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Links GPU with Kirov Assassination | Trotsky, Leon (Federación Rusa) (1879-1940) |
NEW MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL I, NO. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1935 PRICE CENTS LENIN Trotsky Answers Indictment Bosses Pay Prosecutor Links with InSacramento Red Irial Kirov Assassination daily prens and use of action in attempt Ne Anlistere med for the case League Men InConference Union Victory Ends St. Paul Garage Strike selves.
3, 000 in LEVEN years have clapsed since the death of Lenin. But even e labor movement that Lenin knew, everything that has happened has served only to verify and strengthen the ideas and achievements with The which the name of this greatest of modern revolutionary leaders is so inseparably connected.
FEDERAL Lenin ideas are more poter and suro footed today not because of the futile attempts to convert the dead leader into an infallible god who must be worshiped, whose wordt must be mechanically repeated in and BUDGET out of season. Rather have the gained in influence because the events BULLETIN Despite the fact that public senof the last decade, wbether they have brought advances or setbacks to (From Washington Correspondent)
The Independent Union of all timent last week bad apparently the working class movement, hive demonstrated with a growing force The following article by Loon Trotsky, dealing with the Kiror the truth that the exploited an oppressed masses of humanity are to WASHINGTON, what is Workers, with beadquarters in succeeded in ousting former Disassassination and the infamous attempis of the Stalin regime to be liberated from the social order that strangles them, ouly by following writhes in the agonies of depres 1, when the capitalistic stato Minnesota, las sent the follow rict Attorney McAllister from the connect Trotsky with this assassination is of the utmost significance ing telegram to the Sacramento trial the trial was to have begun in Lenin footstepe.
and should be carefully read and studied by all revolutionary worksion, which unbalances the a week ago, but the newly elected defense: ers. It throws the searchlight on the system responsible for the ENIN was primarily and above all a proletarian revolutionist. He Federal budget? If we listened IUAW protests against prose District Attorney Otis Babcock assassination of Kirov and the subsequent executions. The remarks was animated by a central hea and a single ideal the liberation to the President, if we heeded the cution of 18 cannery and made concerning the French Stalinists and Humanite can be apof the oppressed and exploited fuum the chains of slavery. In his youth we might get the tural industrial union member asked for a week delay in order to prepare plied with equal force to their American counterparts and the Daily he became imbued with an inend able hatred of czarism and capitalIles that rellot expenditures are appeared today as the Worker Ed.
ism. He set his life course course towards the goal of ridding the world of to Wame; whence, the conclusion Industrial Alliance and Growers prosecutor. McAllister was remodern slavery, beginning with the overturn of the czar st autocracy is drawn, eut down on relief. Association to smash unionism. sponsible for the original arrests By LEON TROTSKY in the Russian empire. His principal instrument the princ pal instruLet us, Instead, look at the record View criminal syndicalism law as and indictments and had been de After the inevitable day delay, received a Paris newspaper of ment of the working class as the only consistently progressive force in au splayed in the recent Treasury vicious. Favor its peal. Or.
Leated for re election. The local December 28, containing extracts from the indictment, with a commenmodern times he conceived to be the revolutionary party, as had Mare report and set forth in the Presi capitalist press and the business tary by one Duclos. As both the extracts and the commentary originate and Engels before him.
men Associations had been de dent budget message. During workers in 13 clties or states.
from the there is no need to enter into a discussion with bired To advocate stubbornly the idea that even in backward Roela the 1934, the Federal government paid manding that special funds be auackeys. It will suffice for us to disclose the plans of their mastere SACRAMENTO, Jan. 16. The thorized to retain McAlister, and hey have now succeeded.
Just as one could have expected, the indictment doesn mention that deep conviction of the currectness of Marxian theory and a power billion; for the difference, the trial of the eighteen workers 10dicted under the Criminal Syndi Gallagher, attorney for the the Zinoviev Kamenev group by so much as a word. In other words: of penetration into the realities of social and economic development, puhlia debt was augmented that made Lenin outstanding even in the select ranks of the revolutionBillion for Bondholders calism Act opened here th morn International Labor Defense, ra sed the initial amalgam fell apart into dust.
However, concurrently it has fulfilled its task dy psychologically ary movement. If that spirit of concrete realism, which is an essential How was the money spent?
ing in a tense atmosphere boste constitutional objections to McAllister, but the judge, Del Lam preparing for another aninigam: in the Indietment there emerges sudpart of Marxism, made it possible for Lenin to deal practically with Home 750 million went to meet to the working class defendants denty suddenly, for naive people mon, wated them aside. Albert he name of Trotsky. Nikolaier every situation, to seek alles in every progressive force regardless of Interest on the public debt: 350 Goldman, attorney for the Nonhow short a distance they could mirch in common, it also made it the million more to retire part of the Partisan Defense, pointed out to he murderer of Kirov, was aecentral part of his work to cement together an fron regiment of revolu debt outstanding. In short, over a cording to s confeasion In conthe court the evidences of mob spirtlonista into the Bolshevik party.
billion dollars was devoted to the it, but the motion was denied.
cact with a consul of a foreign support of bondholders.
Gallagher charged that McAllispower. During one of Nikolaier Wer Expenditures visit to the consulate, the consul developed might be the masses who engaged in it, no matter how ter apparently small salary is be Pensions to World War veterans In Ohio conservative might be the shell in which the struggle was first con ng supplemented by funds raised gave him 5, 000 roubles for expenses.
Nikolalev adds, He told me that tained. Where the workers sought a wage increase of a few copecka The Army and the Navy took bo secounted for another million.
by the local bankers among them he can establish contact with Frotper hour, or an improvement in their conditions, Lenin and his party tween them another halt billion BULLETIN sky, if bim a letter to Trot(Special to New Militant)
Gallagher, for the International strike settlement favorable to sky from the group. And that is slon to cooperate and putting no condtions for the assistance they reb dollars for the current needs of the TOLEDO, Oblo. Over 100 elected Labor Defense, and Goldman, for military and naval establishment the union was voted Wednesday 11. Period dered. Where the workers chafed under the yoke of nom periode de patient o far, that is, as the direct data the Unemployed League in North are cooperating in the courtroom delegates, representing 25 locals of the Non Partisan Labor Defense, night for Garage Mechanics Un.
The indictment does not subse ion Local 459 of St. Paul. The Luently return to this episode. It lished, Lenin party stood in the forefront of the struggle. Where the show. We really should add to Western Ohio with over 5, 000 consulting together and dividing settlement ineludes recognition of must also be remarked that Nikopeasants rebelled against the misery and poverty of their lives under tbls, som many hundreds of mil members, met at the headquarters the work between themselves. The the union with shop committee, aley made his first avowel con.
wage rates of 65 cents an hour the rule of the feudel tords, the Belshevikese mere binele oreley in the the PwA appropriations and else League in Toledo, January 13, tor Pariye bawe accepted sa propostads erning the foreign consul and his Ing. In the course of the night, the indispensable need of allying there where. In sum, cone derably more the flest District Conference made by the Non Partisan Labor for Journeyman, 55 cents for help offer to transmit a letter to Trotsky ers, guarantee of 30 hours work efforts with those of the workers in a contion to the peed of over then billion dollars was expended of the Ohio Unemployed League. Defense for setting up joint cominly on the 20th day after his arwas utilized by the Bolsheviks to direct a week; for greasers, washers est. Manifestly, examining throwing the monarchy and making way for the final struggle of the upon the luxurlos of imperialist Although the first League in this mittee on which all the polition and runners 18 weekly mini. magistrate was com toalet war. past, present, and future.
masses against on pitalism and for their own emancipation.
district is only a year and a half and deense organizations w! ll be This is not the end of the story, old, the delegates were already vet represented and which will take mum, 44 hour work week, elght. he terror st memory in the course Lenin directed his blows not only against the enemy of the working The Agricultural Adjustment ad. erans of the class struggle, having over the conducting of the case hour day with overtime pay of or twenty days in order to extract class outside its ranks, but also against the foe, well meaning or mal 11 times wage rate. Minneapolis from him auch precious evklence!
nant, on the inside. If the Boshevik party was able, In 1914, to with million as a reward to farmers for marches, demonstrations in the and scope of the Joint committee ministration expended almost 800 participated in scores of strikes, Final settlement of the character is now negotiating settlement.
But let us that. Let us alstand the ravage of social chauvin sm which swept the Second Inter plowing under crops and taking past year. Sam Pollock, vice pres will be made at a meeting on SetLow that the evidence is authentie.
national into the trenches under the banner cause it had been prepared in advance for its Internati: position Credit Administrational downlohlo Unemployed League, pres ded.
of It was be toll out of cultivation The Farm ident of the District of the urday. Special to New Milltant) Let us moreover allow that the MINNEAPOLIS, Min. As the consul in question does actually by the struggle against the Populists. the Mensheviks, and all other 160, 000, 000, not to rescue farmers, dual strike of auto mechanics in exist in the flesh. Let us glow forms of reformism and coinpromise. If the Bolshevik party, further, but to salvage the holders of farm ports, showing the powerful growth Minneapolis and St. Paul goes into that he established contact with a its second week, the strikers are terrorist group (there have been to the overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of the first suc of the Unemployed Leagues in this militant as ever, spurred by the such instances in history. But cessful working class government, it was because it had been steeled least 500 million to prop up the top area under the leadership of mem Biscuit Strike wounding of six of their members bow and why does my name sudand tempered in a thousand preliminary battles achtnet the ruling class heavy and tottering structure of bers of the Workers Party. It was by bosses gunmen.
denly appear here?
and against conciliators in the labor movement.
In St. Paul the garages are still a remarkable and stirring account the in Is it, perhaps, because the terprivate debt. To preking. the from the lips of the workers these Three thousand workers of the closed 100 percent and the bosses rorist group was seeking contact working class. not only be of private cause of his ideas, not only because he dwg therefore, alebo Federal Deposit salone out from under the refuse heup with wh ch the bankrupt Second Interation dus down into its purse for eitionstruggle for better living con. York branch of the Inside Bakery In Minneapol s, however, the bome does not dare to assert this. Per campaign of terrorhaps Trotsky was seeking contact Incorporating his 150 million. And so it went.
The delegates, in an enthusiastic strike to break the union splitting and villitication. The two unions with the terrorist group? No, the In sum, considerably more than ideas into the two great living realities of his time: the Russian workers republic and the resurrected Revolutionary International.
one billion dollars went to en and intelligent fashion, lald out tactics of the company. The strike are cooperating perfectly, with st. indictment does not dare say this Bounce wanten destruction of their plans for their coming fight was called in sympathy with the Paul striker on the Minneapolis either. The consul himself was the from the ranks The cruel death which snatched him pragnificent Ufe, made it tain the solvency and income of the means of livelihood, to meln against the new national slave pro Philadelphia workers and now in picket lines.
one to assume the initiative and of the class to which he had devoted such a gram advanced by Roosevelt, anal cludes the York, Pa. the Atlanta, Bosses Cop Shoots Three while giving Nikolajev 5, 000 roubles impossible for Lenin to complete his work. The wave of reaction which yzed the militant mass action tacGa and Newark plants, some 7, 000 mortgage holders, and to help On Jan. 9, in Minneapolis, three on the eve of the terrorist act which set in after his death brought to the surface, and then to the belm, keep banks safe for private ties to be used, and pledged them workers in all.
members of the Garage Mechanics was being prepared, he requested a elements against whom he had contended all during his lifetime and pront.
Every Man Out selves to a finish fight against all Union were shot in cold blood by letter addressed to Trotsky. This especially during the latter part of his life. His greatest misfortune Recapitulating, the federal gov fascist programs including those of The New York strike is a fighting Jay Perkins, one of the bosses is the sole deposition a truly asoccurred not during his lifetime but after it. s ideas were defigured erament spent a good deal more Father Coughlin, Huey Long, Alfred strike. Every man in the plant is special cops. Claire Hogan of St. tounding plece of evidence made by and then canonized into a contorted and lifeless dogma. In place of the than billion dollars on anti social Lawson and William Dudley Pelley. out, including the truck drivers, Paul had his right leg broken by a Nikolajev.
working class democracy for which he had fought was placed a dis nte purposes. Hundreds of millions The conference lasted from in whom the company unionized by 45 slug, Burns Powers was wound grating bureaucratism. The Internationalism with which s life work more should be added to allow for the afternoon until 9:30 in the eve its own cheating tactics. The worked in the leg and Everett Lindfors at once stands revealed in glarlug The personality of the consul was literally drenched was replaced by a narrow minded nationalism. less readily ascertainable expendi ning without pause, every problem ers are showing remarkable mill in the face. committee of plek light. The consul is wide awake!
The Soviet republie which he led in founding and building up was tures of the same type. Cut out being analyzed and clear and com tancy for an eight months old unets was about to enter the McDon The consul is at his post! The weakened, sapped and thrown into a mortal danger by those who usurped these sums, and the budget would prehensive decisions reached, deci ton. strong picket line has the eld Gillan Garage to conter with consul requires a tiny document, his leadership. The Third International which he led in organizing almost balance without taking a slous spelled in terms of greater factory sewed up. picketing has the employer when Perkins blazed a letter from the terrorists financed and consolidating as the general start of the world revolution was penny away from reliet. Better mass action.
been extended to stores throughout away. The boss press reported one by him to Trotsky. Did the conundermined, disemboweled, and eventually destroyed as a revolutionary organization. Continued on Page 4) ORDER PAMPHLETS NOW. Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
Not discouraged by these events, but rather continuing to draw our Inspiration from the tenacious and confident struggle be carried on for the ideal of the world socialist society, the revolutionists of today bave once more raised his banner. We want to commemorate the anniversary of Lenin, not by fine speeches articles, but by strengthening our determination and increasing our activity to accomplish in this country Making a couple of preliminary International working class sollder Comrade Eero Boman of New Yorkyze these issues clearly and keep anton locals long nce defunct.
the foundations of Lenin work and Ideas, and adopts his methods, in Canada, Musto, naity and a prophecy of an interna translating the Declaration of the workers from being misled by Here an unemployed organization proudly proclaims its goal to be the working class struggle against the Al secretary of the Workers tional Workers Republic. Principles of the which vague promises.
met last year, under the influence iniquities of capitalismo a su intines plantation and Mosery, arabinet war Party of the United States, and is running in the paper.
Speak to 400 There is splendid group of of a Democratic politician.
James Cannon, editor of the cousystem of capitalism and replace it with the new order world social am!
New Militant, have launched their For our mass meeting here more Canada New Deal young comrades here. After our ple of our comrades were expelled, There is excitement here over meeting, when we were having for being too radical. It, too, In the spirit of Lenin, the thinker, the guide, the map of action, the tour to present the pro than 100 workers crowded the Laproletarian revolutionist! For the working clas Arst, last, and al grun to the workers of the cont bor Lyceum, notwithstanding the radio broadcasts of the Tory prem coffee and tea (ses, both. in a bow dead.
fact that the In this hall, on Sunday afternoon, try.
way! For the Fourth International, the rightful heir of Lenin work Communist party ier, Bennett. This conserva restaurant, they sang labor and and aspirations! For the International socialist order!
First reports from Comrades staged a rival meeting. The work tive politician is adopting. Roose revolutionary songs. The branch we talked to a group of deeply iners stayed until almost dnight, veltian tactics, declaring assez has a chorus. New York and other terested workers about what might Muste and Canon tell of a grow asking questions. They showed in faire, old style capitalism is dead aistricts take noticel That an be in the and of labor a road WP Moves National Office workers, and of Tory Premier tense interest in recent events in and advocating social insurance, dea for 18 And we should have be porte Carrer distribution of income a song book Bennett new deal gestures to non replies completely lenced (without very specific suggestions)
Or for Hamilton!
When we had inished, one of these workers sald, Send a young In Toronto the Workers Party the Communist party members of control of stock speculation, etc.
the audience.
The fact that a Tory must come HAMILTON, Ont. This is the comrade up here as an organizer, of Canada, sister organization to The Canadian Worker admits that out for such a program is a meas most highly industrialized town, and ll see that he gets a bed and the of the US, has an im In addition to the new office, we portant and widening Influence.
Comrades! Friends! Sympathiztwo Ukrainian workers who wenture of the revolt stirring among in proportion to the population, three squares a day.
Canada. But the labor and radical ers! We have done our part; we have the cost of moving, the neces.
In Hamilton, Ont, where labor to Russia, one deported from Can the masses.
have moved to the new headquar sity of expanding our printing has long been conservative, and ada for activities, were re In the United States we have movement is weak. The discontent FOLLOW THE NEWS IN THE itself in NEW MILITANT.
cently executed by the Communist seen what new dealreall of the workers en proof the ters the entire third floor of plant, of obtaining a new press to in Tonawands, where as party in the means to workers.
Here Bennett voting for friends of West 15th St. replete with spa take care of increased New Mili recently as last year Demoors The Workers Party of Canada seems to be taking the wind out of of stripe.
Yet there is some radical activiSUBSCRIBERS, ATTENTION!
clous, well lit offices. Room for tant and New International circu tle politician dominated the un the National Headquarters, for the lation, the cost of our growing trade employed organization, workers bas a flourishing branch here, an the beral party sails on the eve listened eagerly to the message of other in nearby Hamilton, and in of election. Even the Cooperative ty: small but lively branch o!
the of Canada vigorously Watch the number after your Workers School, for the District union and unemployed work, of the the Workers Party.
name on the wrapper of your Office for trade union and unem new school and the bookshop.
From week to week the New with contacts in other towns. Its democratic farmer labor party pushes its propaganda.
Our meeting here was not large, When the serial ployed work, and for the new PlonShume us for having underesti Mlitant will follow Comrades a Ands it hard to criticize Bennett Progrum of Action includes: number on the masthead of the rer Bookshop mated you; make the foundation Muste and Cannon in their tour 1, 500 fund to enable it to issue a program; there is even talk of a but the workers showed by their paper corresponds to it, your An expanding party must beve fimd go over the top. Pay your BETON the country.
subscription is expiring! Thle large headquarters. But Alas! pledges, and pledge again. Don tary Jack MacDonald in the spring: bility that the leader, bow eager they are for belp in issue is number Headquarters do not grow on trees. miss this opportunity, abash us, By MUSTE 3) national conference following Woodworth, and Bennett will get forming revolutionary program.
Plese save us the expense and do a Stanley Baldwin Ramsay Mac Now it is up to you. Come to baffle us, astonish us, overwhelm TORONTO, Ont. The rat stop the tour.
TONAWANDA, Back to bother of writing you expecially our support; sed us Subscribe and over subscribe Comrade Cardon and are making here in Toronto, our com Donald brother act.
the United States! In a rather about your expiration, and send nekels, dimes, quarters, half dol Make the foundation fund go on our tour to present the Workers rades are the leading infuence in Opportunity for hleak hall in this industrial center ns 50e or 00 about an issue in lans, dollars, Ares and feet. This Over the top Party program to the workers of a promising unemployed movement. All this means there is a real op bangs charter of an of.
adynne the critical moment, we must the United States is in Canada At the office of Vapaa Sana, a portunity for the of Canada, central trades council, and around. Business Manager are fiende JOIN THE WORKERS PARTY. Thle we may take me mbel Weekly Manlah paper, we found as the Marilat party able to anal It halt down local charter of Muste, Cannon In Canada; Find Workers Party Active There Takes Floor at 2W. 15th St. try to halt this ferment your copy.