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News from Soviet Union: The Anti-Trotsky Crusade

QUESTION BOX the class on a require By MUSTE By JACK WEBER Letters to a Workertionists and Soclal Fascists if you By WEAVER Fascist Symptoms in the Third entire public debt by the systemFellow Worlder: Correspondent so that even a handout will not be you are so long as you are firmly WATERBURYIt may be some time before Party Movement. atle issuance of government car: get a chance to write you again.
e convinced that you are working in sufficient inducement to remain in QUESTION: Father Coughlin fascist camp. Some of these very the most effective way possible for in Chiengo gives symptomatic in Without disturbing the financial in this last letter want to stress dogma to be learned by heart and the overthrow of capitalism. We has many EMPLOYED workers petty bourgeois and degenerated The present mayoralty campaign rency over several years elements who would otherwise rewin the middle clases and the exhausting the chimerical outpour sary for an understanding of the job to take the tested principles of coke the program of the per and build his National Union of so cial Justice. Would this not main must necessarily be frightened employed for the purpose of Te Ings of the capitalist horn of plenty Workers Parts and constitute ad the international working class the issues we raise and to demand away by the dangers involved in action. In this campaign the third pictured by third party demagogy. ditional reasons why it is the only movement and make them work in that they be discussed in the par.
prevent him from developing it attacking a lusty proletarian move the American scene. There are ties and groups to which they be into a fascist movement bearing ment. Because of such desertions, party movement put forward its we may add that the soldiers have party for American workers.
in mind that prior to his assumpcandidate, Jenkins, formerly a not been forgotten (they will be in the first place, as was pointed revolutionary traditions in Ameriloss of a mass base, and correspondtion to power Hitler had the progressive republican associated given the bonus. the youth out in my last letter, the workers can history which can and must be long. The is perfectly willIng fallure to come across with the goods (break strikes, etc. the with LaFollette in his speeches who will be given the opportunity in each nation do not live within used in this connection. The class ing to abide by the result of any Jenkins proceeded to lay the foun or better be required to serve the four sky bigh walls, isolated from struggles of the past in American open discussion before the working backing of very few employed It, however, any party me proletarians?
fascist organization would soon lose dations (as does Father Coughlin) country in some capacity for other countries. What happens in history have been fought out in ti fuses to face and discuss the issues. talists and fall into dust.
ANSWER: The support, by em the financial support of the caplwhich is the inevitable accompa the fascists would be in favor of here in the may be a matter the right to revolution has been Intionary and a true revolutionist not necessarily guarantee that he If the workers movement is conniment of the rise of fascism. He torced labor for the young or ot of life and death for us. In these written into the most basie docu cannot remain in such a party. For will not be successful in building fused and disorientated, however, days of war threats we can all seements of American history. Thom the first characteristic of a revolu fascist movement, but does intro the whole process can be reversed denounced as those responsible for universal conscription.
that plainly.
as Jefferson asserted that a revotionist is that he thinks for him. Auco tremendous contradictions into and a strong fascist movement de the notorious corruption in Chicago a pack of crooked Jews who have New Political Movements and The government of the is lution might be necessary about selt. Otherwise he would still be his camp which could prove fatal velop, basing itself on the middle not our government for which every nineteen years. Unless the believing in the capitalist system to him if a strong labor movement class, declassed and demoralized disgraced our city. It develops the Class Struggle that Jenkins has Nazi ties and that we fight against the masses of tree of liberty were watered with like all workers who take their exists. This applies to all such elements. Only a feally prevention Pelley of Silver Shirt fame visited that no new political movement is the bosses government which was likely to die!
ideas unthinkingly from the boss potential fascist organizations. the Chicago Friends of New Gerpress.
arises without meeting urgent If a worker joins a 80 many to secure their support for needs of one or the other of the true for the workers in every other we aim to overthrow. The same is AMERICAN TRADITIONS called revolutionary party only to One of the essential needs of a clarity to the working class so that Jenkins. Thus wwe find already two main classes in modern society. country, except the Soviet Union. celved in liberty and dedicated to tying himself and staltifying the the capitalists will not provide, oring of the Workers Party to prelocal soule how the Third The working class is slowly coming INTERNATIONALISM The conception of a nation con lose his right to think, that is stut fascist movement is finances, which the need of the moment is the buildParty continue to provide, merely on the vent fascism from even arising.
movement under present to realizatior through all its historic conditions plays reae everyday experiences that strive the proposition that all men are revolutionary movement.
strength of radio broadcasts. They For those and other reasons, a created equal. a nation in which REVOLUTIONISTS MUST in addition, an organized HERMAN BRIDGEPORTtlonary role and tends to assume with might and main as it may it revolutionary party cannot be na no individual or group should be ORGANIZE movement to break strikes, and QUESTION: What effects on. Nor is this observation based on of living. Workers in one industry Nor can it be confined to a single is a part of the picture of America in theory the principles of the rev:lings, etc. In order to turn fasest, the internal political situation in the Icaning of the movement or the other may gain temporary country. It must be part of an in which the masses have been taught olutionary movement, who in the therefore, and perform these tasks, towards anti Semitism. The entire success in bettering the conditions ternational of revolutionary parto cherish.
France (C. and united Capitalism has made at have taken part in labor Coughlin would have to transform program attempts to translate into under which they sain their livet ties in which the forces of the the realization of any front, fascism, etc. can be exstruggles, are today outside of any his organization. The contradic American terms the early demas hood, but taking the class as a workers throughout the world may impossible. Only through the res political party. To them we say thons between his words and deeds pected as a result of Hitler ogy of fasclem in its first strivings whole capitalism has exhausted its be united against capitalism, Fasolutionary action of the working that today more than at any other must then immediately become apmove toward larger armaments!
for a political foothold. Thus possibilities of granting to work cism, war.
class and its allies against capitime no one should be sitting on the parent to even the backward of the booklet issued by this party callsers any real concessions in the way ANSWER: Hitler move ennnot Just as we had to take the forces talism and for the establishment fence or standing on the sidelines employed workers. It is one thing but inclp sharpen the internal polit for an organization whose members of wages or higher standards. The that were rendy in the as of an international socialist econ. We have no time to lose if we are to merely applaud the priest high teal situation in France. prere will be subjected to astern pro waves of strike struggles, cach more material with which to start the omy can these ideas be made real to build the revolutionary party sounding radio demagogy about quisite for Imperialist war is civil gram of physical education. This militant than the last, end building of the new revolutionary in the twentieth century. Most im before the forces of reaction have international bankers, but it is an peace. And it is this assurance unprecedented American pol the proletariat still suffering the perty, so the forces in various tortant of all, there is a tradition to firmly entrenched themselves other to act as a strike breaker or which fascism has given German ities and is a clear hint of the ult same poverty, the same misery, the countries which recognize the of militancy and struggle in the and establish some form of Fascism to break up other workers meetings capitalism that, that permit imate goal of creating storm troops same intense exploitation as be breakdown of the Second and Third American working class itself here in the also.
or orgngnizations merely for the adopt its aggressive policy. French and fascist bands.
fore. The lesson is being gradually internationals must be used to which stands forth on many brilFurthermore the new revolutionist cannot be an sake of such high sounding phrases, imperialism is deprived of that party driven home that the only way out build the new, Fourth, Interna liant pages of labor history and and, if he, his relatives or friends, individualist. He cannot work freedom of motion which it would must be intensely nationalistic. is the revolutionary way through tional. The has already on upon which we can draw today, as as an irresponsible free lance. He are members of a working class like in dealing with Hitler. From It takes no clairvoyant to read the overthrow of capitalism. Hence tered into fraternal relations with it becomes necessary to raise these into this phrase the entire program the need for the Workers Party to parties and groups in Canada, Pan struggles to a higher and higher must work in an organized and organization, the antagonism with the viewpoint of French financeof American Imperialism and the give guidance to the class.
disciplined way. That means he Coughlin would then become even capital a preventive war against amn, Cuba, other Latin American plane, to the plane presently of irreconcilable struggle between must belong to the organized an sharper. This could only result in Germany at the present time, before But in parallel fashion, the big countries, Holland, France. China, ontright revolutionary action for guard of the working class, the an exodus of the employed workers Hitler becomes too strong would such a party and the organizations bourgeoisie, in their greedy scram South Africa, Australia, etc. which the overthrow of capitalism.
from his ranks.
of the be the best solution of the militant and revolutionary ble to maintain profits against the stand on the same fundamental revolutionary party, All the physical and material workers. The program calls for a desperate rivalry of the capitaliste programos we in order that as conditions for an economy of plenty unification of the revolutionary and demoralized slum elements will The petty bourgeois, declassed question, but present class relations do not give it that much elbow new party for American busines, of other nations, find the apparent soon as conditions permit definite and security for the masses are forces bas begun here in the United not be driven away so easily. The room agriculture and labor. It makes solution for their problems by steps may be taken toward the acluere. Fired with hatred of what States as well as in other coun latter two groups, may com to the following demagogic bid for withdrawing all the previous con tual establishment of the new In capitalism has done to mankind and tries. The days of retreat and de look on Coughlin as the source of do exactly as told by Litvinover That Cachin and company will the unemployed worker support: cessions forced from them by the ternational. Basiness and labor and govern workers, and by an intensive drive An army composed of battalions with modern productive forces, the ship of the revolutionary vanguard the need of large funds by fascist threats from the French foreign of mont have all falled the jobless on the living standards of the pro which exist only on paper will not American. He is entitled to work letariat and the toilers in general. do much fighting except on paper to the battle to make that vision anizing to prevent the triumph of sufficient number of reactionarles French accord, this may consister the American working class is or organizations. whereas there is a fice to otherwise break the Sovietand the new party will give him This gigantic struggle, assuming or in windy discussions. Our bigreal throughout the world.
work and do it at once. Plainly a myriad of forms, is reflected gest contribution to the revived in STUDY THE PROGRAM Fascism here, end to join with the among the former to provide many breaking the united front there is the attempt to pit politically. To accomplish sharper drive ternational movement of the workthe unemployed against the emTo those honest and militant from the face of the earth wherever to the extent that the workers against the Bolshevik Leninists and purposes financiers subsidise new ers consists of building the workers who are today members it has already triumphed. Buita movement is vigorous and growing, particularly against Trotsky, new ployed workers.
movements which rally the middle into a powerful revolutionary force of other working class parties, we the Workers Party of the United to that extent will the unemployed amalgams or perhaps vielous The new party reaches ont for class under the banner of reaction right here in the in the ot the Workers Party say: We States! Build the New. Fourth and even sections of the middle frame up, enn le expected to cover the petty bourgeoisie, overhardened for the purpose of eliminating demightiest of the capitalist imperial shall not call you counter revolu International!
by taxation. It is proposed to mocracy and preventing the work ist nations. Nobody else can do class have roots in this movement up the Stalinist treachery.
make the United States a taxlessers from seizing the power The that job for 18 The responsibility nation by using the profits from third party movement must inevit rests on our shoulders. When a transportation, light and power. ably reflect this need of the big powerful revolutionary movement shaken to its depths. d etat by the Venizelists. But we folutionary duty.
The working class has already can be sure that their passivity telephones, telegraphs, radio and bourgeoisie under present condi actually exists here in the it We are sending you this letter similar (monopolized) public serv tions. The answer by the workers will change the whole face of the lengaged in several battles on its will not last long. The mobilizawithout knowing whether it will ices to defray the cost of govern can be given not through a labor revolutionary movement throughIn Greece own account. At Cavalla the whole tion has already stirred them deep ever reach you. In spite of the ment. Here is the usual demagogic party but by means of the only out the world.
working class and pretty bourgeois ly. Famine is at our doors. Nu risk, we feel that the organizations appeal to the small man against the force of defeating fascism, the rev The seeks to be the party trusts. Inflation is promised to the olutionary Marxist drove out the authorities. They geotsie lave been ruined. It is quite what the Greek Bolshevik Leninista of the American workers created (Extraets from a letter)
farmer in order to liquidate the Workers Party.
by them, not imposed upon them, held out for five hours against the clear that we are entering a period are doing in these historic moments.
ATHENS, March The civil Venizelist troops, but they were or sharpening erists in which the Give us every possible aids Tt enters into all their struggles war has raged for eight days, finally vanquished.
Harlem Mass Meeting it gains experience and strength bloodly conflict between two capimasses will begin to battle for their a question of the honor and the In spite of the Censorship we own interests.
and recruits new forces ont of talist political parties, at bottom a have been informed that over 100 Speakers: these struggles.
In spite of all material obstacles in Greece which is at stake. Make conflict between the two great im communists and workers were our organization was the first at its every effort to call the internation MUSTE ciples. We do not despise theory. England and France. There have We stand firmly upon our prin perialist interests in the balkans, brought before the firing statation we explained the course for Greek workers in their trials! Do post. By leaflets and by direct aglal proletariat to the aid of the MOKINNEY The workers at Serres and On the contrary, without a theory been Intries on the son and battles also fought heroically against the the working class, to turn against everything possible to arouse the SIMON WILLIAMSON, Chairman we are lost, we become the victim on land, more than 150, 000 workers Venizellsta.
its oppressors, to convert the war international working class against of every kind of faker in this and peasants have been mobilized, Sunday, April 7, p.
The large masses of the people for the opposing interests of the the bloody terror the government Union Hall, 200 West 135 Street But as Engels pointed out in a hand, for the interests of their ex yet arisen, as they feel that the class war for the of the against the Greek workers.
well known passage: Our theory ploiters. The whole political, social aldaris government is merely de working class.
Admission Free We are in the greatest difficul is a theory of development, not of land economic life of the country istending legal power against a coup Several of our comrades have ties. We are constantly sought by been arrested, and comrade Georgithe police.
ment, to the last drop of our blood News from the Soviet Union taken with leaf nel of Trotskyism has been created, Aristoff was expelled from Komso beligani, who was workers and we will hold high the banner of among the students.
to moll 1820 for his Trotskyist ac soldiers, is to be brought before the Bolshevik Leninists Pravda, Jan. 10. Professortivities. For his Intest offense Ar liat koff, Professor of the History into was expelled from the unl court martial. We are marching Long live the Fourth Internaof Clans Struggle attached to the versity with faith in the power of the tional, and its Greek section, now Medical Faculty at Teheliabinsk, 13. Pravda, Jan. 18: The Secre working class, marching to our reveing born amid fire and blood. has been defending Trotskyists. In tary of the Odesse District Com stead of expelling him the local mittee is informed that the Cher The excerpts which we give be An Erring Professor workers got worse every year Party Committee and its Secretary. sonne City Committee is under the low furnish a vivid picture of the On the 23rd of December latest crusade in the 5. At the Agricultural College Morosoff, did everything possible to direction of Secretary Korostine, a convinced Trotskyist. Following a Pravda announce under the head again in White Russia, the Trot keen Piatkoff on the faculty.
against Trotskylam, indeed against Trotskyist rofessor that at skylst Polevikoff tried to provoke APRIL 20 ONLY One Expelled, One Censured AT SPECIALLLY REDUCED PRICES UNTIL resolution of the District Committee the slightest manifestation of sym Rostov Agricultural College the discussion on subjects forbidden by From the same Pravda for Korostine is expelled from (Outside of Only)
Each Reg. Price pathy for Trotsky. This picture, Trotskyist Vladimiroff head of the party (Komsomol Pravda. Dec. list Konstantinov, sometime expelled mark that the example of Odessa, KARL MARXthe 10th we learn that the Trotsky party. Pravda adds, We must re. 50 00 Capital vols.
incomplete as it is, serves to show the Department of Political Econo 30. 25 00 what little success, preceding Stal my. In his courses Vladimiroff de Critique of Political Economy from the party, was invited to the where promganda work among the January 4, 1935, Pravda be tractor station at Maloiasov. The youth is in charge of former Trot: 25 00 inist crusades have had in bury. fends the Trotskyist position on the gins the new year by informing us administration of the tractor sta skyists, is not an isolated example.
Poverty of Philosophy. 25 ing Trotskyism. We may add that October Revolution and on the that several students at Dniepro tion knew that Konstantinov was a 14. At Astrakan are discovered Eighteenth Brumaire.
this latest crusade will have no peasant question. He even at Revolution and Counter Revolution. 60 more success.
firms that Soviet economy, up until Glousman, louriert. and Brochine, made assistant to the Director in afarov, Director of the local Mu.
name Komarovski, Trotskyist; In spite of that he was the activities of the Trotskyist, Letters to Kugelmann. 00 Special Selected Essays. Under the heading Purifica the first Five Year Plan, depended have been expelled from the party Charge of Construction. One mem seum of the Revolution. Saforos Marx Engels Correspondence tion of the Party Pravda announces on December 14. that the Dnelp. Pravda carries the resolution of the ties. The expulsions are the wake pelled, the other was censured.
was handing out Trotskyist pamph FREDERICK ENGELS Rostoy Party ropetrovsk City Committee came to lets to the youth. His accomplice Condition of the Working Class in an agreement against the expulsion pelling Vladimirofition, ex of the campaign Pravda has been 75 England 1844.
10. On January 11 Pravde is was the Acting Secretary of the. censuring the carrying on against Dniepropet bursting with information on the City Committee of Komsomol. Mal. Special. 75 New edition Feuerbach.
of the Trotskyist. Tagnetskain, Director of the College, and warn rovsk Anti Duhring.
New edition 90 activities of Trotskyists. The Partyingine. The regular secretary gives member of a Trotskyist cell in the ing the directors of other colleges Ignored the Works of Stalin 215 50 fraction of the Peoples Commissar The Peasant War in Germany to redouble their vigilance. Pravda. This Trotskyistre money to exile Trotskyists. Prav.
ceived the especial protection of the It seems is not satisfied with this sadly that the Agricultural Collegexpells Reingold, head of the January Izvestia announces lat for Agriculture for the dll. Jan. 19. Origin of the Family Secretary of the Committee, a cer: Twenty Cases in Twenty Cities KARL KAUTSKYtain Levitine. From the 19th to. 50 From es, founded by none other than cotton department of the CommisKompro Sviestsdente Stalin. have all become regular parint, for his Trotskyist opinions have already counted twenty differLet us stop this enumeration. We The Class Struggle the 22nd Pravda rehashes the story for the 28th and Za Industrialisazu nests of Trotskyism. Beside Vind 11. The same issue of Pravda ent cases of Trotskylst activity in The Social Revolution Ethics and History. 60 and 10 25 Commisures the Party District Are the Jews a kace. for its rotten liberal Rachir Collegium expelled several ment are discovered at Kourak. Istance. Golendo, President of Gos months since the assassination of 50 Foundations of Christianity ism toward the Dniepropetrovsk party members at Ufa for Trotsky. tory Professor Serbent has been plan (State Planning Commission. Kirov. The number speaks more affair. On the 25th we learn that ism. certain Strachnor was ex teaching Trotskyism in his courses and Assistant to the President of eloquently GEORGE PLEKHANOV1. 00 no less a body than the Central pelled last February. He hid him. Professor of Political Economy the Council of Peoples Commissars We might remark in passing that any comment.
Fundamental Problems of Marxism. 25 Socialism and Anarchism. 60 of the Ukraine has been forced to about building up a counter revoEssays in the History of Materialism. Special take action. Severe measures are lutionary organization. The party far as numbers are concerned, there ition of the bread card system as appeared several times. This film Kulaks have been liquidated in so skyist ideas; he exp ained the abol of the Civil War in which Trotsky LEON TROTSKY 00 invoked. The Dniepropetrovsk BuThe History of the Russian Revolution. 10. 00 members were in communication still remained a qualitative base the result of the powerlessness of was labeled counter revolutionMy Life. 00 50 reau Levitine, Skrypnik, Hecht. with him.
man Ls discharged. The District Trotskyist Nost or their development. Professor of the party in its war with the ku ary. contributing to the popularProblems of the Chinese Revolution. 00 Administration is strongly censured Economy Fokine stated that the de laks. Golende was formerly aity of the counter revolutionary What Next for Germany?. Cloth. 85 Komsomolskala Pravda on mand for the liquidation of the ku member of the Left Opposition. Trotsky. In connection with this The Only Road for Germany. Cloth. 65 for having tolerated Trotskylst ele the 30th announces a Trotskyist laks was advanced by the Opposi Always True Bolsheviks ments. The local newspapers Are Nest at the Medical College in tion in 1925 26, and only acted upon 00 Whither England?
atrair several responsible officials Whither Russia?
12. The same Pravda informs us were expelled from the party, and. 00. 80 also censured for having supported White Russia. Two students, Levi by the party four or five years later. that Aristoff, a student at Gorkl several other very high officialsLenin.
the City Committee. The Director tan and Makovetz, asserted during Professor Uropitch showed a per University, stated that Trotskyists the Director of Censoship, the Diof Culture and Propaganda, Segal an examination that Trotskyism is sistent tendency to ignore the works were always true Bolsheviks in rector of the Movie Trust, and the POSTAGE EXTRA ovitch is discharged for not having the spring of Bolshevism. An of Stalin in his courses. All these the course of an argument on the leaders of te Motion Picture Work PIONEER PUBLISHERS taken action agninst the Trotsky other student, Raroumovski, proved Trotskyists were expelled, but their Kirov assassination during a politist elements at the University.
ers Union, for example received 96 Fifth Avenue, New York City that the standard of living of the influence remains, and a solid kerical examination at the university. severe censures, some even fired.
Civil War party.
the But until the last moThe Anti Trotsky Crusade BOOK SALE the 50 50 80. 00 75. 00. 50. 60. 60. 30. 30 In the two 00. 50 50 80. 50 30. 75 00