Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyCuban RevolutionDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismKirovLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMussoliniNazismPolitical bureauSocial DemocracySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

What is the Meaning of Rakovsky Surrender?
Stalinism Kneels to American Imperialism Collapse of the Disarmament Bubble SATURDAY APRIL 28, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE L. Trotsky the working class and in all demo Cuban Revolution cratic countries prepares the way for Fascist slavery. Iu France Thaelman policy is being carried on by Thorez. While in Germany the elite of the proletariat languishes in concentration camps and prisons, the Comintern bureaucracy works indistinguishably as though un accomplice of the social demoRakovsky declaration making Nazi victory in Germany, 1934 the cal factor has gradually disap cracy, to make the whole of Europe, article on the shameful role of the functioning of the state were policy had been utilized; if our ma known his intention, in view of the Austrian catastrophe. In all these peared from the field of vision of yes, and the whole world, into one Stalinism in the Cuban revolu at hand, to a complete dismounting terlal resources had not been Editor Note The following once the possibilities of paralyzing on political power. If a correct acate sharpening of international events and processes the analyses the Russian masses. They pin their lascist concentration camp. And reaction, to submerge his differences and prognoses of the Left Opposi hopes on the economic successes of Kirov, a member of the leading tion was written especially for of the repressive apparatus of the limited, it would not be infantile to affirm clearly, that the working completely to discipline came to unfortunately negatively confirmed. slonately the problems of food and the world, admits that he lacks cia Villareal, one of the leaders No workers party has ever had class would at this moment, be wag many as a bolt from the blue. And one may read carefully for in shelter, they grow optimistic on the words to express the joy of living of the Bolshevik Leninist Party a greater historical responsibility ing no wonder in the course of the stance the two novels of the French basis of a good crop but what today. Can this be simple stupid. tional Communisti League. preliminary combats for the than that which falls directly on conquest of power.
years of his exile the old fighter writer Malraux. Les Conquerants concerns the international workingity? No, the man is not stupid; the Stalinist bureaucracy of the But, having grown and fortified was transformed from a human and La Condition Humaine. With class movement has become the pro unorcover he gives expression not Carribean secretariat, and of the its influence, Stalinism, by its narfigure to a symbol, not only for the out fully realizing the political infession of Manuilsky Kuusinen Los only to his own feelings.
The present stage in the develop Communist Party of Cuba. Not only row political outlook, isolated the His but for wide strata of the terrelations and consequences, the ovsky, whom no one in the country winged ment of the Cuban revolution is in a historical sense, but also in workng clasy, pushing it onto the word is repeated working class in general.
author presents here annihilat takes seriously.
praised by the entire Soviet press. al regression toward plans of de tion of revolutionary polley, Cuban zags: abrupt and marked on the one hand by a grad the daily and immediate applica road of adventures; violent zigThe average reader reaction to ing Indictment against the Comin The Example of Kiror withdrawals. bar Speakers and listeners alike simply tensive struggles, and on the other stalinism has been converted into trom understanding the rhythm of Rakovsky surrender is that it is tern policy in China and strength As to the spiritual make up of forget the whole world: they act, by an accentuation of the acute the most negative factor within the the development of the revolution, a victory for the bureaucracy, or ens in a most striking manner thru the ruling upper crust of the Soviet think, fuel only Russian and even contradictions of the existing Doll process of the revolutionary devel it classed the petty bourgeois sovif this strata be given its personal his images and figures all that the Union, one example is highly illu: in this frame only bureaucratically. tical and social regime. Following lopments. The whole blame for the ernment of San Martin as a bour.
pseudonym a great victory for Left Opposition had already laia minating. how Kirov expressed Effects of Isolation Stalin! True, Rakovsky did not down in its theses and formula behimself at last party congress.
the great struggles carried out by proletarian defeat, falls on the cois feudal government, lackey of The declare his views false norsing core the events themselves, No How beautiful it is to live now Sosnovski and Preobrajenski reflect the working class trom September shoulders of Stalinism, without any imperialista. Such a gross theory Byzantian pacans of praise to the one can dispute these invaluable is almost impossible to express. the same spirit. They close their conjuncture of the revolution has before problems that demand ener match. All efforts were directed bureaucratic leadership, but in any theoretical triumphs of the Marx Kirov is no chance Agure, he is leyes to the world proletariat. That ceased, to make way for an offen getic and decisive action, consti towards the overthrow of the Grau case by his declaration he acknow ian method! But just so in the member of the political bureau and alone makes it possible for them to sive of the old ruling classes, under tutes the last requiem to its exist sovernment, in benefit, not of the ledged that in the struggle against year 1996 not the Marxian method the political governor general of reconcile themselves to thie national the pressure and control of Yankee ence as a vanguard party of the working class, but of imperialist the struggle against the Stalinist fented. Later, after a period of within the party which Zinoviewerspectives of the Soviet bureau diplomacy.
great exploited masses.
reaction which was once more preIt from years the methods proved victor held at the pinacle of his influence. iation, they need it because they early morning of January 18th, considerably backward in its poll state apparatus.
The governmental crisis of the The labor movement of Cuba, paring its return to power over the the purely individual point of view lously correct. Right after the de That Kirov rejoices over the tech seo no point of support, wo lever, when president Grau San Martin tical conceptions, grew in a serious his declaration contains nothing teat, however, 90 of the cadres nical successes and the mitigation to great historie possibility in the was forced to resign by the peace progressive manuer, from the time Confusing the Masses of the revolting and shame including the members of the Cen of the food scarcity is quite under: storms of proletarian catastrophies tul uprising of the army, did not of the fall of Machudo infamous ful sell abasement and self degrad tral Committee quit the party, standable. There is not an honest in the West, following one on the in any sense signify a simple pollu dictatorship. Reformism offered no ences, it confused all of its adverWithout distinguishing essential or purely formal political differ ation which have become now indis turned into peaceful citizens, some worker in the whole world who heels of the other.
pensable conditions for Bolshevist limes even into philistines. does not rejoice over this. The cal ministerial crisis, but rather obstacle to the revolutionary devel. saries in one solid mass. Internal After Hitler victory party loyalty, It appears at first which the tragie passage from the offen. opment of the masses, because of discords among the class enemies, Defeats of the Proletariat frightful part of it consists in that brought the pre history of the sive to the defensive.
glance all the more important from is not by chance that national Kirov sees only these national pur. Fourth International. Left Oppo the working class had been defeat tradition and because the soil of instead of being utilized in the inOnce more the lack of a political and organic the political point of view.
it would, however be absolutely on the basis of the social achieve the whole field of the International for us in Germany as well as in Hoeing from the political power sharpness of the economie contrareaction triumphed in the tial successes but leaves out of sightsition. to an end, it was not easy led by its class adversaries. Upon Cuba is unfavorable to it due to the Lerests of the workers, were considered unimportant by Stalinism.
false to dwell only on the immediments of the proletarian revolution workers movement.
ate Impressions and purely paycho The proletariat of the West and catorship rules in neighboring Por of inertin that rules in all fields months, the petty bourgeoisie, by ment, two parties alone, struggled lusses was interpreted by the fun.
Military dic Europe in general that is the law which it had held during four dictions within the labor move ula to confuse the dominating The Leninist insurrectionary formlogenl effects of events. It is the the oppressed peoples of the East Land, blackest reaction in all other to realize that now we must build logic of the historic process, should for supremacy. Stalinism, with its clonaries of official Stalinism in a bounden duty of every Marxist to exhibit nothing but defeats. Instead neighboring states.
appraise Rakovsky case not as a lof the dietatorship of the proletar forced to preserve friendship case in itself but as a political at the dictatorship of fascism with Mussolint and the Italian pro however not taken this road in time less struggle with the old. Had we ot the only progressive class in Bolshevik Leninists, organizational most peculiar manner: Io confuse symptom, that is, to bring it in re spreads. Irrespective of what the letariat remains after twelve years the Left Opposition would not on modern society: the proletariat. Ily small but ideologically found the proletariat found itself forced. Thus when lation with the deeper processes of reasons for this may be, since the of fascism still completely power not have emerged from its pre bis have signified the victory of the The fall of Grau San Martin should Road to Emancipation Opened development.
Revolution itselt proved inadequate, less and dispersed.
to fight, it was already too late for The impetus of the masses who Center Shifted to West The Chinese tory into its own history proper but working class. But, far from this, for the first time in history, found Carlos Mendieta had been raised to the idea of the International revo revolution was wrecked; Japan would have disappeared from the Already more than halt a year lution was bound to suffer discred rules in Manchuria; the Soviet Un political scono altogether. How to mums to come here and return to the the road to their emancipation open shoulders of the American marines.
it. The Left Opposition above all. on sees itself forced to deliver to much more difficult. however, it is tions, and to Imperialist rule in the most impressive wave of strikes ot Mendicta is a defeat for the pro The extremely difficult condi as the representative of the prin Japan the Chinese Eastern Railway, for the old cadres of the Left Op Cuba.
coming to power tions under which the Russian Bol. ciples of the International Revolu the most important strategic Instru. position in the dispersed and combats the country had ever letariat. Only by shevik Leninists work exclude them tion, experienced a loss of conf ment of the revolution in the East. Isolated, disorientated, or what is Reasons for the Defeat seen. The proletariat passing from tensive energetically and conscious preparing the defrom the possibility of playing the dence in the leading role on the international masses of the Soviet Union. This la victory without a night and no to embark on the new road. Rakovelop forward, breaking the restat building its cadres; creating its the united front; building the lights of the toiling In Germany the Nazis bave scored worse, systematically misinformed, tion, Objectively mature, did not do ottensive along the whole trout. reaching out to all of the mass scale. More than this; the Left is the real reason for the growth of bureaucratic cheat or trickster wil vsky is a great revolutionary tem: ance of the reactionary nuclel, and, own militia; preparing the assaulting equipment of the proletariat Oppoaltion group in the the autocratie rule of the bureau dare any longer to pass this victory perament, personality, a lucia can develop into a new party only cratic apparatus in the Soviet Unoff for the acceleration of the inind. But no one should be deitied.
which will guard the retreat and as a result of the successful formaton and of its national conservative proletarian revolution In Austria Rakovsky too is only a man and, tion and growth of the new Interna degeneration.
prepare tomorrow offensive, is it the chained and bleeding proletar having been for years separated The possible to check the disintegration tional. The revolutionary centre of Every Russian worker feels now lat lies prostrate on the ground. from the great historic perspectives of the workers ranks which are gravity has shifted definitely to the tod with his whole heart his solt The Comintern is compromised, be which inspire the cadres of the talling back under the blows of roWest where the immediate possl darity with the proletariat of the yond redemption, it has become a Fourth International, the human action.
bilities of building parties are imrest of the world and hopes that brake on the revolution. Despite in him won the upperband. By this measurably greater (The Soviet it be finally victorious, but the in its crimes the social democracy be we do not at all mean to justify Treasonable Capitulation Union and the Fourth Internation ternational revolution as a praeti lcomes anew the strongest party of Itakovsky. For fighters to explain. The New York Times of April 16, greatest armament race since the But Stalinism does not underal, page 28. These lines were no chance redoes not mean to forgive, it means in an editorial has few good World War. It is no longer a ques stand this question either. Buoned only to strengthen one revolution words to say for the students who tion of disarmament but efforts of by unbridled reaction the road to mark but summed up rather the ary certainty.
demonstrated against war in the the rival countries to restrain each which stalinism prepared in a crimwhole experience of the last decade. The Russian Left Opposition The Gleichsbalting (co ordina Schools of the country last week. other in the mad feverish marathon. iual manner, it has done nothing tion) proceeded downwards for There was an unquestionably sin. The statesmen know the hour of but yield cynically and openly bewhich set itselt the direct aim of reconstituting the Bolshevik party years from revolutionary interna cere and admirable feeling shown war is nearer than ever. The Lore the dictates of the plutocracy.
tionalism to national reformism, in protesting against war as a cruel Times writer in the same article its last resolutions, emanating from and of shunting its policy back on the rails of the International revofrom Lenin to Kirov. Thus the and useless resortn But was says: The governments of neigh the bureaucratic and chantaglist The key to many of the policies, 173. and to Peru, where the in victory over Rakovsky is only the not, it asks, the display of praise boring powers may solemnly pro Carribean Secretariat, complete ite buitenspeccumbed the the struggle. of American imperialism, both increase was 322. is symptomatic of most glaring symptom of the de worthy emotion misdirected? Where claim at every opportunity that war infamous treason. Stalinism bas orOne may suffer defeat because relation to Latin America and to process that in the anal analysis gradation and wreckage of Marx upon sound advice is administered is furthest from their thoughts, burdered thut in case of a revolution polley. But also with a correcting facts and figures, the latter war.
one pursues fundamentally false Japan, may be found in the follow can only be changed by imperialistism in the country which became a to the bewildered student youth. their general studia proceed upon the property of the imperialist feupolley one may fall victim to an taken from a Panama newspaper.
workers state due to Marxism. What these young men ought to the assumption that it is an immt. dal Loldings are to be respected, be unfavorable relation of forces. EnIn this time of crisis every shred, remarkable dialectic, a bitter dialec do. it says, Ls to pass on from nent possibility. cause imperialism is an infinitely veritable flood of goods from scrap and crumb of foreign market tic, but it is actually here and can their detestation of war to hearty The international agencies for superior enemy. revolutionary party which suffers a can market which, for the last 15 teaspoonful of water to a man dy.
gels repeatedly pointed out that a Japan is reaching the Latin Amerlassumes a great importance. not be evaded by mental acrobatics. Support of every international ag peace are as useful in preventing! This shameful capitulation has decisive historie defeat is inevitably years, has been considered reserved ing of thirst is much more imporHitler Aided Stalin Jency designed to prevent it. This war as were their pre 1914 proto not even caused the most simple reduced to nought organizationally for the While the amount of tant than a well of water in a repression of a subjective impasse proposal that the young men should What did the Hague conventions otruption of the of Cuha, ha Rakovsky declaration is the ex. is followed by the very practical types in preventing the World War: party militant to blush. The corAt Orst glance it would seem that goods bearing the tale Made in gion where there is plenty. These and of pessimism. Without exage devote their energies to getting the 1899 and 1907 providing for the already reached such a state that the fate of the Bolshevik party u. is diminishing the goods two facts of Japan increasing erating by a hair breadth we can Nations and adhere to the World disputes mean on the days of Au but not even a protest can be hoped United States to join the League of Pacific settlement of international not only is a resurgence Impossible, twelve years later achieved the are increasing in number, relative the great demand for every dollar the aid of Hitler. That means, howCourt.
gust 1914? The answer is equal for. The Litvinore Roosevelt pact, greatest revolutionary victory in denounced in time by tho Internaty to the amount of imports from worth of market by the u. ever, that Rakovsky road leads to Bankruptey of Peace Agencies to zero.
o pelo tele tase rating this example only relation to the figures of each pre when readibent be a refporta comuniterea nodates away here dozens oer a more an inopportuele momenten els select Endowment for International Peace borne its most delicato truit: ro national conferences.
a mass organization the Bolshevik young comrades. In the scope of the eyes of misguided students to and the Foreign Policy Association spect for the domination of Yankee Silks: cambrics; food stuffs; pa.
during the years 1907 1911. There crockery, glassware, and party disappeared from the scene per goods; articles of porcelain Exports to South America the international politics of the ward international agencies for in recent reports utter doleful notes tanuce capital This prostration of the Stalinist proletariat it will change nothing. peace. Right now the bankruptcy about the agencles for preserving china Part of the meaning behind the In Rakovsky we mourn lost poli of all so called International efforts peace. Every foot of the earth is functionaries at the feet of impere a ined oplyte vier. Scattered, for drus, medical and tollet articles, Pan American congresses, treaties, tical friend We do not feel cursor peace have become so transpar. covered by one peace pact or an lulism will so down as the most start with Lenin at the head. The of import.
remained above all the emigrant loid these are the chief articles These figures are taken from the thens, although tragically from the speak out openly about it.
there remained a tradition, there shoes; rubber articles; toys; cello of exports to South America. from the struggle, since it streng capitalist press are compelled to these mutual pledges are not work the Communist International in the Ing satisfactorily. Dr. James Browo last ten years.
World Year Book: personal point of view but polític In the columns of the Scott of the Carnegie endownment New Revolutionary Explosion Imrising tide of 1912 1914 brought a Japanese Exports 1928. 480, 814, 000 ally unshakeably, our fundamental Times, just one day prior to the questions the good faith of the new revolutionary generation to its Impending The value of the imports from 1929.
teet, roused part of the old Bol. 539, 309, 000 principles. As a revolutionary fac editorial mentioned, a London cor powers who signed the treaties. He Today the Cuban revolution re1930.
337, 608, 000 sheviks out of their lethargy and Japan to Paraguay in pesos de oro: tor the Comintern is dead. From respondent writes: Fourteen years has a suspicion the signatories have treats before the onslaught of the 1924 1931 158, 691, 000 thus created a new party organiza. 140, 231 1925 1932. 97, 132, 000 tion, which was historically but proletariat can expect only obstruc of Nations has come to naught so es. How else, he asks, can it become parole card the demoralization of 1926 These Agures for 1982 are less tions, difficulties and sabotage. The far as disarmament is concerned. possible for nations to negotiate and reaucratic leadership. In the near in no way organizationally the. 242, 073 1927 276, 014 than 20 of those for 1929.
continuator of the old Bolshevik 1928.
308, 597 same process is at work on a world or degree but by no means hopeless we read. The disarmament bub peace, then violate it, and then sign explosion, which will penetrate deep party. This example by no means To Peru, in Japanese yen: scale as the following figures for since our dificulties are only the ble the pretense maintained con another identical treaty. exhausts the question with which the world export of the show difficulties of ly into the popular masses of the 1928 1, 758, 651 world capitalism vincingly since 1919, that the heav Peace Pacts and Wars nation, is inevitable. It is necessary we are concerned but offers certain 1929 2, 601, 545 1928. 5, 128, 350, 000 points of support for its understandtransformed through both bureau ily armed powers would some day There is a contradiction between to organize in the midst of the strug1930 1929.
2, 234, 774. 5, 240, 005, 000 cracies. Two processes run along consent to reduce their armaments what is signed and what is done, gle a capuble political leadership in ing.
The Struggle for Industrialization 1931 729, 205 1930. 3, 843, 181, 000 side of each other, into and through was semi publicly exploded last the Carnegie report shows: order to lead the next assault on the 1931 1932. 2, 424, 289, 000 each other: on the one hand the de week, and the very word disarma The Kellogg Briand pact re enemy positions. If this leadership The Left Opposition began with 1933. 1, 857, 807 1932. 1, 611, 016, 000 composition of the old structure, ment may as well be dropped. The nounced war. But there has been calls, if it is unable to mold itself in the struggle for the industrialization and agrarian collectivitation (first six months only) Do the Figures Spell War? the renunciation of old beliefs, cap question now, as the Geneva con Do reduction in land armaments. the course of the present battles, the In Panama, where three years Japanese exports in these years Itulations before Hitler and, as a ference on Tuesday recognized, 18 All the nations of the Western then the revolution will recede for a won in a certain sense namely in aso Japanese goods were unknown. decreased also, but nowhere near shadow thereof, capitulations before whether even a convention limiting Hemisphere signed anti war pacts. long time to come.
that, beginning with 1928, the whole they now hold second place. The the degree of the other powers. Stalin; on the other hand, however, future arms increases can be agreed But Paraguay and Bolivia have But the abnegation, vigor and tenIn Yen the awakening of criticism, a fer upon when the full conference meets been at war for the last two years. acity demonstrated by the Bolshevikpolicy of the Soviet government Agures given are in Panamanian 1928. 1, 971, 935, 000 erish search for the broad revolu May 23. our emphasis represents a bureaucratically dis doliars, and for the months cited The nine power treaty signed at Leninists in the recent months; their torted application of the principles only.
1929 2, 148, 618, 000 tionary road, the gathering of the Thus the disarmament comedy is Washington in 1922 guaranteed the whole hearted consecration to the of the Left Opposition. Without Before May, 1931, there was a 1930 1, 469, 862, 000 cadres of the Fourth International drawing to a close. The imperial. Integrity of China. But Japan in proletarian cause, make it possible 1931 this the Soviet Union would not be monthly Import of less than 15, 000.
1, 146, 081, 000 ist powers are now engaged in the vaded China in 1831 and has reto predict that we shall be able with Light will Come From West in existence any longer. But the May, 1931. 29, 180 1932. 1, 409, 962, 000 The Leninist current in the Sovmained there since.
the aid, especially, of the proletariat economic questions of the Nov. 1931 While in 1532 exports iet Union can from now on only be We have no time to weep long If the student or anyone else does of North and South America, to formed only one part, and a suborJuly, 1933 94, 025 dropped to 31 of the 1929 figures, revived by great revolutionary suc over lost friends be it even com not relish the prospect of being guide the broad Cuban masses, cordinate one at that of our program Aug. 1933. 100, 745 Japanese exports only dropped, atcesses in the West. Those Russianrades of thirty years of struggle. slaughtered in another capitalist rectly and surely, towards the conwhose center of gravity rested in Tendeney Alarms the end of the year 1932, to 67. Bolsheviks who remain true to our Let every Bolshevik say to himselt: war, he had better reject the advice quest of political power.
the sphere of international revolu These are but examples of a gen Does this inequality mean war in cause under the unheard of pressure sixty year old fighter with ex of the Now York Times. Instead The coming upturn must And the tion. And in this sphere we have eral tendency that is causing to which the American and Japanese of national reaction and there are perience and prestige left our ranks. let him turn his eyes toward the Cuban proletariat in condition to during the last eleven years, togeth say the least, a great deal of an wage slaves will, among other more of them than we suspect will In his place must win three twen working class movement, and par fight and win, because leadership er with the whole world proletar xiety in the These figures are things, fight to determine whether be recompensed by the further tv year old ones and the gap wil ticularly toward the revolutionary is tempered in struggle and each For day finds it better prepared. The lat, suffered nothing but defeats: in not large, but the fact that Japan Japanese or North American goods course of development. But now be filled. Among the twenty year section of the working class.
1928 in Bulgaria and Germany, in exports to the Latin American shall be found in the bazaars of the light will come not from the old ones new Rakovskys will be only in the destruction of capital new workers party, the Bolshevik 1924 in Bathonia, 1926 27 in China, markets can gain, as in Brazil. India, the fairs of South America East but from the West. Even the ſound, who with us or after us, winism, the cause and breeder of wars, Leninist Party, is a guarantee of 1926 in England and Poland, 1928 82 where for the first half of 1983, the and the market placea generally of shamelessly betrayed Chinese revocarry forward our work. and the victory of the workers, les victory.
to Cuba, the world?
the progressive bureaucratic degen Increase was 118. lution waits for a new Impulse on TROTSKY. the certainty of the disappearance GARCIA VILLARRAL.
eration of the Comintern, 1983 thela relatively changing position, al. the part of the world proletariat. March 81 1934 of war. Havana, April 12, 1934 America vs Japan in Latin America. 293, 678 840, 574. 40, 308