desired it provides the surface. But the investigation stacle to the technical advancement we become entirely perplexed. Had Will explain the origin and devel a firm basis for further consolida ought not to be wrecked by their of agriculture, would have been reBelso really been in the employ of opment of the state from the earli tion of the union, and for future refusal to participate. Every hon UNSER WORT moved. Such nationalization would the Fascists, had he Uved like a eat times to present day capitalism. Bains on the basis of a strong and est participant in the labor movethus have been a progressive step.
lord, had he really been exposed detailed discussion the capl. militant organization. The present ment is deeply interested in seeing Halbmonatesschrift der Internationalen Kommunisten Capitalism, however, has proceedas a provocateur and arrived in talist state machinery, the attitude strike committee continues in office to it that this abcess is opened Deutschlands (Bolschewiki Leninisten)
ed too far into its decay stage to Paris in order to perpetrate a Fasof the working class towards the until a solid shop committee organ. which can otherwise develop into be capable of such step, and it Bestellungen an: cist murder how could he have caitalist state and the role of the ization an be set up in every fac gangrene. The tragic case of Monremains the task of the proletarian failed to hide his murderous inten workers state.
tory. Considering the overwhelming tanarl Beiso must be brought before Meichler, 14 248 Rue des Pyrenees Paris 20e revolution to complete this unfintlons? Here the version provided addition to these regular forces mobilized against them the a labor fury.
Preis des Abonnements for Jahr 20; Jahr 60c ished work of the bourgeois revoby Humanite contains a fresh and courses, there will be a lecture strikers have won a notable victory. August 20, 1985 lution.
ог thing