4 THE CLASS STRUGGLE counts for the flood of falsehood and calumny which poured upon the heads of the brave leaders and their revolutionary movement from the filthy mouthpieces of the robber regime of criminal capitalism throughout the world.
The rise of the working class is the red spectre in the bourgeois horizon. The red cock shall never crow. Anything but that!
The Kaiser himself will be pitied and forgiven if he will but roll his eyes heavenward, proclaim the menace of Bolshevism, and appeal to humanity to rise in its wrath and stamp out this curse to civilization.
And still the curse continues to spread like a raging conflagration it leaps from shore to shore. The reign of capitalism and militarism has made of all peoples inflammable material.
They are ripe and ready for the change, the great change which means the rise and triumph of the workers, the end of exploitation, of war and plunder, and the emancipation of the race. Let it come! Let us all help its coming and pave the way for it by organizing the workers industrially and politically to conquer capitalism and usher in the day of the people.
In Russia and Germany our valiant comrades are leading the proletarian revolution, which knows no race, no color, no sex, and no boundary lines. They are setting the heroic example for world wide emulation. Let us, like them, scorn and repudiate the cowardly compromisers within our own ranks, challenge and défy the robbereclass power, and fight it out on that line to victory or death!
From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet am Bolshevik, and proud of it. The Day of the People has arrived. The State and Revolution By NIKOLAI LENIN The State is the Product of the Irreconcilability of Class Contradictions The teachings of Marx are faring now as have fared more than once in the course of History, the teachings of revolutionary thinkers and leaders of the oppressed classes in their struggle for freedom. During their lifetimes, the great revolutionists have met, at the hands of the oppressing classes, only with constant persecutions, and their teachings have encountered the most savage hostility, the most insane hatred, the most irresponsible flood of lies and slanders. After their death the effort is always made to transform them into harmless ikons, to canonize them, as it were, and to surround their names with a certain halo, so that they may be used for the consolation of the oppressed classes and for their stupefication, by emasculating the content of the revolutionary doctrine, removing its revolutionary edge, and vulgarizing. it. At present the bourgeoisie and the opportunists within the workers movement are united in the performance of this operation on Marxism. They forget, gloss over, pervert the revolutionary side of the doctrine, they steal its revolutionary soul.
They place in the foreground and magnify whatever is acceptable or appears acceptable to the bourgeoisie. And don forget that all Social Chauvinists are now Marxists. More and more the German bourgeois scholars, who but yesterday were specialists in the extermination of Marxism, talk of our national German Marx, as if he had originated the workers unions, so magnificently organized for the waging of a war of conquest!
In view of this situation, in view of the wide currency of Marxist distortions, our task becomes, first of all, to reveal once more the true teaching of Marx concerning the state.
For this purpose we shall have to reprint a large number of long selections from the works of Marx and Engels them